Hello :D
I started dyeing my hair at an early age and through the years I tried many colors: I had blonde hair, black hair, red hair and many other combinations, I never used the same color on my hair because I got easily bored with it and always wanted to try something else. I don't know if you remember, but last year I said I wasn't going to dye my hair, I wanted my natural color, until I changed the color of my hair in a program and I liked how I looked with a darker color and guess what? I dyed my hair the next day haha :)) But of course after a few days, looking at some photos where I had my ombre hair I kind of regreted the decision I made. I knew there was a product that could help me get rid of my dark hair color and I remembered i've seen it on Kitty's blog Pink Heels :D Today i am going to talk about it and you will see if this product really works :)
Va doresc o seara buna, v-am pupat :*:*:*
Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*
Denumire/ Name: Color B4 Hair Color Remover Extra Strenght; (*** - va rog sa cititi disclaimerul/please read the disclaimer)
De unde il pot achizitiona/ Where can i buy it from: colourb4.com (from stores Uk, Germany, USA and South Africa) or Ebay;
Cat costa / How much does it cost: 11. 99 lire.Ingrediente / Ingredients:
De unde il pot achizitiona/ Where can i buy it from: colourb4.com (from stores Uk, Germany, USA and South Africa) or Ebay;
Cat costa / How much does it cost: 11. 99 lire.Ingrediente / Ingredients:
Alte observatii/ Other observations:
- daca aveti parul lung veti avea nevoie de doua cutii, eu am parul cam pana la mijlocul spatelui si am avut nevoie de doua cutii / if you have longer hair you will probably need two boxes, my hair reaches the middle of my back and i used two;
- transportul este putin cam piperat, are aceeasi valoare cu produsul comandat / the shipping is a little bit pricey, it's the same amount as the product.
Ce gasim in cutie / What you will find in the box:
- instructiunile de utilizare / the instructions;
- Sticla A in care se afla Activatorul / Bottle A - Activator;
- Sticla B in care se afla solutia care indeparteaza vopseaua/ Bottle B - Remover;
- Sticla C in care se afla Buffer-ul / Bottle C - Buffer;
- un set de manusi / one pair of gloves.
Asa arata culoarea parului meu inainte de a ma apuca de treaba (ma vopsisesm cam cu o vreo luna si jumatate inainte, am folosit Garnier Color Sensation in nuanta 3.0 Saten Prestige) / This is how my color looked before using the Color B4 (when I first dyed it with this color it was really dark, but not black, this is how the color looks after 1 month and a half).
(primele doua poze de sus sunt facute fara blitz, cele doua de jos sunt facute cu blitz) / (I took the first two pictures in natural light and for the other two I used the flash from my camera)
Cum am procedat / How i did it:
Am turnat continutul sticlei A in Sticla B si timp de 30 de secunde am agitat continutul, apoi am turnat continutul intr-un castron pe care-l folosesc atunci cand ma vopsesc (nu trebuie sa faceti la fel ca mine, eu asa m-am obisnuit) / As it says in the instructions, you have to mix Bottle A with Bottle B, you pour the entire contents of Bottle A in Bottle B and then you shake Bottle B for 30 seconds, after I did that I poured the entire contents of Bottle B in a bowl because that's how I like to apply hair dye (you don't have to do the exact thing I did, that's how I got used to do it).
Cu o pensula special pentru vopsit am inceput sa aplic produsul de la radacina spre varfuri. Este foarte important sa nu stati cu parul in frig, trebuie sa ii fie cald ca sa vedeti rezultate, asa ca am aplicat peste par folie de platic, mi-am pus o caciula si peste mi-am pus agluga de la hanorac (nu pot sa va explic cat de cald mi-a fost) si-am stat asa 60 de minute, exact cat scrie si in instructiuni / With a brush I started applying the product from the roots to the ends. It is very important to keep you hair warm after you apply it so I wrapped my head with a cling film, and then a put on a had and then I put on my hoodie (it was so hot haha :D) and I waited 60 minutes, that's what it says in the instructions.
(prima poza este facuta exact in momentul in care am terminat de aplicat produsul si am pus folia peste par, cele doua de langa sunt facut dupa ce-au trecut cele 60 de minute) / (I took the first picture right after I wrapped my hair and the other two pictures I took right after the 60 minutes expired).
