Ei da, asa da :D Astazi a fost o zi total pe placul meu, soare, caldura si pe langa asta si Ziua Internationala a Fericirii (multumesc Dorina ca mi-ai spus) :D Cu alte cuvinte, am fost fericita de Ziua Internationala a Fericirii haha :)) Prin Decembrie v-am aratat o gramada de noutati de la Flormar (Noutati de la Flormar) si mi-am adus aminte de curand ca trebuia sa va vorbesc despre un rimel, o cititoare m-a rugat sa ii fac review, imi pare rau ca-l fac atat de tarziu, dar de-abia de curand am inceput sa-l testez asa cum trebuie (asta pentru ca imi place sa deschid mai multe rimeluri deodata si niciodata nu stiu pe care sa-l folosesc) :))
Oh happy day :D I loved this day, it was sunny, it was warm and guess what? Today was the International Day of Happiness YAY! (thank you Dorina for telling me that :D) I was happy on the International day of Happiness, I hope you were too :) In December I showed you some new Flomar goodies that you can find in store and I remember that I promised to review one of their mascaras, one of my readers asked me to review it, but I never got to it, so i'm really sorry that i'm doing this almost three months after, but I recently started using it (I like to open all of my mascaras and then i don't know which one to use :D)
Denumire/Name: Flormar MAXXL Extreme Lengthening Mascara; (***)
Nuanta: Black:
De unde il pot achizitiona?/Where cand i buy it from?: din magazine Flormar, de la stand-urile Flormar si de pe diferite site-uri / From Flormar shops or from different websites;
Cat pret are?/Price?: 25 lei (acesta era pretul din septembrie, nu stiu daca intre timp s-a schimbat)/ I don't know what the price is in other countries.
Cantitate: 8ml;
Imi place foarte mult ambajul produsului, mi se pare elegant si am observat ca tot pe amabalaj gasim o imagine cu periuta rimelului ceea ce mi s-a parut super interesant pentru ca nu am mai vazut asta pana acum la niciun alt rimel. Vorbind de periuta, va spun sincer ca am fost dezamagita cand am vazut-o pentru ca nu sunt o fana a periutelor din cauciuc, marea majoritate nu reusesc sa-mi treaca cum trebuie printre gene si nu pot sa le folosesc de aceea evit sa cumpar astfel de rimeluri. N-a fost cazul si de data acesta, din fercire acesta reuseste cu succes sa-mi acopere foarte frumos genele cu rimel si reusesc sa obtin un aspect deloc incarcat. Obisnuiesc sa ma murdaresc cand aplic rimelul, am reusit si de data aceasta, dar asta pentru ca nu am fost atenta, n-am intampinat probleme la aplicare, am reusit sa ajung si la genele mai scurte si am resusit sa-mi rimelez si genele de pe pleoapa inferioara cu succes :)
I really, really like the packaging of this mascara, it looks elegant and I noticed and there is an image of the brush on it, I've never seen this before on any other packing, I must say that it's really cool. Talking about the brush, I have to say that i was a little bit disappointed when I saw it, I don't like the plastic comb brushes, they never go through my lashes so that's why I never buy mascaras with this kind of brushes. It wasn't the case this time, luckily this brush is perfect, it goes right through them and coats them nicely. When i apply my mascara it usually gets messy (:D), it happened this time too (not that much though), but it was my fault because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, with this brush I can easily coat even my almost invisibile lashes and I can also coat my bottom lashes.
Pe ambalajul acestui produs scrie ca acest rimel trebuie sa: defineasca, alungeasca si sa aiba un efect glamour. Nu stiu ce sa zic despre ultima parte, dar sunt de acord cu primele doua si o sa vedeti in poze si voi acest lucru. Este un negru foarte intens si odata aplicat se usuca foarte repede. Aplicat in doua straturi incarca genele si le lipeste, dar aplicat intr-un singur strat arata foarte frumos si natural si reuseste cat de cat sa-mi tina genele intoarse. De fiecare data a stat frumos la locul lui, nu a trebuit sa-l adun de pe fata si se demachiaza foarte usor. Pretul eu zic ca este un acceptabil, nici foarte ieftin, dar nici foarte scump, daca sunteti in cautarea unui rimel care sa nu incarce genele, sa le defineasca si sa le si alungeasca atunci ar trebui sa-l incercati.
This mascara is supposed to: define you lashes, lengthen them and have a glamorous effect. Well I can't talk about the last one, but I sure agree on the first two, you will also see that in my pictures. The color is a very deep black and it once applied is dries really fast. With two coats it's a little bit clumpy and the eye lashes tend to stick, but with one coat they look awesome. You know that I struggle with my lashes they never want to keep the curl and with this mascara they keep it for a little while, but nothing special. It doesn't smear, it stay in place all day long. The price is reasonable, not very cheap, but not very pricey either, if you are looking for a mascara that will give you a very natural look and really define your lashes and lengthen them a little bit then you can try out this mascara.
(prima poza: fara rimel; a doua poza: un strat; a treia poza: doua straturi) / (first picture: without mascara; second picture: one coat; third picture: two coats)
Este primul rimel pe care-l incerc de la Flormar va spun sincer ca mi-a placut, dar nu mai mult decat cel de la GOSH (GOSH) pe care trebuie neaparat sa mi-l achizitionez urgent :)) Pe viitor am sa mai incerc si alte rimeluri de la Flormar, pentru ca mi-au atras atentia :)
This is the first time I'm using a Flormar mascara and I really like it, but not as much as my beloved mascara from GOSH (GOSH) which I have to buy asap :)) I will try some other mascaras from Flormar because they caught my attention :)
Aveti vreun rimel preferat de la Flormar? L-ati incercat pe cel din review? / Do you have a favourite Flormar mascara? Did you try the one that I reviewed today? :)
Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*
Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*