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My Week in Photos (13.05 - 19.05)


Hello :D

Iata ca a mai trecut o saptamana, a trecut super, super repede, mai e putin si imbatranesc cu inca un an :( Am scapat in sfarsit si de raceala, a fost o saptamana frumoasa :D Sa vedem ce-am facut sapatamana trecuta :)

Another week has passed super fast and I'm getting older very soon :( Finally I got rid of the nasty cold and  I could enjoy my beautiful week :D Let's see my week looked like :)


As manca paste toata ziua :D Asta am mancat luni la pranz, au foat delicioase :X / I love pasta :D This is what I had for lunch, it was delicious :X

Ceara mea preferata, miroase extrem de bine si sunt destul de multumita de ea :)/ My favourite wax, it smells sooo good :)

Cina :D Activia de baut este iartul meu preferat :) Din cand in cand beau cate unul in fiecare zi timp de o saptamana, apoi fac pauza pentru ca nu-mi mai plac gustul de iaurt haha :D / Dinner :D Activia is my favourite yogurt. I drink it every day for a week and then I can't and have to stop for a period of time (I get tired of the yogurt taste) and then I do it again haha :)


Gustarea :) Am grija ca cel putin o data pe zi sa am o gustare alcatuita numai din fructe. Am mancat super multe prune si mult kiwi / A little healthy snack, I always try to eat fruits at least once a day. I ate a lot of prunes and kiwi :)

Cina mega rapida. Paine prajita cu usuturoi (putin praf, nu manac usturoi) cu cascaval si somon afumant, a fost atat de buna :X / Super fast dinner. Toasted bread with garlic, cheese and smoked somon, it was sooooo, soooooo yummy :X

Apoi am incheiat seara cu prima semifinala Eurovision / I ended the night watching the first Eurovision semifinal.


Desi nu consum lapte, cateodata mi se face pofta, in ultima vreme am mancat cereale cu lapte dimineata :) / Though I don't really drink milk, lately I've been eating cereals, almost every morning.

Din nou Activia :) / Activia again :)

Si cat imi savuram iaurtul ma uitam la 2 Broke Girls :) / And as I was enjoying my Activia I was also watching 2 Broke Girls. :)


Joi am fost in vizita la Manastirea Ghighiu. Am facut o gramada de poze frumoase :X / We visited Ghighiu Monastery. I took a lot of beautiful pictures :X

Apoi am ajuns in Ikea si am gasit bufnitele astea haioase :)) / And after that, we went to Ikea and found these funny owls haha :D

Seara am mancat floricele facute la ceaun, cele mai BUNE! :D / Yummy popcorn :D


Salata ati vazut-o si saptamana trecuta, e delicioasa preparata asa, as manaca aproape in fiecare zi :) / You have seen this salad in my previous MWIP, it's really good, I could eat almost every day :)

Movie Night, movie snaks :) Pepene :X / Watermelon :X :X


Sambata a fost cea mai aglomerata zi din toata saptamana, asta a fost pranzul meu (paine prajita cu usturoi, guacamole si pui afumat). Nu ma mai saturam :)) / Saturday was a very busy day, this is what I got to eat for lunch (toasted garlic bread, guacamole and smoked chicken). I really wanted to eat more, it was sooo good :))


Imi place foarte mult ovazul cu lapte si fructe, am dat peste mixul asta in Lidl, extrem de delicios, dar nu ka fel de sanatos ca cel facut de mine, din cand in cand merge :) / I really like oats with milk and fruits and I found this in Lidl, it's really tasty, but not that healthy so I'm not going to have it very often :)

Si seara mi-am terminat pepenele, se facuse mai bun decat a fost vineri, de-abia astept sa apara cei romanesti :) / I finished the rest of my watermelon, it tasted better than Friday, I can't wait to buy Romanian watermelons :)

Sper ca ati avut o saptamana la fel de frumoasa ca a mea :D / I hope your week was as beautiful as mine was :D

Si era sa uit complet :/ O noua gasiti o noua oferta:

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Imi plac super, super mult pantalonii scurti cu paiete din poza, dar astept sa apara costumele de baie cu talie inalta, visez la unul de atata timp :)) / I really, really like those sparkly shorts, but I'm waiting for the high wasted swimsuits :D

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***