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My Week In Photos (15.12 - 21.12)



This week I realized that I don't know how to enjoy the moment because I always have to concentrate on what's coming next. I am the type of person that stresses out quickly, who is very emotional, I turn every situation on all possible sides and I have over analyze everything that happens to me and I have come to the conclusion that it is very tiring to be me. One of the promises I am going to make to myself in the near that is coming is to: Don't forget to live in the present! :)

Am realizat saptamana aceasta ca nu stiu sa ma bucur de ceea ce traiesc in prezent din cauza faptului ca ma concentrez tot timpul pe ceea ce urmeaza sa se intample. Sunt genul de persoana care se streseaza repede, care are 25324 de emotii puternice pe zi, intorc situatiile pe toate fetele posibile, analizez la extrem tot ceea ce mi se intampla si am ajuns la concluzia ca e tare obositor sa fiu eu. Una dintre promisiunile pe care am sa le fac fata de mine in noul an ce vine cu siguranta va fi: Nu uita sa traiesti in prezent! :)

Monday / Luni

The photo you saw on Monday evening on my Instagram with me holding a bunch of pink balloons was taken by Julie at the Takko event which we attended together. It was so cold on the terrace, I almost froze with the pretty balloons trying to get the perfect photo haha :))

Poza cu baloanele acelea roz pe care ati vazut-o luni seara pe blog a fost realizata de Julie la evenimentul Takko la care am parrticipat impreuna. Era asa un frig acolo pe terasa, inghetasem cu tot cu baloane haha :))

Tuesday / Marți

Did you miss Puf? ♥ This tiny little ball of fur is keeping me extremely busy, he's super hyper and super playful, it is hard for me to concentrate on anything else besides him haha :D He is very well behaved and super loving for like 10 minute out of the entire day =))

Va era dor de Puf? ♥ Pufarina asta zglobie imi mananca zilele, e extrem de agitat si jucaus si nu ma lasa sa ma concentrez absolut deloc la nimic haha :D E cuminte maxim 10 minute din 24 de ore =)))

Wednesday / Miercuri

We went to the cinema to see Exodus: Gods and Kings, I know my boyfriend really wanted to see it, me not much :)) But I did enjoy it, the only mistake we did is go at a late hour to see it and because we were super tired and the movie was long it was a little bit hard to concentrate near the end, but we didn't fall asleep :))

Miercuri a fost zi de film, stiam ca prietenul meu isi doreste foarte mult sa vada Exodus, eu mai putin haha :)) Insa mi-a placut, singura greseala pe care am facut- o a fost sa mergem la o ora destul de tarzie, iar cum amandoi eram obositi si filmul lung, spre sfarsit a devenit putin cam chinuitor, insa n-a adormit niciunul dintre noi =))) 

Thursday / Joi

O foam bath can get rid of any cold, reduces stress and can make you sleep like a baby :D

O baie plina de spuma invinge orice raceala, oboseala si te relaxeeeeaza, dormi ca un bebelus dupa :D

Friday / Vineri

Vacatioooon is here! :D I ended the week in an amazing way with my fashionista week at a lovely fashion event organized by friends ♥

Bine ai venit vacanta! :D Am incheiat saptamana intr-un mare fel impreuna cu nepotica mea fashionista la un minunat eveniment fashion origanizat de prieteni ♥ (am sa va povestesc curand despre el)

Saturday / Sâmbătă & Sunday / Duminică

Well....I managed to catch a cold so unfortunately I don't anything to show you or talk about, I spent my week-end in bed full of hope that I will feel better on Monday because I have so many things to do!

Ei reusit sa ma imbolnavesc asa din pacate n-am ce sa va arata sau sa va povestesc, mi-am petrecut week-end-ul in pat plina insa de speranta ca pana luni am sa ma fac bine pentru ca ma asteapta cateva zile foarte aglomerate!

You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @goldandsilversparkles :D

Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @goldandsilversparkles :D

How was your week? :D

Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D

Have a lovely day many kisses! :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***