Hello :)
Nu cred ca trebuie sa mai mentionez cat de mult indragesc BB Cream-urile, imi plac mult mai mult decat fondurile de ten si de cand le-am descoperit nici nu m-a mai interesat altceva. Pentru ca am pielea foarte deschisa la culoare intotdeauna mi-a fost greu sa imi gasesc o nuanta potrivita la fondurile de ten din magazine, asa ca atunci cand am vazut ca exista si produse care au si nuante foarte deschise, nu am mai stat pe ganduri si asa am ajuns sa-mi achizitionez primul BB cream in urma cu an. / I don't think I have to mention again my love for BB Creams, I find them to be amazing, I have no longer an interest in buying foundations for now. Because I have fair skin I could never match my foundation to my skin and it annoyed me so much, so when I discovered BB Creams and I saw that they had really light shades I was very happy, bought one, tried it and that's how I got to love them so much :)
Nature Republic este o companie coreeana care foloseste ingrediente naturale de peste tot din lume pentru a creea aceste produse, pe langa produsele de make-up gama lor cuprinde si produse pentru par si corp, accesorii, produse destinate barbatilor si produse pentru ingrijirea tenului. W2Beauty.com comercializeaza peste 9000 de produse, este unul dintre cele mai mari site-uri care comercializeaza produse cosmetice coreene destinate atat femeilor cat si barbatilor. Este practic imposibil sa nu gasiti un produs care sa va placa sau pe care-l cautati. / Nature Republic is a Korean brand that uses natural ingredients from all over the world for their product. Besides make-up product they also have: products for hair and body, skin care products, accessories and men's products. W2Beauty.com sells over 9000 products on their website, it's one of the biggest Korean Beauty Shop, they have women beauty products and you can find beauty products for men :) It almost impossible to look for a product and not find it on their website.
Denumire / Name: Nature Republic Photoshot 3D BB BALM SPF 30/PA+++ *** (cititi disclaimerul va rog/read disclaimer)
De unde il pot achizitiona? / Where cand i buy it from?: w2beauty.com
Cat pret are? / Price?: 16.87$;
Ingrediente / Ingredients: Din pacate nu le gasesc pe internet, iar pe cutie sunt trecute in coreeana :( / i can't find them on the internet and i can't read korean :(
Cantitate: 7gr;
Alte observatii / Other observations:
- Transportul este gratuit / free shipping;
- Mostre la fiecare achizitie / samples with every order;
- La fiecare achizitie primiti puncte pe care puteti sa le preschimbati in cupoane si sa le folositi pentru alte cumparaturi / reward points that can you can exchange for coupons and use them to buy other products;
- SPF 30.
De data acesta am vrut sa testez produsul altfel, cu si fara pudra ca sa va pot spune cum s-a comportat in ambele situatii pe un ten mixt. Prima data am aplicat produsul intr-o duminica calduroasa in care ma pregateam sa plec in vizita la socrii (alerg dupa caini, ma joc cu nepotelele, sunt in continua miscare tot timpul), l-am aplicat folosind buretelul uscat [buretelul din dotare poate sa fie folosit si umed, este facut dintr-un material asemanator cu cel al beauty blender-ului (cel fake pe care-l detin)], nu mi-a placut foarte mult cum se aplica, am avut impresia ca incarca putin tenul. Am folosit pudra doar pentru a tine-n loc corectorul, restul fetei a fost powder free, cred ca este pentru prima data in viata mea cand n-am aplicat pudra pe fata :) / This time I wanted to test out the product in a different way, with and without powder. I chose a hot Sunday with lots of running activities included (running after dogs, playing with my nieces, etc,) to test it without powder and see how well it does. I applied it using the sponge that it came with [you can also use it wet, it seems that it is made from the same material as my beauty blender (my fake one), I didn't really like how it looked applied with a dry sponge, it looked a bit cakey. I used powder only to set my concealer, the rest of my face is powder free, I think it is the first time I'm not using powder on my face :))
Ofera un luciu foate sanatos, nicidecum unul de genul: m-am dat cu ulei pe fata :)) L-am aplicat in jurul orei 12 si ultima poza este facuta in jurul orei 9-10 seara cand a trebuit sa ma demachiez. Am observat ca dupa atatea ore de purtare acolo unde aveam mici zone rosii a inceput sa dispara, erau mult mai vizibile si pe timpul purtarii mi s-a strans ridurile de expresie din jurul gurii, in alte parti nu am observat lucrul acesta. I-am testat rezistenta la transfer pe telefon si am ramas destul de impresionata, foarte putin produs s-a transferat pe ecranul telefonului. Ca si rezistenta fara pudra, as spune ca 5-6 ore a ramas intact pe fata, apoi incet incet a inceput sa dispara fara sa se vada urat. / It gives a really healthy glow not the: I applied oil to my face kind of glow :)) I applied it around 12 pm and the last photo I took around 9-10 pm right before I took my make-up off. It faded away right where I had my red zones and it did see that a few hours after the application it started to settle in some of my lines (around the mouth area), that's the only place where it did that. I did test out the transfer resistance on my phone and it did really well, I was pretty amazed when I looked at my phone screen. 5-6 hours it looked pretty good on my skin (without any powder on).
