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My Week in Photos (6.05 - 12.05)


Salutare :D

   Prima parte a saptamanii trecute a fost lipsita de evenimente, am lenevit in mare parte, m-am recuperat dupa stresul pregatirii pentru Paste :)) Apoi spre sfarsit lucrurile am inceput sa devina interesante, am crezut ca alergia mea incepe sa isi faca de cap, dar de fapt nu era nicio alergie era o raceala "sanatoasa" care m-a tinut la pat doua zile, doua zile in care avem cu totul si cu totul alte planuri. Si pentru ca asa cum ziceam si pe Facebook la mine lucrurile rele umbla in gasca, vineri mi s-a stricat si laptop-ul, momentan scriu de la calculatorul prietenului meu, calculator ce trebuie sa-l personalizez (bucuria prietenului meu :D) pana primesc laptop-ul de la reparat :/ Noroc ca astazi ma simt mai bine si ma pot apuca de treaba :D Sper ca ati avut o saptamana mult mai buna decat a mea :))

The first part of last week I spent relaxing, preparing for Eater was exhausting :)) Then near the end things went a little bit crazy, I thought my allergy was kinking in, but I found out the next day I got a nasty, nasty cold which kept me in bed for the whole week-end and to top it off my laptop is broken :/ Until it gets fixed I have to personalize my boyfriend's computer (I know he is so thrilled about it :D), I'm not used to work on his computer, i miss my laptop :( It's a good thing today I'm feeling much better :) I hope you all had a better week than mine :D


 Mi-am inceput dimineata tarziu, la micul dejun am mancat doua felii de paine cu salata de beouf (salata mea preferata, as putea sa mananc de dimineata, la pranz si seara :D A fost singurul exces pe care l-am facut a doua zi de Paste :) / Wake-up pretty late, for breakfast I ate two slices of bread with beouf salad, my favourite salad in the world :D

Acesta e tinuta pe care am purtat-o afara, iubesc combinatia asta, iar camasa de blugi e atat de comoda, m-as imbraca asa in fiecare zi haha :D / My outfit of that day, I love this combination, the denim shirt is so comfortable, I would wear it every day if I could :D


Aici am incercat sa fac capsuni trase in ciocolata, am facut o mare porcarie, am abandonat proiectul si am mancat capsunile bahah :D / I tried to coat some strawberries with chocolate, I failed so i ate the strawberries :))


Sunt dependenta de fructe, in ziua asta am mancat mure si banane, o mica gustare intre mese :) / A little snack, I'm addicted to fruits, here I have some berries and a banana :) 

Nu am respirat cat am mancat :D Portia nu era atat de mare, mi s-a imprastiat mamaliga peste tot, a fost delicioooooos :D / I did again, best lunch ever :X I know it looks like a lot, my polenta was all over the place, I ate it all haha :D

Seara am fost in Lidl si pentru ca am vazut Movie Snack-ul la Kitty (ador combinatia nachos + cheese dip), m-am gandit sa-l incercam si noi, mie nu mi-a placut, chips-urile au fost dulci... :/ / I've seen this Movie Snack on Kitty's Facebook and i knew I had to try it (I love nachos with cheese dip), I didn't like it the nachos were too sweet for my taste, I only like the salted ones :/


   Nu-mi mai aduc aminte cand am mancat ultima data macaroane cu branza si ketchup, a facut mama si n-am putut sa nu gust :) Foarte bune :) /  I can't remember  the last time I had this combo, my mom made some, very tasty :)

Prunele din Auchan sunt delicioase, de-abia astept sa imi mai cumpar :X / These prunes from Auchan are sooooo tasty, can't wait to buy more :X

Seara mi-am spalat si pensulele, una dintre activitatile mele "preferate". / Before i went to sleep i washed some of my brushes, I just "love" washing them :D


Vineri dimineata am fost la shopping, nu mi-am cumparat nimic. Nici nu ma simteam foarte bine.. /  Friday morning I went shopping, didn't get anything. I wasn't feeling too good either...(no make-up)

Apoi de suparare ca nu mi-am luat nimic, ne-am oprit la MC, nu imi aduc aminte cand am mancat ultima data acolo, dar imi era foarte pofta (a se observa ca saptamana asta nu am mancat foarte sanatos, dar e ok pentru ca de Paste nu facut excese :D) / Because I was upset about not getting any new clothes, we stopped at MC Donald, I can't remember when was the last time we ate here (note that this week I didn't eat that healthy, but it's ok because i stuck to my eating programme even on Easter)


Eu si prietenii mei, lipsesc picaturile din poza :)) / Me and my friends just hanging out :))


A trebuit sa ies din casa si m-am aranjat putin ca sa nu sperii lumea, dar se observa pe fata mea cat de bine ma simteam :)) / I had to go out, tried to look as good as I could at that moment, I was feelling miserable, you cn see it on my face :))

And that's all folks, astept sa vad ce intamplari ma mai asteapta saptamana acesta :)) Voi cum v-ati petrecut saptamana? Dar week-end-ul? :D / And that's all folks, I'm wainting to see what awesome things will happen to me this week :)) How was your week? How about your week-end? :D

PS: Cei de la Romwe au un nou concurs pe Pinterest, eu m-am inscris deja, mult prea tentante premiile :D / Romwe is having another cool giveaway, this time on Pinterest (I'm in, the prizes are awesome :D)

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***