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Kiko Holographic Nail Lacquer 401


 Hola :D

   In mod normal atunci cand ma apuc sa pozez oje/manichiuri de fiecare data fac multe poze ca sa am de unde  selecta, vreau sa pun pe blog pozele cele mai bune, poze care sa reflecte realitatea. Pentru prima data mi s-a intamplat sa fac mai multe poze (sa spunem 15) si sa nu stiu pe care sa le aleg pentru ca mai mult de 85% din poze au iesit superb (restul de 25% au iesit ciudat din cauza mea), am crezut ca eu sunt responsabila pentru o asemenea performanta (:D), dar mi-am dat seama ca de fapt oja de astazi e atat de frumoasa incat oricum as poza-o ea tot la fel de frumos o sa arate in poze ♥ Am vazut mult oje holografice pe blogurile colegelor mele, le-am admirat de fiecare data, dar nu mi-am dat seama cat de frumoase sunt in realitate pana nu am primit una si am apucat sa o folosesc. Iti multumesc draga Laura ca te-ai gandit la mine si mi-ai facut un cadou atat de frumos, n-am vrut sa o tin ascunsa, m-am gandit ca o asemenea frumusete trebuie vazuta de catre toata lumea si astazi este vedeta pe blog :*

   Usually when I take pictures of nail polishes or manicures I take a lot of them so I can have where to choose from. I only select the best ones because I want to show you amazing pictures. This is what happened when I took these pictures: I took about 15 pictures and today when I went over them i loved 85% of them (in 25% my hand was in an awkward position and you couldn't see the nail polish), I thought I was responsible for this great achievement (:D), but then I realised that this nail polish is so beautiful that it will look awesome in any picture. I've seen a lot of holographic nail polishes on other beauty blogs, I've admired them, but I never realised how beautiful they are until I had one and tried it. Thank you my dear Laura for thinking about me and sending me this amazing nail polish, I didn't want to keep it hidden, I thought that such a beautiful nail polish should be the star of a blog post :*

   Este prima oja de la Kiko pe care o detin, dar sunt sigura ca isi vor mai face aparitia in colectia mea cateva  oje anul acesta. Mi-a placut foarte mult cum se aplica, s-a uscat foarte repede si daca as avea putin mai multa grija de unghiile mele cred ca 5 zile ar rezista fara nicio problema (dupa trei zile arata foarte bine la mana stanga si e putin sifonata la mana dreapta pentru ca am tot spalat vase) . Am aplicat-o in doua straturi, pentru ca intr-un singur strat nu a fost suficient de opaca, lucru ce nu m-a deranjat absolut deloc. Se usuca mata (nu stiu daca toata ojele holografice sunt la fel), efectul e superb si fara un top coat :) E genul acela de oja la care vrei sa te holbezi toata ziua si apoi te mai duci si le arati si tuturor unghiile tale ca sa  le admire si ei haha :D Acum dati-mi voi sa va arat pozele ca sa va conving:

   This is my first Kiko nail polish, but I'm sure it isn't going to be the last one :) I had no problems with it, it dried really quick and I think it can last about 5 days (I had mine on for 3 days, on the left hand it looks awesome, on the right one not so awesome because I had to wash a lot of dishes). I applied two layers, it isn't that opaque with only one layer, but with two it is perfect. It dries matte (I don't know if all holographic nail polish dry like that), if you like the effect you don't need to apply anything else, it looks just as good as with a top coat on. This is the type of nail polish that you want to stare at all day long and you want to show it to everybody so they can admire it too haha :D Now let me show you the pictures:

Poza facuta la lumina naturala (innorat) / no flash, natural light (cloudy):

 Fara top coat (am folosit blitz) / no top coat, flash:

Cu top coat (am folosit blitz) / top coat, flash:

   Ce spuneti, v-am convins? Nu-i asa ca e o oja foarte, foarte frumosa? ♥ / So what do you think? Isn't this nail polish gorgeous? ♥

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*