Aplicat in jurul orei 13 cu pudra, ultima poza este facuta in jurul orei 23:30 (de data acesta am stat si cu fata pe perna pentru ca ma luase somnul undeva pe la 7-8 seara). La fel ca si prima data a inceput sa dispara de pe zonele in care aveam pustule, puteti sa observati ca in ultima poza sunt rosie pe frunte, dar as spune ca a rezistat pana la 7-8 ore eroic pe fata. De asemenea am observat ca evidentiaza zonele uscate dupa cele 7-8 ore (in momentul in care incepe sa dispara), locurile unde sunt pustule pe cale le vindecare (uscate) erau evidentiate. / I applied the bb cream around 1 pm and set it with powder, the last photo is taken around 11:30 pm (I tried to nap a little around 7-8 so most of my make-up was on the pillow). I did see that it started to fade away on some areas of my face, where my red pimples were (you can see it in the last picture), but with powder I can say that it looked very good for about 7-8 hours. I also did noticed that it highlights some of my dry spots.
Tenul meu trece iar printr-o perioada in care nu ne intelegem, mai ales pe frunte am probleme, asa ca imi cer scuze pentru pozele care vor urma :) / My skin is going through a though period right now, especially on my forehead, so I'm sorry for the following photos :)
(aplicat cu beauty blender-ul / applied with the wet beauty blender)
(aplikcat cu beauty blender-ul / applied with the wet beauty blender)
(aplicat cu buretelul uscat / applied with the dry sponge that it comes with)
Are o acoperire medie, full in doua straturi. Se vede destul de incarcat atunci cand este aplicat in doua straturi, mai putin in poze, in poze e absolut flawless, imi place extrem de mult cum se vede. Din poze nu se vede diferenta dintre cele doua metode de aplicare, dar arata mult mai natural aplicat cu beauty blender-ul umezit. / It gives a medium coverage, you can achieve full coverage with two layers. With two layers it does look pretty cakey in person, in photos it looks amazing, I love how it looks. I don't know if you can see form the photos, but applied with the beauty blender it looks more natural than applied with the dry sponge that it comes with.
Este un produs ca-mi place foarte mult, este pentru prima data cand incerc produsele de la Nature Republic si cu singuranta nu este ultima, sunt foarte curioasa si de celalate produse asa ca viitor voi mai incerca produse de la ei cu sigurnata. Nu am observat sa mi se intample ceva cu tenul in perioada in care l-am folosit, nu mi-au aparut mai multe pustule, nu am avut tenul iritat./ I really, really like this product, I haven't tried any other Nature Republic products until now, but this made me very curious about other NR products so I'm sure I will be trying out some more products from this brand in the near future. I haven't seen and bad changes in my skin as I was using it, no irritations either.
Pe cei de la W2Beauty ii gasiti si pe pagina de Facebook: W2Beauty, acolo puteti le adresati orice intrebare legata de produse, sa fiti curent cu ultimele noutati de pe site si puteti participa la concursurile organizate de ei :) / You can also find W2Beauty on Facebook: W2Beauty, there you can ask them about products, find out the latest updates and join their amazing giveaways :D
Ati incercat produse de la Nature Republic pana acum? Ce parere aveti despre acest BB Cream? :) / Have you ever tried Nature Republic's products? What do you think of this BB Cream? :)
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***