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My Week in Photos (29.04 - 5.05)


Hei :D

   Sper ca ati avut parte de Sarbatori linistite si ati petrecut tare frumos alaturi de persoanele dragi din viata voastra :) Am terminat si eu mini-vacanta si de astazi ma intorc la treaba. In sfarsit ma mobilizez sa fac si o astfel de postare, imi place sa fac poze....dar problema mea este ca LENEA ma impiedica sa actionez in 89% din timp haha :)) Am vrut sa ma apuc de postarile de genul acesta de prin iarna anului trecut, dar faceam doua poze si apoi uitam complet de restul sau ziceam ca le fac mai pe seara si adio :D De saptamana trecuta oriunde ma duc si vad ceva interesant se aude numai vocea mea: "Stati asa sa fac o poza!!!!!!" =)) Se pare ca in sfarsit m-am obisnuit sa fac poze si sa inving lenea de a scoate telefonul si de a apasa pe un buton, o mare realizare :)) De acum inainte la sfarsit de saptamana, o sa va arat prin intermediul pozelor ce-am facut interesant in saptamana respectiva (ador postarile de genul si le urmaresc cu mare placere pe blogurile colegelor mele :D).

 For the people that celebrated Easter this week-end, I hope you had an awesome time with your dear ones, for the people that didn't celebrate Easter this week-end, I still hope you had a great week-end :D Even though I said I was going to be back on Wednesaday, I just couldn't do it, I missed writing and talking to you guys, so i'm back early form my mini-vacation :) I wanted to do My Week in Photos for ages, but even though I like taking pictures some times I'm just toooooooooooooo LAZY to do it haha :)) Since last week things have changed and now I'm always screaming when i see something i like: "Let me take a photo of it first" =)) From now on this will be a permanent blog post here, every Sunday i will show you what I did that week ( I love this kind of blog posts and I love to watch them on other blogs :D).

Luni / Monday

heart, milka, chocolate
Mi s-au parut super dragute bomboanele in forma de inimioara de la Milka (in interior au o crema de capsuni si crema de lapte), desi nu mai manac dulciuri atat de des, n-am putut sa nu gust, am mancat doua haha :D / The chocolate hearts form Milka were so cuuuuute and so yummy (strawberry and milk filling), I ate two, I couldn't help myself :D

casual, pants, converse
  Tinuta mea pentru parc, trebuie sa ma pot misca in voie pentru ca imi place sa ma joc cu nepotelele mele :D / This is what I wore when I went to the park, I like to play with my two nieces and I have to be very comfortable to run around and play hide-and-seek :D

Marti / Tuesday

   Asa lucrez eu atunci cand pozez produsele pentru blog si apoi editez pozele, am nevoie de doua calculatoare, bine, mai bine spus am nevoie si de monitorul de la calculator :D / This is how I work when I take pictures for my blog and when I edit my pictures, I need two computers, well....techinically I need a second screen :)

Miercuri / Wednesday

iron man, movie, cinema
   De 1 Mai am fost la film si am vazut Iron Man 3, puteam sa traiesc si fara sa-l vad in 3D, dar n-am avut si optiunea asta, ne-a placut foarte mult :D / For Labor day we went to see Iron Man 2, pretty awesome movie, I could have lived even if it wasn't in 3d, I was not that impressed, but there was no other option :)

Joi / Thursday

lunch, polenta, cheese, pork
   Pranzul a fost delicios, n-am putut sa manac tot (mult prea multa mamaliga), dar a fost ataaat de bun :D / Lunch was delicious, too much for one meal (too much polenta), I couldn't eat the whole meal, but it was soooo good :D 

Vineri / Friday

coffee, espresso, morning
   Ziua incepe intotdeauna cu o cafea buna, nu pentru mine ci pentru prietenul meu :D Aproape in fiecare dimineata ii prepar cafeaua din care mai gust si eu din cand in cand :) / Every morning starts with a good coffee, not for me, for my boyfriend. Almost every day I prepare his coffee and sometimes I like to take a few sips :)

Sambata / Saturday

 De dimineata am facut primii mei cozonaci, sunt atat de mandra de ei ♥ / I have no idea how these are called in English, but they are so good, this is my first time making them and I think i did a pretty good job &hearts

salad, chicken, yogourt, healthy
   Vineri si sambata am mancat acelasi lucru la pranz, o salata delicioaaaaaaasa si acum cand ma gandesc la ea mi se face pofta, super yummy :X / Thursday and Friday i had the same thing for lunch, a delicious salad, now I'm craving some, it was super yummy :X

Duminica / Sunday

  Prima partea a zilei de Paste am petrecut-o cu familia mea. / The first part of Easter Day we spent with my family.

Apoi ajunsi la socrii am cules CORCODUSE si am mancat nu gluma :))) / Then we went to my in laws and i ate a lot of mirabelles :))

awesome cake, pretty cake, easter cake
Tortul pe care l-a facut soacra mea, prea frumos si colorat sa nu-l pozez :D / My mother-in-law baked this awesome cake and i had to take a picture of it :D

   A fost o saptamana frumoasa, destul de obositoare, dar ne-am distrat tare bine :D Voi cum ati petrecut de Sarbatori? :D  / The past week was amazing, a little bit tiring, but we had lots of fun :D How was your week? :D

LE: Cei de la Romwe au un nou giveaway pe Instagram, din pacate ca sa puteti participa trebuie sa va faceti o poza in care sa purtati neaparat o pereche de colanti de la Romwe (dar daca aveti deja una si va plac super mult colantii e perfect). Ofera 20 de perechi de colanti zilnic! Regulile le gasiti mai jos:

 Everyone is a super model!! We can show our feeling about clothes, life and love.
We should shout out!! Let others know our feeling.

Now ROMWE offers free leggings for those owners of creative photos, 20 pairs of free leggings everyday. Check out their Instagram

Check the contest (@romwe) you will know how to join:

How to win:
1, Take a photo in Romwe leggings
2, Post with @romwe #romwemay “I’m xxx(name), I’m in xxx(city), I’m wearing Romwe leggings” on Instagram
3, Locate your positions
4, Follow Romwe on Instagram

Here is the example:
Time: 05/09/2013 to 06/09/2013

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***