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My Week in Photos (17.06 - 23.06)


Hello :D 

Daca saptamana trecuta ma plangeam ca am avut parte de o saptamana super plictisitoare, saptamana acesta a fost una dintre cele mai bune saptamani de pana acum, plina de aventuri (nu am mai apucat sa scriu nicio postare de miercuri) si foarte, foarte distractiva :D

If in my previous My Week in Photos I was complaining that my week was boring, well the week that just passed was AWESOME filled with adventures (I didn't even have time to blog) and FUN :D


Luni am primit bunatati de la prietenul meu care s-a intors dintr-o alta calatorie (sucul meu de mere preferat si o cutie mare de Raffaelo :X). Pentru pranz am pregatit "Un fel de lasagna cu paste", apoi seara am fost in oras sa bem Boba :X / My boyfriend brought me a lot of goodies (my favourite apple juice and a big box of Raffaelo :X) For lunch I made "Un fel de lasagna cu paste" and then we went out to get Boba :X


Marti am avut o gramada de treaba prin oras, pentru ca tot am intrat intr-una dintre cele mai grozave cofetarii de pe la Unirii, mi-am cumparat o mini tarta cu zmeura si nu exagerez cand spun ca n-am mai mancat de mult o tarta atat de buna, mi-a parut rau ca nu am luat una mare :( Inainte sa plec in oras am apucat sa fac cateva sarmale, mi-a fost foarte pofta si-au iesit extrem de gustoase :) / Tuesday was a busy, busy day. On my way to where I had to go, I got a mini raspberry tart and it was one of the best raspberry tart I've ever had :X 


Am vizitat Pitestiul de doua ori haha *aveam treaba, nu am avut timp de plimbare* cand ma mai plictisesc in masina, ma apuc sa-mi fac poze :))) Am suprins apusul soarelui in oglinda, era atat de frumos :X / I visited Pitesti twice on Wednesday haha :) When I get bored in the car I take funny pictures of myself :) And a beautiful, beautiful sunset ♥


Toata casa a mirosit a dulceata de afine (singura dulceata pe care o manac :X) si-am decis ca in week-end neaparat fac clatite, asta ca sa testez dulceata haha :D Mi-am "vopsit unghiile" galbene, o culoare tare vesela, perfecta pentru vara :) Si-am descoperit o reteta de milkshake tare delicios si satios: lapte, banane, unt de arahide si miere :D / The whole house smelled like cranberries jam (the only jam that I like :X) and I decided that I have to make pancakes soon to try it and see if it's good :) Then I painted my nails yellow, a fun color perfect for summer :) New milkshake recipe: milk, bananas, peanut butter and honey = DELICIOUS :X


Am inceput dimineata cu desene :D (Monsters, Inc.) Fructele zilei au fost afinele :) Pentru ca am mancat prea multe fructe cu greu am putut sa mai manac la pranz. Spre seara am plecat spre Focsani (tinuta mea pentru drum) / Monsters, Inc. on TV :) Fruit of the day: cranberries. Because I ate a lot of cranberries I couldn't eat my lunch  :)) The we had to leave for Focsani (my outfit for the road).


Sambata ne-a prins in drum spre Bucuresti :) Am oprit pe drum sa-mi iau un Burek cu branza. Luna era foarte stralucitoare, asa ca i-am facut si ei o poza :) Dupa vreo 5 ore de somn m-am apucat sa fac clatite americane (pentru ca de-abia asteptam sa manac din dulceata de afine :D) La pranz am mancat cartofi la cuptor (din Lidl), iar seara am iesit in oras sa bem Boba :X / On Saturday we were on our way home, I got a Bureck with cheese (my favourite) :) The moon was so pretty I just had to take a picture of it :D After 5 hours of sleep I made pancakes for breakfast (really wanted to taste the creanberrie jam :X). For lunch we had some baked potatoes and then we went to get Boba :D


Duminica am fost numai pe drumuri, acum mi-am dat seama ca nici nu am apucat sa fac poze :)) Am ajuns seara tarziu acasa si-am incheiat ziua cu floricele si Marele Gatsby / Sunday we were on the road again, I now just realised that I didn't even get to take that many pictures :)) We got home late and we ended the night with popcorn and The Great Gatsby.

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Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***