I wanted to post a beautiful OOTD today, but unfortunately health does not want to be my friend since I came back from vacation, I hope I will be able to post it this week-end or at the beginning of next week. I still have to show you the last e.l.f. nail polish from the set, but I wanted to take a break from dark colors and show you a beautiful and colorful nail polish :D
Pentru astăzi voiam să vă pregătesc un frumos OOTD, dar cum sănătatea nu ţine cu mine de când m-am întors din vacanţă, cu mare părere de rău OOTD-ul trebuie să mai aştepte puţin. Întrerup seria manichiurilor "dark" şi vin astăzi să vă arăt o oja într-o culoare foarte vesela, culoarea pepenului :D
(Avon Speed Dry 30' - Mambo Melon)
This is my first Avon nail polish I never tried them because I heard that they chip easily and to be honest I don't like to buy my nail polishes if I can't see them before. My mom had the curiosity to buy one and so I borrowed it from her to show it to you :) It applies very nicely, it has a watery consistency you can gt away with just two coats, but I would apply a third one. I like the brush, it is not very wide, but not to thin either it is easy to apply the nail polish with it without making a mess. I couldn't test how long it lasts on the nails because of my top coat (I will talk about it soon) because my nail polish peeled the exact same day. The first coat dries in 30 seconds, the second one in 5 minute, so I would say the nail polish dries quicly on the nails :)
This is my first Avon nail polish I never tried them because I heard that they chip easily and to be honest I don't like to buy my nail polishes if I can't see them before. My mom had the curiosity to buy one and so I borrowed it from her to show it to you :) It applies very nicely, it has a watery consistency you can gt away with just two coats, but I would apply a third one. I like the brush, it is not very wide, but not to thin either it is easy to apply the nail polish with it without making a mess. I couldn't test how long it lasts on the nails because of my top coat (I will talk about it soon) because my nail polish peeled the exact same day. The first coat dries in 30 seconds, the second one in 5 minute, so I would say the nail polish dries quicly on the nails :)
Este pentru prima dată când încerc ojele de la Avon, auzisem că nu sunt atât de rezistente şi sinceră să fiu nici nu-mi place să le comand dintr-un catalog, îmi place sa pot vedea ojele înainte de a le cumpara. Mama a avut curiozitatea de a încerca una, asa că am împrumuta-o de la ea :) Se aplică foarte frumos, are o consistenţă puţin mai lichida şi desi este destul de opacă din doua straturi eu n-aş zice nu la trei. Pensula nu este foarte lată, dar nici subţire, e numai bună pentru o aplicare frumoasă şi usoara. Nu am putut sa îi testez rezistenţa pentru că din cauza top coat-ului (o să vă povestesc despre el cat de curând) mi s-a dezlipit oja de pe unghii în aceeasi zi. Primul strat se usucă in 30 de secunde, cel de-al doilea strat se usucă perfect in 5 minute, deci se usucă destul de repede :)
Natural light/ Sunlight / Lumină naturală / Soare
Sunlight / Soare
(I applied a big particle of gold glitter on every nails / am aplicat câte o particula mare de sclipici auriu pe fiecare unghie)
The color is beautiful, the perfect color for summer, if I ever miss summer in the colder seasons,then I will defintely wear this nail polish :)
The color is beautiful, the perfect color for summer, if I ever miss summer in the colder seasons,then I will defintely wear this nail polish :)
Culoarea mi se pare superba, e culoarea perfectă pentru vara, dacă o sa mi se faca dor de vara în anotimpurile reci ce urmeaza cu siguranţă am sa port culoarea acesta pe unghii :)
What do you think about Avon nail polishes? Would you wear Mambo Melon? :) / Ce părere aveti despre ojele de la Avon? Aţi purta Mambo Melon? :)
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***