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May Favourites


Hello :D

Am plans dupa primvara si iata ca am am avut parte de ea, dupa atatea zile calduroase (desi sunt nascuta vara, cu greu fac fata caldurii), am avut parte de o saptamana cu temperaturi placute, ploaie, fulgere si tunete :) Un singur lucru m-a enervat, domne, imi cumpar si eu sandale si nu pot sa ma incalt cu ele :)) Venind vorba despre fulgere, nu stiu daca v-am zis pana acum, dar fulgerele ma fascineaza total si-am reusit sa suprind cateva fulgere aseara (da, am stat si am filmat o mare parte din furtuna de aseara :D), am fost mega entuziasmata, va chiar tipam prin casa de bucurie, am reusit sa sperii pe toata lumea :) Le trecem la favorite luna acesta :)

I was complaining a lot that I didn't get to enjoy spring, but it seems spring is back: lovely weather (even though I'm born in the summer, I don't really like the hot hot weather), rain, thunders and lightnings. Too bad I just received two pairs of sandals for my birthday (early presents), I didn't really get to wear them :)) Speaking of lightnings I don't know if i ever told you, but I am fascinated with them, I got to catch some lightnings in action last night (yes, I was next to my window filming the whole thing :D) and I was mega excited, i was screaming of joy, I scared everybody haha:) I should put them in my favourites this month, random category :)

(nu-i asa ca sunt superbe? :X / aren't they just AWESOME? :X)

Bun, lasand la o parte entuziasmul meu pentru fulgere, haideti sa vedem care au fost produsele favorite luna aceasta / Now let's get back to my May Favourites:

Produsele favorite pentru ingrijirea parului / Favourite hair products:

Momentan testez doua noi produse (sampon si balsam), nu le-am folosit suficient ca sa-mi pot da seama cat de mult imi plac si daca isi fac treaba. / For the moment I am testing out two new products, I haven't used them long enough to see if they really work and if I really like them.

Produsele favorite pentru ingrijirea tenului / Favourite skin care products:

Va spuneam ca am inceput sa folosesc o noua crema de fata si tot de luna acesta am inceput sa folosesc o lotiune tonica de care uitasem de ea :)) / I don't know why I haven't been using this toner, but now that I'm using it I really like it, it really does moisturize my skin. The moisturizing cream is a new product in my routine, and all I can say right now it's that is pretty awesome, I will do a review soon :)

  • Thayers Unscented Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Formula;
  • Cien Moisturizing Cream;

Produse favorite pentru ingrijirea corpului / Favourite body care products:

M-am hotarat in sfarsit sa termin si sarea de baie, nu stiu daca trebuie sa faca ceva anume pentru piele, dar miroase foarte bine /  The sea salt was just sitting in my bathroom and since no one was using it I thought I would try it, it smells amazing, I like it a lot :)

  • ON LiNE bath salt;
  • Bottega Verde - mai am foarte putin din crema, pe langa ea mai asteapta inca doua creme sa fie folosite :)) / I'm almost done with it, it was an amazing body cream, two more creams await for me after this one  :))

Parfumul favorit / Favourite perfume:

M-am intors la un parfum dulce, nu pot sa folosesc parfumuri dulci cand e cald afara, mi se face rau de la miros / I'm back to my sweet scents, I can't wear sweet perfumes when it's really hot outside.

  • Omerta Pure Bourbon Vanilla;
Oja preferate / Favourite nail polish:

In sfarsit mi-a revenit cheful sa-mi fac unghiile, am crezut ca l-am pierdut de tot, nu mai aveam deloc rabdare :( / I thought I lost the joy of applying and wearing nail polish forever, but it seems I didn't, now I enjoy it more then ever :)

  • Flormar 236 (NOTD), 431 (NOTD);
  • essence nail art special effect topper 10 glorious aquarius (NOTD)/ essence 67 make it golden (NOTD);
  • FRONTCOVER Vinceous (Swatch).
Produse de make-up favorite / Favourite make-up products:

  • Nature Republic PHOTOSHOT 3D BB Balm - urmeaza in curand un review / a review coming up soon;
  • p2 What's Up? Blush Stick - am reusit in sfarsit sa ma inteleg si cu blush-urile crema :) / I was really scared of using cream blushes, now I loooove them :X
  • Ben Nye Buff Luxury Powder - am inceput sa ne intelegem de minune, urmeaza cat de curand un review / we get along just great, in the beginning I wasn't applying it how I was supposed too;
  • Garnier BB Cream for Oily Skin - nu credeam ca o sa-mi placa atat de mult, trebuie neaparat sa-mi cumpar si eu unul ((cel din poza e al mamei mele, l-am incercat din curiozitate); urmeaza un review cu de curand / this product is awesome, I have to get one for myself (the products from the picture is my mom's), review soon :)
  • Avon SuperSHOCK Blackberry;
  • NYX Louisiana;
  • Miss Sporty 240 Mascarade;
  • essence sun club 02 long beach;
  • Too Faced Perfect Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner in Perfect Black.
Accesoriile preferate / Favourite accessories:

Bratara am cumparat-o cand am fost in vizita la Manastirea Ghighiu, e foarte draguta si am purtat-o aproape in fiecare zi de cand am cumparat-o, iar cerceii i-am primit de curand si-mi plac extraordinar de mult, nu am mai purtat alta pereche de cercei de cand i-am primit :) / My parents bought me the bracelet when we were visiting the Ghighiu Monastery, I like it a lot, I've worn it almost every day since I got it. The earrings are awesome, they are one of my favourite pair of earrings, I wore them every day since I received them :)

Melodiile favorite / Favourite songs:

INNA - Spre mare

Andra - Inevitabil va fi bine (cred ca am disperat pe toata lumea cu melodia asta :D)

Carla's Dreams feat. INNA - P.O.H.U.I.

 Filmul preferat / Favourite movie:

Luna acesta a fost luna animatiilor, n-am ratat nimic ce mi-a iesit in cale, dintre toate cel mai mult mi-au placut si le recomand: Wreck-It Ralph si Epic ♥ /  This month I watched all the animations I've come across, some were good, some were awesome, some were ehhhh, but these two were GREAT, I highly recommend them ♥

Si bineinteles ca de aproape fiecare data la sfarsit de postare va las cu o noua promotie ROMWE / New Romwe offer:

1.  Over 1000 styles with up to 70% off
2.  Valid date: 06/01~06/07/2013

Va doresc o seara minunata :***

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***