Dupa ce au trecut cele 60 de minute am mai citit o data instructiunile asta ca sa fiu sigura ca nu fac ceva gresit si m-am dus sa-mi spal parul. Acesta este cea mai importanta etapa, este foarte important ca acesta etapa sa fie facuta exact asa cum scrie pentru ca altfel exista sansa ca parul sa se intoarca la culoarea pe care ati avut-o inainte, o sa aveti de clatit parul cel putin 15 minute (am citit si pe pagina lor de Facebook lucrul acesta, exista persoane carora li s-a deschis parul apoi li s-a inchis). Nu am aplicat sampon si balsam, am aplicat doar buffer-ul pentru ca mi-a fost frica sa nu stric tot ce-am facut si mi s-a incurcat parul intr-o veselie, nu mai repet experienta :)) Am citit mai peste tot ca miroase foarte puternic si urat si m-am cam speriat pentru ca eu nu suport mirosurile puternice, nu mi s-a parut ca miroase chiar atat de urat si nici mamei mele nu i s-a parut. Mirosul a disparut dupa a treia spalare (a doua cu sampon si balsam)./ After the 60 minute expired, I looked again over the instructions just to be sure and don't do anything stupid and went to wash my hair. This is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP, you have to do it exactly how it says in the instructions otherwise your hair can get back to the color you were trying to remove, there will be a lot of rising involved (I did read on their Facebook page that some people used the hair dye remover and because they didn't use it the right their hair color changed back). I didn't use any shampoo or conditioner, I only used the Bottle C Buffer because I was afraid to use anything else and oh boy my hair was soooo tangled haha :)) I was a little bit scared about the smell because I did read in other reviews that it smells horrible, I can't say that it did (and you know i cant't stand anything that smells bad) , it does smell, but it didn't bother me that much, after my third hair wash (second with shampoo and conditioner) the smell was gone :)
(Pozele sunt facute in a doua zi pentru ca era deja seara cand am terminat si nu aveam cum sa fac o poza la lumina naturala, prima poza este facuta fara blitz, ultima este facut cu blitz si nu-mi mai aduc aminte cum am facut-o pe a doua :D) / I took the picture on the second day (Sunday 10.03.2013) because I didn't have any natural light after I used the product, the first one I took in natural one, for the last one I used the flash and I can't remember if the if I used the flash on the second one too :D)
(pozele sunt facute astazi, prima este facuta fara blitz, celalate doua sunt facute cu blitz) / (I took these pictures today (14.03.2013) the first one I took in natural light and the other ones using flash)
Dupa cum puteti observa in pozele de mai sus acest produs chiar functioneaza, am obtinut o culoare foarte frumoasa, a indepartat toata culoarea pe care o aveam inainte :D Am observat a doua zi mi s-a mai inchis putin parul la radina, la inceput era foarte deschis, apoi a devenit aceeasi culoare cu restul parului si ma bucur tare mult pentru ca arata ciudat :)) De preferat este ca timp de cel putin doua saptamani dupa ce ati folosit Color B4 sa nu folositi placa, ondulator sau sa va faceti permanent si cel putin 7 zile sa nu va vopsiti sau decolorati, daca vreti neaparat sa va colorati parul atunci folositi un produs temporar. Acest produs nu mi-a afectat parul, desi in instructiuni am citit ca parul s-ar putea sa fie mai uscat pentru o perioada, mie mi se pare ca e la fel ca si inainte. Ma intriga partea cu : Acest produs nu contine amoniac sau decolorant. Vreau sa stiu cum functioneaza exact, cred ca e magie haha :D O sa mai astept cel putin pana in aprilie si apoi o sa ma intorc la ombre, de-abia astept :D As you can see this product really works, I now have a beautiful hair color (not that the previous hair color wasn't beautiful, I just like this one more :D), it removed all of my previous hair color :D I did notice that after two days my roots have darken a little bit and now they are the same color as the rest of my hair, Saturday they were really light and I didn't really like how they looked :)) This product didn't damage my hair, I did read that it might feel a little dry (and it did when i dind't use shampoo and conditioner), but now i don't see any difference my hair is as it has always been. It is best advised to not use any heat tools for at least two weeks (you can use the hair drier) and don't colour your hair for at least 7 days, if you really want to colour it, use a temporary product. I'm really intrigued by the whole: this product contains NO ammonia or bleach, I really want to know how does this product work, i thinks it's magic haha :)) In April i will go back to my ombre hair, I can't wait :D
Merita achizitionat acest produs? Cu siguranta, daca vreti sa scapati de o culoare care nu va placa sau nu vi se potriveste si sa folositi un produs care sa nu va afecteze parul, atunci acesta este cu siguranta produsul pe care-l cautati, bineinteles, nu este cel mai ieftin produs, dar il folositi o singura data (asta daca il folositi asa cum trebuie de prima data) / Do i think that this product is amazing? Of course I do, if you want to get rid of a hair color you don't like or doesn't suit you and you want to use a product that won't damage your hair then this is the product you are looking for, it isn't very cheap, but you only use it once (if you use it how your supposed to use it).
Sunt foarte incantata de rezultat, am avut amari emotii, m-am gandit ca poate o sa-mi cada parul? haha :D, dar din fericire parul meu arata la fel de bine (cat de bine poate el sa arate dupa ce-a fost vopsit de atatea ori). / I'm really excited about my new hair color, i was really nervous before applying the product, i was thinking what if my hair will fall off? haha :))) My hair looks awesome (as awesome as it can look after being dyed for some many years).
Ati incerca un astfel de produs? Would you try this product?
Va doresc o seara buna, v-am pupat :*:*:*
Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*