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LOTD/LOTN - Golden Brown


   Hello, hello, helloooo! :D

   In fiecare an suntem invitati la ziua matusii mele, care de cativa ani incoace isi sarbatoreste ziua la restaurant (mult mai bine decat acasa, evita aglomeratia, nici nu mai sta sa faca curat dupa, sa spele vasele si sa se agite foarte mult, pana la urma de ziua ta trebuie sa fii rasfatat :D) Cand m-am gandit la ce machiaj o sa port, m-am gandit la ceva simplu, dar bineinteles ca de fiecare data imi iese altceva, nu stiu daca vi se intampla si voua :))

   A few weeks ago I was invited at my aunt's birthday, she wanted to celebrate her birthday at a restaurant. When I started thinking at a make-up look, I was sure I was going to do something simple, but when I think about something simple I always get something else, I don't know if that happens to you too :))

   In poza de mai jos puteti vedea coafura si machiajul pe care le-am avut in ziua respectiva si putin din outfit-ul meu :D Pe buze am avut mult prea iubitul meu gloss rosu de la p2 (in poza se vede portocaliu). Pentru ca mi-a placut atat de mult cum se vede cu un ruj portocaliu, am ales sa recreez acest look folosind unul :D

   This it the hair and the make-up I wore that day, I was wearing my beloved p2 red lip gloss, but in the picture the red lip gloss turned into orange (bad lightning). I liked how it looked so I recreated this look using an orange lipstick :)

   Haieti sa va arat ce-am facut :)  / Let me show show you how to acheieve the make-up look:

   Am aplicat primer pe toata pleoapa si apoi cu o pensula de blending am aplicat culoarea 1 in pliul ploapei, in coltul intern si putin pe pleoapa, am blenduit culoarea cu ajutorul culorii 2.

   I've applied color 1 in my crease, outer corner and on my lid using my blending brush, with the help of color 2 i've blended color 1.

   Am aplicat culoarea 3 pe pleopa (am aplicat pana am fost multmita) si apoi cu ajutorul culorii 2 am blenduit culoarea. La final am aplicat in pliu culoarea 4 fara sa depasesc culoarea 1 si am blenduit foarte bine totul.

   I've applied on the rest of my lid color 3 and with the help of color 2 I've blended the rough edges. Then I've applied color 4 in my crease without going to high with it, we still want to see color 3, I've blended everything again.

 Am adaugat putin creion dermatograf maro la baza genelor, culoarea 5 pe arcada si in coltul intern al ochiului, culoarea 3 pe pleoapa inferioara si spre sfarsitul pleoapei culoarea 1.

  I used some brown pencil liner near my lashes, on my brow bone and in the inner corner I've used color 5, color 3 on my bottom lid and near the end color 1.

   Exact in ziua in care am vrut sa fac machiajul nu am avut curent pana la 3-4, la un moment data am terminat sa-mi machiez un ochi si au oprit iar curentul, eram plina de nervi, am ajuns sa fac pozele cand deja era bezna afara :))

   Recunosc, recunosc, e unul dintre look-urile mele FAVORITE, ador sa combin maroul cu auriul. Nu mi se pare ca rujul este mult prea puternic pentru machiajul ochilor, mi se pare ca se potrivesc foarte bine, la fel de bine arata si cu un ruj rosu :D

   I woke up excited to do my make-up and the power was off :/ I had to wait untill 3 or 4 in the afternoon to start and when I've finished the make-up on one of my eyes the power went off again, I was really pissed, I took the pictures at 6 or 7, it was really dark outside :))

  I admit, I admit this is one of my FAVOURITE looks, iIove to mix brown and gold, I don't think the lipstick it too much, you can wear a red one too it looks awesome :D

Produse folosite\Products i've used:

  • Ochi/Eyes: Manhattan Eyeshadow base, Sleek V2 Darks, essence sun club glamour to go eyeshadow 02 long beach, flormar 15, no 7 pencil 10 brown, avon supershock mascara;
  • Fata/Face: Holika Holika Petit BB Cream Moisture (review in curand), e.l.f all over cover stick - Apricot Beige, pudra CCuk in nuanta Candlelight, blush mineral p2 50 Innocent Rose (review)bronzer E.l.f. in nuanta Matte Bronze;
  • Buze/Lips: L.A. Girl LC546 Love Letters;
  • Sprancene/Eyebrows: creion pentru sprancene Rimmel 01 Black Brown + un fard maro din trusa de 88 de culori de la CS. / Rimmel brow pencil 01 Black Brown + a brown eye shadow from the Cs 88 color palette.
   Ce parere aveti de look-u meu, va place, l-ati purta? :D / What do you think of my make-up look, would you wear it? :D

   In curand am sa va arat cum mi-am facut si parul, am tutorial :D I have a tutorial for my hair too, it's coming soon :D

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely week-end, many kisses!!! :*:*:*