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My Week In Photos (1.12 - 7.12)



Hello beautiful December! This is the month of gifts or the month when we all go broke haha :)) It started beautifully, it snowed, I watched for the first time (shame on me) the parade we had for our Great Union Day and of course I am super excited about this time of the year because they don't call it the most wonderful time of the year for nothing &hearts

Si iata-ne ajunsi si-n luna decembrie, supranumita si luna cadourilor, sau mai bine spus luna in care ramanem cu adevart lefteri haha :)) A inceput frumos, cu o ninsoare, cu o parada frumoasa pe care spre rusinea mea am anul acesta am urmarit-o pentru prima data si bineinteles ca pentru mine a venit la pachet cu mult entuziasm pentru ca iubesc perioada aceasta ♥

Monday / Luni

Santa arrived early this year, my awesome boyfriend and amazing sister-in-law wrote a letter to him and it seems I was on the Nice list since I got what I wanted, a Pandora bracelet. I chose the gift box charm because it was a gift haha :D

La mine Mosul a venit mai devreme, i-au scris prietenul meu si cumnata mea si s-a grabit sa-mi aduc cadoul pe care mi-l doream extrem de mult, bratara Pandora. Am ales ca primul talisman sa fie unul in forma de cutie de cadou pentru ca a fost un cadou haha :D

Tuesday / Marți

Santa also arrived early for my niece and she was too on the Nice list, she got a puppy, they are best friends now &hearts. He is the new family member and we love him very, very much. You can't adore him he's so cute, sociable and playful ♥

Mosul a ajuns mai devreme si la nepotica mea si i-a adus cadoul mult visat, un mic sufletel, un catelus &hearts. El e noul membru al familiei noastre (de la departare al meu) si-l iubim tare, tare mult. Nici n-ai avea cum sa nu-l iubesti, e adorabil si atat de sociabil si jucaus :D

Wednesday / Miercuri

Here is Puf once again (formerly known as Snow, we changed his name :D), he played way too much with his teddy bear and he was sleeping :D

Tot pe Puf vi-l arat (acum i-am schimbat numele :D), tragea un pui de somn ca tare mai era obosit dupa ce se jucase toata ziua cu ursuletul :D

Thursday / Joi

I attended the "Sf. Vincent" movie premier, I met there with Julie and her fiance, I wasn't expecting to like the movie as much as I did, I laughed, I cried, it a great movie, I recommend it!

Am fost la avanpremiera filmului "Sf. Vicent" unde m-am intalnit cu Julie si logodnincul ei, nu m-am asteptat sa-mi placa atat de mult filmul, am ras, am plans, a fost un film tare frumos, il recomand!

Friday / Vineri

The photo speaks for itself, this is how my Friday looked like haha :))

Asa a aratat vinerea mea haha :))

Saturday / Sâmbătă

Saint Nicolas was heeeeeere yeeeeeeey :D I just like a kid, just like a kid :D

A venit Mos Nicolaeeeeeeeeeeeee uraaaaaaaaaa :D Sunt ca un copil, exact ca un copil :D

Sunday / Duminică

I've spent the day with my family, we celebrated in advance my dad's birthday, we talked, we laughed, we ate, it was such a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere :D And because today is actually your birthday dad, I wish you a very happy birthday! ^_^

Duminica am petrecut o zi frumoasa in familie, am sarbatorit in avans ziua de nastere a tatalui meu am stat la povesti, am mancat numai bunataturi. a fost o atmosfera tare placuta si relaxanta :D Si pentru ca astazi este de fapt ziua ta, am sa iti fac urari cat e ziulica asta de lunga si-am sa iti urez si aici pe blog: La multi ani tata! ^_^

You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @goldandsilversparkles :D

Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @goldandsilversparkles :D

How was your week? :D

Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D

Have a lovely day many kisses! :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***