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My Week in Photos (10.06 - 16.06)


Hello :D

Saptamana ce-a trecut a fost chinuitor de plictisitoare, total lipsita de evenimente :)) Vremea nu a ajutat nici ea foarte mult, pentru ca schimbarile bruste de temperatura si faptul ca toata ziua era innorat nu m-au facut sa ma simt foarte bine si sa fiu eu :) (atentie! o postare cu multa mancare :D)

Last week was excruciatingly boring, I had absolutely nothing interesting to do :)) The weather didn't help either, sun in the morning, storm for the rest of the day (I love storms, but not every day), I can't function well in these conditions :) (beware! lots of food in the pictures :D)


De ziua mea am primit din partea prietenului meu blenderul mult dorit si-am inceput sa-mi fac tot felul de sucuri (in poza: salata, castravete, necatarine, lamaie, mere si putina apa).  Am decis ca 5 zile pe saptamana la micul dejun sa beau doar un suc. Apoi am fugit catre Lidl ca sa prind bunatatile de la Saptamana Asiatica :D / My awesome boyfriend surprised me on my birthday with the blender I wanted and i immediately starting making green juices (for the juice in the picture I used: salad, cucumber, nectarines, lemon, apples and a little bit of water). I decided that 5 days/week I will have only juice for breakfast. Asian Week just started at Lidl so I ran as fast as i can to grab some goodies :)


De dimineata mi-a facut mama saleuri si n-am putut sa refuz (am manacat mai multe decat apar in poza :D), apoi la pranz am manacat orez si putin gratar cu unul dintre sosurile pe care le-am cumparat luni din Lidl :) / My mom made some pasties and I just couldn't say no to them (I ate more than you see in the picture :D) and for lunch I had: rice with pork and some sauce that i bought from the Asian Week on Monday :)


Miercuri am baut acelasi suc ca si in zilele de luni si marti, apoi am plecat la cumparaturi, bineinetels ca am luat si jumatate de pepene :D Biscuitii de la Belvita din poza sunt cei mai buni biscuiti pe care i-am manacat, ii recomand daca nu i-ati incercat pana acum :) Apoi mi-am adua aminte ca incepe noul sezon din PLL asa ca m-am uitat la serial si a fost super :D / On Wednesday I had the same juice as I had on Monday and Tuesday and then I went to buy some groceries and of course I had to buy watermelon :D Those Belvita biscuits are the yummiest biscuits I have ever eaten, you have to try them  :) I remembered that a new PLL season is starting so I watched the first episode and it was AWESOME :D


Joi dupa-amizaza m-am bucurat de pepene si m-am uitat la filme :)  / I enjoyed some cold watermelon and watched movie :)


Vineri am incercat alt suc (castravete, ananas din compot, mere, lamaie, compot de ananas si apa), a fost absolut delicios, apoi am plecata spre posta vamala de una am ridicat doua colete pe care le asteptam cu mult entuziasm si daca tot am iesit din casa am trecut si prin piata de unde am luat zmeura :) Apoi am mancat un pranz extraordinar de bun: orez, carne de porc si fasole verde in sos de soia ♥ / Friday I tried another juice, this time I used: cucumber, apples, pineapple, lemon, pineapple juice and a little bit of water, it was delicious, then i went to pick up two packages that I've been wainting for a long time and since I was already out of the house I went to the farmers market to get some raspberry. Yummiest lunch ever: rice, pork and green beans in soy sauce ♥


Sambata am vegetat, n-am avut chef nici macar sa ma misc :)) / Saturday was such a lazy day, I didn't even wanted to move :))


Duminica am baut acelasi suc ca si in ziua de vineri si la cina am avut un delicios sandwich cu cascaval, pui si maioneza (maioneza a fost punctul forte :D) / I drank the same juice as on Friday and for dinner I had a delicious sandwich with: chicken, cheese and mayonnaise (lots of mayonnaise :D)

Cum a fosta saptamana voastra? :D / How was your week? :D

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Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***