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essence colour and change 2 step mani - 04 unexpected galaxy


Hey :)

  Recunosc ca in momentul de fata sunt o mare fana a produselor essence, bine, cred ca marea majoritate dintre noi suntem, au produse bune si foarte accesibile la pret. Daca in urma cu doua-trei luni nu aveam niciun produs de la ei, ei bine, acum colectia mea s-a marit considerabil si nu ma opresc aici :))

   I must say that now i am a really big fan of essence products, well, i think the majority of us is, they have really good products and they are really affordable. Two or three months ago i had none, now my collection has grown and i'm not stopping here.

   Luna trecuta am fost in Germania si mi-am achizitionat mai multe produse essence, am zis ca e raiul pe pamant cand am intrat in DM, cu forta ma mai puteai scoate acolo :)) Bineinteles ca cel mai mult timp mi l-am petrecut uitandu-ma la produsele pentru unghii, aveau niste chestii foarte interesante si asa am dat peste ojele colour and change. Am vazut pe net ca si la China Glaze o sa apara ceva aseamantor, nu stiu daca au aparut inca.

   Last month i was in Germany and i purchased some essence products from Dm, Dm in Germany is heaven on Earth :)) I spent the majority of my time looking at nails stuff and i came across the colour and change nali polishes. China Glaze has a similar product, i've seen a commercial, i don't know if you ca find them yet.

Denumire/Name: essence colour and change
Cantitate/Amount: Step 1 - 8ml; Step 2- 4ml;
De unde o pot achizitiona?/ Where can i find it? - Eu am le-am achizitionat din Germania, dar gasiti cateva produse si aici, printre care si ojele acestea: Welcome to Cosmetic Land/ I bought mine from Germany;
Alte observatii?Other observations:

  • Oja de la pasul 1 are o pensula cu care se aplica foarte usor si frumos produsul/Oja de la pasul 2 are o pensula foarte subtire si destul de lunga; I like the brush that Step 1 nail polish comes with, you don't make a mess with it and the nail polish goes really nice on the nail/ Step 2 nailpolish has a very thin and long brush just like the nail art nailpolishes do.
  • Oja se usuca foarte repede / the nail polish dries really fast.
  • Oja nu este foarte lucioasa, se usuca aprope mata/ The nail polish has a matte finish.
  • Se sterge greu / It's pretty hard to remove it.
  • Tine pe unghii fara top coat peste 4-5 zile / Long lasting nail polish.
Cum se utilizeaza? / How do you use it?

   Foarte simplu :) Aplicam oja de la pasul 1 magic effect nail polish, asteptam sa se usuce, apoi aplicam oja transparenta peste de la pasul 2 magic effect designer, putem face orice model vrem, pe capacul ojei aveti trei exemple. Pe eticheta ojei transparente scrie sa nu folosim top coat peste, nu am incercat sa pun, nu stiu ce se intampla.

   LE: Am adaugat top coat peste oja de la Pasul 1 si acesta isi schimba culoarea ca si atunci cand folosesc oja de la Pasul 2, practic oja de Pasul 2 nici nu trebuie achizitionata daca aveti o pensula cu care puteti face modele. / I've added a top coat on the Step 1 nail polish and it changes color, basically it does the same thing as the Step 2 nail polish does, you don't even need it if you have a nail art brush.

   You apply the step 1 magic effect nail polish on your nails and after you let them dry you apply the magic effect designer step 2, you can make any design you want, you have some examples on the cap of the step 1 nail polish. It also says not use any top coat, i haven't, i don't know what happens if you do, i wasn't curios :)

  Si rezultatul final /  And here is the final result:

    Am fost foarte entuzismata cand am vazut cum se schimba culoarea, mi se pare foarte interesanta ideea si m-am si distrat cand mi-am facut unghiile :D

   I had fun with this nail polish, i was really excited when the nail polish started changing colour, i really do find this two step mani a really interesting thing :D

  Ce parere aveti? Va place manichiura mea? :) What do you think? Do you like my mani? :)

Va doresc o duminica minunata, v-am pupat :*:*

Have a lovely Sunday, lots of kiseses :*:*