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Guacamole & Cheese Dip!


Holaaaaaaa! Ay ay ay :D

   Am cumparat un avocado acum cativa ani, pe vremea cand habar nu aveam ce e si ce pot face cu el, l-am desfacut, am gustat, nu mi-a placut si l-am aruncat. Am ramas cu impresia ca are un gust amar asa ca nu m-am mai atins de el pana de curand. In ultima vreme am tot auzit despre guacamole si mi-a cam starnit interesul asa ca m-am decis sa ma documentez si sa plec la cumparaturi pentru ca in seara respectiva voiam sa mananc :D E foarte simplu de facut, este incredibil de gustos si este si sanatos. Avocado este bogat in vitaminele B, E si K si are cel mai mare continut de fibre dintre fructe, trebuie totusi consumat cu moderatie pentru ca are un continut de grasimi foarte mare. Guacamole se poate manca cu nachos, ca salata, in burgeri sau in orice alta combinatie mai gasiti voi :)

   I bought an avocado a few years ago, I had no idea what you could do with it, O tasted it, didn't like it and I threw it away. I don't know why I had this idea that avocado is bitter, maybe the one I tried was not riped yet, I have no idea :)) Lately I've been seeing everywhere guacamole and I knew I had to try it so I Googled it and went to buy the ingredients because I had to try it right away :D This recipe is very easy to make, it's so tasty and healthy too. Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E and K and have a very high fiber content, no other fruit has that much fiber, but it also has to be consumed in moderation because it has a higher fat content. You can eat guacamole with nachos, as a salad, or in any other combination you want and like :)

Aveti nevoie de: / You will need (2-3 persons)

  • avocado (eu am folosit trei de marime potrivita) - aveti grija cand ii cumparati sa fie moi, altfel trebuie sa asteptati sa se inmoaie, nu puteti sa sa ii folositi daca sunt tari; / Avocados (I used 3 avocados) -  when you buy them make sure that they are soft, if they are not soft then they are not riped and you can't use them yet;
  • rosii (am folosit o rosie potrivita); / tomatoes (i used one tomato);
  • patrunjel / cilantro;
  • sare / salt;
  • piper / pepper;
  • lamaie (am stors o lamaie) / lime or lemon juice (i used the juice from a lemon);
  • daca vreti sa fie picant, adaugati ceva picant, un sos sau ardei iuti; / if you want it spicy then add a spicy sauce or some spicy peppers;
  • optional: ceapa, usuroi; / optional: green onion and fresh garlic.
 Asa se desface un avocado: / This is how you cut open an avocado:

   Desfacem avocado, il punem intr-un castron, stoarcem peste el lamaie, daca nu o sa oxideze si o sa isi schimbe culoarea si nu vrem asta. Taiem rosia in cubulete cat mai mici si o adaugam si pe ea in caston, apoi adaugam patrunjelul, sarea, piperul si folosind pasatorul de cartofi pasam toate ingredientele. Ideal este sa mai ramana bucatele, nu sa fie totul super pasat. Gustam si mai adaugam sare, piper si zeama de lamaie daca mai este nevoie.

   We cut open the avocados and put them into a bowl, we put some lemon juice on because they oxidize and turn brown. We add the chopped tomatoes, cilantro and the salt and pepper and we use the potato masher to mash everything, make sure to not over mash we still want some avocado chunks in there. We taste and add salt, pepper and some more lemon juice if we feel that we need to add more.

   Sosul de cascaval este absolut delicios in mai toate combinatiile mai ales atunci cand este mancat cu nachos, de fiecare data cand mergem la cinema ne cumparam nachos cu sos de cascaval, stiu ca este total nesanatos acel sos si este si mult prea picant pentru gustul meu, dar este ataaaaat de bun :D Pentru ca nu-l mai gasesc pe nicaieri (intr-un timp se gasea unul in Auchan, acum se mai gaseste in Mega Image, dar unul dintre ele are tot felul de legume prin el si nu-mi place, iar celalalt este mult prea mic pentru pretul pe care-l are) m-am gandit sa-l fac eu in casa. De ce aveti nevoie:

   The cheese dip is incredible tasty in all of the combinations you can make with it especially with nachos, every time we go to watch a movie we get nachos with cheese dip and though I know that this dip is not healthy and also it's to spicy for me, it is sooooo delicious :D Because I can't find it in stores (actually you can buy it from Mega Image, they have one with some vegetables in it and one that is to small for its price) I thought i will make my own. You will need:

Ingrediente: / Ingredients: 

  • 50gr unt; / 50gr butter;
  • 4 linguri faina; / 4 tablespoons of flour;
  • 250 ml lapte caldut; / 250ml of warm milk;
  • 200gr cascaval (Cedar sau daca nu gasiti un casvacl cu un gust puternic); / 200gr cheese (Cheddar or a normal cheese with a strong taste to it);
  • sare; / salt;
  • piper; / pepper;
  • boia de ardei iute. /spicy paprika.
  Intr-o cratita punem la topit untul (focul cat mai mic) apoi adauga doua linguri de faina (se face la fel ca si sosul bechamel) amestecam, apoi adaugam laptele (laptele sa fie caldut), mai adugam inca doua linguri de faina si amestecam cu facaletul. Dupa ce s-a ingrosat cat de cat sosul, incepem sa adauga feliile de cascaval (cascavalul l-am taiat felii - gustati si vedeti daca trebuie sa mai adaugati cascaval, trebuie sa i se simta gustul) si amestecam pana se topeste, apoi adaugam sare, pieper si boia si mai lasam pe foc mic inca cateva minute (maxim 10) si il putem servi. 

   We melt the butter in a pan (low heat) and we add two tablespoons of flower and mix them all together (like we do when we are making bechamel sauce), we add the warm milk and we mix again, then we add the other 2 tablespoons of  flower and continue mixing until the sauce has a nice creamy consistency. We add the cheese slices (you have to taste to see how many slices you need to add, you have to feel the cheese in the sauce) and we mix until the cheese melts, then we add the salt, pepper and the spicy paprika and we let it sit for another 5 to 10 minute and we can serve it right away.

   Doua retete foarte usor de facut si foarte, dar foarte gustoase. Mie imi place sa le prepar in serile in care planuim sa ne uitam la filme si intentionez sa le servesc si atunci cand o sa avem musafiri, sper sa le placa :D

   Two super easy recipes to make that are very, very yummy. I like to make them on our movie nights and I plan to serve them next time when we are having guests, I hope they will like them as much as we did :D

Ati incercat pana acum guacamole? Va faceti singuri sosul pentru nachos? :) / Have you ever tried guacamole? Do you make your own nachos dip? :)

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :* :* :*