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My Week in Photos (20.05 - 26.05)


Hellloooooooooooo :D

   Exista momente cand imi spun: incepand de saptamana asta o sa fiu un blogger mai bun (referitor la postari) si fac exact opusul :)) Luna asta am stat foarte prost la capitolul inspiratie, dar incet, incet se pare ca-mi revin :D Saptamana trecuta fost una dintre cele mai plictisitoare saptamani, cu exceptia zilelor de marti si duminica cand am iesit din casa sa fac ceva interesant :D O sa descoperiti in curand ca viata mea nu-i atat de palpitanta haha :)) (pentru moment)

   There are moments when I say to myself: starting this week I'm going to be a better blogger (posts wise) and I do the exactly opposite :)) This month I really had no inspiration, but it seems slowly, very slowly I getting back on track :D Last week was one of the most boring weeks ever, I only did something interesting on Tuesday and Sunday :) You will find out soon that my life is really not that interesting haha :)) (for the moment)

Duminica m-am decis ca vreau sa-mi fac parul din nou ombre asa ca luni am fost si mi-am luat decolorant :) La pranz am mancat orez cu sos de soia, ardei gras si ciuperci, a fust YUM! :D / On Sunday I got the idea that I want ombre hair again, so on Monday I went and bought bleach :) For lunch I had rice with soy sauce, peppers and mushrooms, it was delicious! :D


Moaca mea la cateva minute de cand m-am trezit :D (aveam si eu soare in geam si am vrut  sa vad cum se vede parul in poze :D) Apoi la pranz am pleacat in parc, am vazut flori frumoase, rate si cainele acela care dormea like a BOSS :))) In poza din stanga jos e cina din seara respectiva (pulpe de pui la rotisor cu painica prajita cu usturoi si cascaval) / My face in the morning :D (I wanted to see how my ombre hair looked in photos, i had some sun peeking through and snaped a photo). Then we went to the par, I saw some pretty flowers, ducks and a dog that was sleeping like a BOSS haha :D And then you see my dinner: roasted chicken with garlic bread and cheese :)


Din poze se pare ca miercuri am mancat toata ziua haha :)) Micul dejun (in pahar avea suc de portocale). La pranz am mancat orez cu peste si ciuperci, a fost una dintre cele mai bune mese de pranz ever!! Si apoi am mancat PEPENE!! :D / From the pictures you would think that on Wedsenday I did nothing else but eat :))) My breakfast (orange juice in the glass). For lunch I had rice with fish and mushrooms, best lunch ever!!! :D Then I ate some WATERMELON!! :D


Joi mi-a fost pofta de paste, asa ca am mancat paste :) (paste cu bacon, smantana de gatit si cascaval ras). Apoi am descoperit oul din care trebuia sa iasa SuperChicken, dar n-a fost sa fie :)) Si manichiura mea pe care am purtat-o toata saptamana, o sa o vedeti in curand si pe blog :) / I was craving pasta so I ate pasta :) (with bacon, sour cream and cheese). My grandma showed me this egg that had an S on it and I said that SuperChicken was supposed to hatch from it haha :))  And my mani that I wore all week, you will see it better in a NOTD soon :)


Vineri mi-a fost rau, foarte rau, asa ca n-am facut absolut nimic :( Am manacat pepene haha :D / Friday I didn't feel so good so I didn't do much, I ate WATERMELON :X


Sambata s-a intors prietenul meu dintr-o scurta calatorie si mi-a adus bunatati. Sucul de mere este unul dintre pereferatele mele, iar cicolatata este la fel de buna cea de la Kinder :X / My boyfriend finally arrived home form a small business trip and he got me some goodies, my favourite apple juice and chocolate just as good as the Kinder chocolate :X


Duminica ne-am petrecut-o in familie, asa cum facem in aproape fiecare duminica de cand se incalzeste afara :D Catelusa alba este una dintre cele mai scumpe si blande cateluse din lume, nu-mi aduc aminte cum o cheama pentru ca de fiecare data cand le intreb pe nepoatele mele cum o cheama ii pun alt nume si uit complet care e numele ei adevarat:D Apoi o vedeti pe Tesa, dobermanul care se considera un catel de talie mica si se baga peste tot, darama sau nu mai poate sa iasa :))) Si am incheiat seara cu o pizza facuta in casa :D / We spend almost every Sunday with our family and we have lots and lots of fun :D The white dog is one of the sweetest dogs ever, I forget her name because everytime i ask my nieces what her name is, they always say a different name and I forget her real one :)) And you can also see Tesa, the doberman who thinks she's a small dog and gets stuck everywhere :)) And we ended the night with a homemade pizza :D

O noua promotie pe Romwe, daca va plac colantii acum e momentul sa va achizitionati o pereche :D 

Leggings Flash Sale of Romwe New Collection! Only $19.99 for any pair. 3 days only!

Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D / How was your week? :D

Va doresc o seara minunta, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***