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Coc impletit / Braided bun Tutorial


Hey :D

 Aproape de fiecare data cand postez un machiaj pe blog sunt machiata doar pentru pentru blog, nu ma duc nicaieri dupa, dar de fiecare data imi place sa-mi fac o coafura care sa se potriveasca cu machiajul, nu stiu daca ati observat :) Acum cateva zile mi-a spus mama ca a vazut la televizor o tipa care isi facea un coc, mi-a explicat cum l-a facut si am stiu ca vreau sa-l incerc. E foarte simplu de realizat (nu sunt foarte priceputa cand vine vorba de coafuri), arata foarte bine si il puteti face foarte repede. Trebuie sa aveti parul destul de lung, dar cred ca si fetele cu parul mediu reusesc :D

   Most of the time I do my make-up just for my make-up tutorials on my blog, I don't go anywhere after that, but I always like to match a hairdo with my makeup, I don't know if you noticed or not :) A few days ago my mom told me she saw a really cool braided bun and I've asked here if she saw how that girl did it, she explained it to me and knew I had to try it. It's really easy, it looks really cool and you can do it very fast. Even if I'm invited to weddings I always do my hair and make-up. Your hair must be pretty long, but I would say you can do it even if you have medium length hair.

Sa incepem / Let's begin:

Aveti nevoie de / You will need:
  • o perie / a hair brush;
  • un elastic de par / a hair tie;
  • elastice / elastic bands;
  • agrafe / bobby pins;
  • fixativ / hair spray.
   Pieptanati-va foarte bine parul si ganditi-ca unde vreti sa fie coada, puteti sa o faceti mai sus sau mai jos, acolo o sa fie si cocul. (stiu cam am varfurile parului uscate in poza, in mare parte e din cauza faptului ca m-am vopsit si mi-am decolorat parul)

   Brush your hair and decide where you want your ponytail to be, you can do it higher or lower that is where your bun will be :) (my hair ends are pretty dry in this picture, I know :D)

   Puteti sa faceti cate codite impletite vreti, eu am decis sa fac patru. Am folosit elastice colorate ca sa le prin, dar e de preferat sa folosit elastice a caror culoare sa fie apropiata de culoare parului vostru, din pacate nu am avut. 
   You can do as many braids as you want, I decided to make four braids. I used colored elastics bands to secure the braids, it's better to use elastic bands that are closer to your hair color, I didn't have none.

   Acum urmeaza partea mai dificila, din pacate nu am putut sa pozez in timp ce lucram la spate). Trebuie sa va jucati cu coditele impletie, sa le rasuciti, sa dati forma unui coc uc ajutorul lor, aveti foarte mare grija sa ascundeti elesticele sub coc ca sa nu se vada,  folositi agrafe ca sa prindeti coditele. E posibil sa nu reusitit de la prima incercar, nu va dati batute, sigura o sa va iasa din a doua :D

   Now comes the tricky part and I couldn't take photos while I was doing it, but you can do it very fast. You must play with the braids, and put them in any direction that you want, you need to create the bun using them, you must be very careful to put the elastic bands under so you don't see them, you secure everything with bobby pins. Don't worry if you can't do it from your first try, once you get the hang of it, you will do it super fast :)

   Nu am folosit fixativul (nu-mi place sa folosesc produse pentru par daca nu trebuie neaparat sa le folosesc :D), dar daca aveti probleme cu firele de par care se electrizeaza si stau in sus (eu am D:), ar trebui sa-l folositi ca sa le aranjati :D
   I haven't use the hairspray (I don't really like to use hair products if I don't need to)  but I suggest you use it if you have frizzy hair like mine, you need to calm down the flyways :D

   Coafura am purtat-o aici:
   Ce parere aveti, va place cocul meu impletit? So what do you think, do you like my braided bun? :D

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*