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Ben Nye Buff Luxury Powder


Hey :D

   Am vorbit putin despre acest produs si l-ati vazut de cateva ori la sfarsit de luna printre produsele favorite. La inceput am avut o relatie dragoste-ura, dar pana la urma a ajuns sa fie unul dintre cele mai indragite produse cosmetice, o investitie foarte buna.

This is a product that you've seen in my Favourites and I did talk a little bit about it. At first I had a love-hate relationship, but now I love it, it was a very good investment :)

Ben Nye a fost un celebru make-up artist care a lucrat in industria filmelor la Hollywood (Gone with the wind, Gentlemen prefer blondes, etc.), s-a retras in 1967 si a creat compania Ben Nye Makeup Company. Ben Nye Banana Powder este renumita astazi si foarte cautata (se pot cumpara doar cateva bucati asta pentru ca cererea este foarte mare), mai ales de cand make-up artist-ul lui Kim Kardashiam a dezvaluit ca o foloseste pentru machiajul lui Kim. Pudrele sunt facute sa reziste foarte mult pe ten, deoarece cosmeticele Ben Nye au fost concepute pentru actori care de multe ori sunt nevoiti sa stea foarte mult timp in lumina reflectoarelor, machiajul trebuie sa fie foarte rezistent. / Ben Nye was a very famous make-up artist, he worked in the film industry at Hollywood (Gone with the wind, Gentlemen prefer blondes, etc.), he retired in 1967 and started Ben Nye Makeup Company. Ben Nye Banana Powder is a very famous powder there is a very high demand of this product (that's why you can only buy a few online, not as many as you want), especially since Kim Kardashian's make-up artist revealed that he is using the powder on Kim. Ben Nye cosmetic products are theatrical/stage make-up, but they can be used by anyone.

Denumire Name: Ben Nye Buff Luxury Powder;
De unde il pot achizitiona? / Where can i buy it from?
Cat pret are? / Price?: ebay: 8-10$; camerareadycosmetics: 11$;
Ingrediente / Ingredients: le puteti vedea in poza / you can see them in the picture above;
Cantitate: 42 gr;
Alte observatii / Other observations:
  • gaurile capacului sunt prea mari, mare atentie cand o deschideti, eu acoprit marea majoritate a gaurilor cu o bucata de scotch / the holes of the swifter are pretty large, I suggest putting a scotch tape on and leaving just a hole or two so you don't loose product.

Prima data am auzit despre aceasta pudra pe Youtube, foarte multa lumea o folosea si toata lumea avea de spus numai lucruri bune despre ea. Pentru ca pudra pe ca o foloseam mi se terminase, m-am gandit sa o incerc pe cea de la Ben Nye. Initial am vrut Banana, dar pentru ca nu m-am miscat sufiecient de repede, seller-ul de pe Ebay a vandut toate pudrele Banana intr-o seara :( N-am mai vrut sa astept asa ca am ales-o pe cea despre care o sa va vorbesc astazi -Buff- I heard about this powder on Youtube, everybody was using it and they were saying only good things about it. Since my powder at that time was dying I thought I would give Ben Nye powder a chance. Inittialy I wanted Banana, but I didn't act fast enogh and the ebay seller sold them all in one night :( I didn't want to wait so i ordered Buff.

Este una dintre cele mai fine pudre pe care le-am incercat pana acum, se aseaza absolut minunat pe ten si oricat produs as adauga sub nicio forma nu-mi incarca tenul. Are un finis satinat, nu lasa impresia de ten uscat, arata foarte natural pe ten. / It is one of the most fine milled powder i have ever tried, it looks awesome on the skin and it does not make my face look cakey at all. It has a satiny finish, it does't look like you have dry and cakey skin/

Va spuneam ca la inceput nu m-am inteles foarte bine cu ea, asta pentru ca mi-a luat ceva pana am gasit ceva cu care sa-mi placa sa o aplic :) Imi place sa folosesc pensula pentru pudra din gama Studio de la E.l.f. si sa o aplic cu miscari de tapotare, pentru a nu o misca de colo-n colo si a pierde din ea la aplicare. / I was telling you that we didn't get along so great in the beginning, that's because I wasn't applying it with the right tool :) I love to apply it with my E.l.f. powder brush (Studio line), buffing it in, not swiping the brush across my face.

Seara inainte de demachiere tenul nu mai este la fel de mat ca la aplicare (vorbesc de 8-9 ore petrecute in caldura si alergat peste tot), dar nu este nici lucios, are un aspect foarte natural, asa cum mi-ar placea sa arate in fiecare zi fara sa fiu nevoita sa folosesc pudra :) Tocmai de aceea cred ca depinde foarte mult cat de mult produs este aplicat, mie imi place cum arata, n-am simtit nevoia sa aplic mai mult. / At night before I remove my make-up (wearing it for about 8-9 hours, hot weather and I'm running everywhere), the skin is not as matte as it was when I first applied the powder, but it has an awesome dewy finish (not oily at all), I would love my skin to look like that without powder :) That's why I am saying that it depends on how much powder you apply, I love the dewy finish i get at the end of the night, I don't feel the need to apply more.

(fara pudra - cu pudra Ben Nye) / (without powder - with Ben Nye Powder)

Ma declar foarte multumita de ea, insa n-am renuntat la ideea de a o cumpara si pe Banana, am citit ca Banana este putin diferita fata de celalate, asa ca sunt foarte curioasa sa o incerc :D / I'm very pleased with it, but I didn't give up the idea of getting the Banana one, I'm really curious to try that one, I heard that it is a little bit different from the other powders :D

Care este pudra voastra preferata? /  What's you favourite face powder?

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***