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France Rose Eye Shadow Palette


Hey! :)

I have almost forgotten how fun it was to play with different shades, with different textures, oh it was so much fun! To notice how special every shade is, to think about different combinations and see that every combination is beautiful in its own way. This is the beauty of eye shadows and I am happy that  I can get to enjoy them once again :) Every time I discover something that I love I can't wait to share it with you so this is what I am doing right now ♥

Aproape ca am si uitat cat de distractiv este sa te joci cu diverse nuante, cu farduri mate, sidefate, metalice, ah, cat de distractiv! Sa observi cat de speciala e fiecare nuanta in parte, sa te gandesti cu ce sa o combini, sa-ti dai seama ca poti face n combinatii si fiecare sa fie frumoasa in felul ei. Asta e frumusetea fardurilor si sunt bucuroasa ca pot din nou sa le acord atentia pe care o merita :) Cum de fiecare data cand descopar ceva grozav vreau sa impartasesc si voi, ei bine asta fac si acum ♥

Name / Denumire: French Rose C.B.I Colour Box ***
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?:;
How many quads are available? Cate palete sunt disponibile?: 8 palettes available / 8 palete disponibile;
 Price? / Ce preţ are?: $4.86.

There is not much to say about the packaging, it is not that special and the plastic it is made out of its not the best quality, what do you expect, it is a cheap palette, but what's inside is what matters, it is not always about how the outside looks, it is always about the inside. I was really impressed by the eye shadows, they are beautiful when you look at them and beautiful when you apply them.

Despe amabalaj nu am foarte multe sa va spun, nu mi se pare extrem de aratos si nici plasticul din care e realizat nu e de cea mai buna calitate, insa vorbim despre un produs destul de ieftin si apoi ce e inauntru e important, de multe ori exteriorul poate sa fie superb, iar ce se afla inauntru sa lase foarte mult de dorit. Am fost foarte uimita de farduri, sunt extrem de frumoase atunci cand te uiti la ele si sunt la fel de fumoase atunci cand le aplici.

(I haven't applied a primer, I swatched directly on the skin / fardurile sunt aplicate direct pe piele, nu am folosit primer)

They have an incredibly soft and creamy texture, they apply beautifully. However there is a lot of fallout so you'd better do your eye makeup first and then get to the face. As you can see from picture above they are crazy pigmented, they are easy to blend, I wouldn't have expected to find in such a cheap palette such amazing eye shadows. I've used them only with a primer and that's because I have oily eyelids, they hold up just as any other eye shadow that I have. You are going to see them in action pretty soon (this week) because I am planning to use them in my first holiday makeup look.

Au o textura incredibil de fina, cremoasa, se aplica foarte frumos insa exista si un minus, sunt foarte prafose, se imprastie peste tot, de preferat este sa realizati inainte machiajul ochilor si apoi pe cel al fetei ca nu cumva sa aveti parte de surprize neplacute. Dupa cum se observa si din poza de mai sus sunt extrem de pigmentate, se blenduiesc usor, ce mai, am numai cuvinte de lauda la adresa lor, nu ma asteptam ca la pretul acesta sa gasesc asemenea comori in paleta. In ceea ce priveste rezistenta, le-am folosit numai cu primer (asta pentru ca am pleoapele uleiose, au rezistat foarte bine. Saptamana aceasta veti vedea un machiaj realizat cu acesta paleta, va fi de altfel si primul machiaj realizat cu ocazia sarbatorilor, asa ca le veti putea vedea si in actiune :)

Isn't this palette a treasure to have? :)

Nu-i asa ca e o comoara paletica asta? :)

If you find something interesting on the website and you want to make a purchase I have a 10% coupon code for you to use RAH10 (it is not an affiliate code).

Dacă găsiţi ceva interesant pe site, am un cupon de 10% reducere pentru voi (nu este cod de afiliat) RAH10.

Have a great day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***