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French Braids and Curled Hair


Hey :D

   Scriu si ma uit la Vocea Romaniei, se pare ca niciodata nu reusesc sa termin inainte sa inceapa emisiunea :)) Ca si martea trecuta fac trei lucruri in acelasi timp: ma uit la televizor, scriu si cant de mama focului (asta daca stiu melodia, daca nu, fredonez :D), ma distrez nu gluma :D In ultimul look de pe blog v-am promis un tutorial pentru coafura pe care am avut-o, ei bine, astazi o sa va arata cum o puteti face si voi. Trebuie sa fiti cat de cat pricepute la impletituri, dar exersand de cateva ori sunt sigura ca o sa va descurcati de minune. Mai am de invatat ca sa imi iasa asa cum imi doresc, dar nu sunt foarte urate =))

   I'm writing and watching Vocea Romaniei, it seems I can never finish writing before the show starts :)) I write, watch TV and sometimes sing (if I know the song, if not, then I am humming :D), fun time :D In my last make-up tutorial I promised a new hair tutorial, if you liked how I did my hair, now you will find out how you can do yours the same. You need to have some skill in braiding, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty simple. I'm still learning, so mine are still not the way I want them, but they are not horrible either :))

Asa arata coafura/ This is how the hairstyle looked:

Aveti nevoie de/ You will need:

  • o perie/a brush;
  • spray pentru protectia impotriva caldurii/heat protective spray;
  • un ondulator/a curler wand or a curler;
  • un elastic de par sau elastice care sa nu se vada in par/hair ties or elastic bands that blend in to your hair color;
  • fixativ/hair spray.
Ce-am folosit/ What i've used:

   TRESemme - spray-ul meu preferat pentru protectia impotriva caldurii, din pacate nu se gaseste in Romania :(

   TRESemme - My favourite heat protective spray, unfortunately you can't find it in Romania :(

   Vedeta acestui tutorial - Remington Pearl Wand - cel mai bun ondulator, daca sunteti in cautarea unuia vi-l recomand pe acesta, foarte usor de folosit, imi ondulez farul foarte repede.

   The star of with tutorial - Remington Pearl Wand - best curler, if you're looking for one I recommend this one. Really easy to use and I curl my hair really fast using it.

   L'oreal Elnett - nu sunt o mare fana a mirosului lui, dar imi place foarte mult, nu-mi intareste parul, buclele rezista foarte bine.

   L'oreal Elnett - not a big fan of its smell, but I do like that it keeps my hair really bouncy :D

  Facem o carare intr-o parte si facem doua impletituri frantuzesti, dupa cum vedeti una nu mi-a iesit atat de bine :))

   We make two french braids, one on each side, it's best to part your hair to the side.

Tutorial french braid:

   Dupa ce-am facut impletiturile, setam temperatura la ondulator (eu il setez la 210 grade) si ne apucam de ondulat. Obtineti aceste frumoase onduleuri.

   After i did the french braids, set the temperature to you curler (if you can do this, i usually set mine to 210 degrees) and let it heat for a few seconds and you start curling your hair. You get this beautiful curls :D

     Si cam asta a fost tot :D Nu e foarte, foarte complicat si arata foarte bine, v-am spus ca am primit foarte multe complimente in ziua respectiva, am indragit foarte mult acesta coafura si sunt sigura ca o sa o port foarte des :D

    And that's how you do it :D It's not something very, very difficult to do, I told you I received a lot of compliments that day, I liked it a lot and i'm sure i'm gonna wear it very often :D

   Sper ca v-a placut si daca o incercati ca rog sa-mi trimiteti o poza :D / I hope you liked it and if you do try it please send me a photo :D

Va doresc o seara minunta, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely night, kisses :*:*:*