Postarea cu numarul 300 *yeeeeeey*, nici nu-mi vine sa cred haha, trebuie sa sarbatorim cumva si o sa facem asta cat de curand :D Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre un produs fara de care nu pot sa traiesc, un produs care se regaseste in rutina mea de ingrijire a tenului de mai bine de un an si pe care o sa continui sa il achizitionez. In urma cu un am am avut norocul de a castiga solutia micelara de la Bioderma la un concurs organizat pe blogul Diary of a Beauty Addict, nu stiam nimic despre solutiile micelare, dar am fost foarte curioasa sa o incerc si de atunci o folosesc in fiecare zi :D Pentru ca nu ma pricep sa definesc solutia micelara si nu vreau sa va bag in ceata, prefer sa va invit sa cititi articolul Pasagerei despre Solutiile Micelare.
300 blog posts *yeeeeey*, I can't believe it haha, we must celebrate somehow and we will soon :D Today I want to talk to you about a product that I can't live without, a product that I've been using every single day for more than a year and that I will continue using it forever and ever. I was lucky enough to win a contest a on beauty blog - Diary of a Beauty Addict - and receive this amazing product, at that time I didn't know what micellar water wes supposed to do, but I was very curious about it and since the first day I used it I never forget to use it. I'm not good at explaining things so I won't ty to explain what a micellar water is (:D), Pasagera wrote a blog post about it so please read it: Solutiile Micelare.
Denumire/Name: Bioderma Sensibio H20 Micelle Solution;
De unde il pot achizitiona?/Where cand i buy it from?: Din farmacii sau de pe diverse site-uri / pharmacies or from the internet;
Cat pret are?/Price?: 100ml: 17-20 lei; 250 ml: 38-45 lei 500 ml: 60-70 lei; - Gasiti o oferta mai tot timpul la cele de 250 ml, doua la pret de una: 38-43 lei.
Cantitate: 250 ml;
Ingrediente / Ingredients: Water, Peg-6 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides, Propylene Glycol, Cucumis Sativus Fruit Extract, Mannitol, Xylitol, Rhamnose, Fructooligosachcarides, Disodium EDTA, Cetrimonium Bromide.
Alte informatii / Other informations:
- este destinata tenului sensibil; / for sensitive skin;
- este destinata tenului sensibil, uscat sau normal; / for dry and normal skin;
- nu are miros; / no smell;
- incolora; / colorless;
- ambalajul este foarte dragut = roz (mai ales sticluta de 100ml care este si perfecta pentru calatorii), sticla este facuta dintr-un plastic dur. Imi place in special capacul produsului, desi il desfac intr-un mod barbar pana acum nu a dat semne ca a slabit sau ca ar vrea sa se rupa :D / the packaging is reall nice and cute = pink (the 100ml bottle is so cuuuute and travel friendly), the lid is very sturdy.
Cum folosesc produsul?
Cateodata o folosesc si dimineata si seara, recunosc ca sunt cam lenesa dimineata si prefer sa ma spal folosind doar produsul de curatare. Desi este un produs demachiant, in zilele in care ma machiez prefer sa ma demachiez inainte cu un demachiant (fata-verso discheta demachianta), folosesc solutia micelara (fata-verso discheta demachianta, vreau sa indepartez orice urma de produs de pe fata inainte de a ma spala), apoi ma spal cu produsul de curatare. In zilele in care nu ma machiez folosesc doar solutia micelara (fata-verso discheta demachianta). Imi mai place sa o folosesc si atunci cand ma machiez si mi se intampla sa mi cada fardul pe fata, pun putina solutie pe discheta si curat usor zona.
Sometimes I use it in the morning and at night, I am kind of lazy in the morning and I skiop this step and I only wash my face using my cleanser. They do say that this micellar water is a cleansing product, but on the days that I'm wearing make-up I like to use my cleansing lotion first, then use the micellar water and after that wash my face using my cleanser. On the days that I'm not wearing any make-up I only use the micellar water, I also like to use it when I want to clean the fall out that I get from my eyeshadows.
Desi am citit ca nu trebuie neaparat sa va spalati pe ten dupa ce o folositi, eu n-as putea sa fac asta, din punctul meu de vedere spalarea tenului e foarte importanta, e foarte important sa aveti tenul cat mai curat, nu sa fie incarcat de produs, apoi puteti sa aplicati cremele pe care le folositi (nu spal tenul atunci cand il folosesc sa indepartez fardul cazut). Are o consistenta apoasa, curata foarte delicat, nu mi-a provocat iritatii si desi il folosesc zilnic (nu-s zgarcita cand il folosesc) nu se consuma repede, cred ca folosesc sticluta de cel putin trei luni si mai am un sfert :D Nu indeparteaza machiajul waterproof (am inteles ca ar indeparta rimelul waterproof), am testat si nu se misca de acolo :))
Even though I read that you don't have to wash your face after using the product, I would never ever leave it on my face with (you also leave all that products that you want to get rid off), you have to make sure that your face is very clean before you apply your moisturizer. It removes make-up really delicate, it did not irritate my skin or burn my eyes :D I also like the fact that even though I apply a lot of it it does last a really long time, I opened this bottle about 3 or 4 months ago and I still have a quarter left. They say that it can remove waterproof make-up, I tried to remove my waterproof mascara, but I couldn't so I would have to say that it doesn't :D
Recomand acest produs? Da, din toata inima. Daca nu obisnuiti sa va machiati foarte des sau folositi foarte putin produs atunci puteti sa sariti cu succes peste demachiant si sa folositi doar solutia micelara (daca obisnuiti sa va machiati si folositi foarte mult produs, atunci solutia micelara va ajuta sa indepartati in mare parte tot ce a mai ramas pe fata ca dupa ce folositi si produsul de curatare sa aveti un ten curat si fericit), pana acum am citit si am auzit numai lucruri bune despre ea si nu pot decat sa le confirm, este un produs foarte bun :)
Do I recommend this product? Yes, with all my heart. If you don't wear make-up or don't wear that much make-up you can skip using a cleansing lotion and only use the micellar water (if you use make-up every day and you have to wear heavy make-up then using this product after you use your cleansing lotion it will help you remove all of your make-up so after you wash you face using for cleanser you will know that you have a very clean and happy skin), I read and hear only good things about it and I'm here to confirm all the good things about it :)
Folositi solutie micelara? Care este solutia voastra micelara preferata? :D / Do you use micellar water? What's your favourite? :D
Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*
Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***