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November Favourites


Hello :D

   Luna acesta a fost o luna in care nu prea am incercat nimic nou, astept o comanda de la Iherb in care o sa am o gramadaaa de bunatati :D Si o astept cu mare nerabdare, m-am rasfatat :) Ma bucur ca s-a incheiat luna noiembrie pentru ca de-abia astept sa vina luna mea preferata din an, decembrie :D Pana atunci haideti sa va arat ce produse am indragit lune acesta.

Produsele favorite pentru ingrijirea parului:

   Pentru ca mama si-a schimbat samponul si balsamul si pentru ca eu m-am saturat de produsele pe care le foloseam pana acum, mi-am zis: de ce sa nu consum eu produsele mamei? :)) desi nu le-am folosit foarte mult, mi-au placut de la prima utilizare, imi lasa parul moale si foarte frumos mirositor. 

Produsele favorite pentru ingrijirea tenului:

 Sunt in continuare fara o crema de fata care sa ma dea pe spate (e in coletul de la iherb), dar am folosit foarte des uleiul de jojoba care imi hidrateaza de minune tenul.

Produse favorite pentru ingrijirea corpului:

   Gelul de la Dush Das a ramas favoritul meu, l-ati vazut in ultimele doua postari si crema de maini de la Cosmetic Plant. Cremele sau unturile de corp o sa lipseasca des pentru ca uit sau imi e lene sa ma dau cu crema pe corp :)) Am doua produse pe care trebuie sa le termin, promit ca ma apuc din decembrie :D

Parfumul favorit:

   Parfumul favorit este acelasi de luna trecuta, nu-mi prea schimb parfumurile :)

Ojele preferate:

   Luna acesta am folosit foarte des lotiunea de la farmec pentru tratarea unghiilor cu vitamina B5 si de la Miss Sporty Nail Expert Manicure for Glossy Nails.

Produse de make-up favorite:

Melodia favorita: 

   N-am stat mult pe ganduri cand am ales melodia :X (imi place foarte mult varianta asta)

    Care au fost produsele voastre preferate luna acesta?

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*

Gosh Cosmetics Review


Heeei :D

   Daca ati vazut ultima mea postare atunci stiti ca am folosit in mare parte numai produse de la Gosh ca sa realizez machiajul, daca nuuu, atunci trebuie neaparat sa dati click aici: Lotd/Lotn Purple Haze. Acesta a fost prima mea intalnire cu produsele Gosh asta din cauza faptului ca nu le pot gasi in Romania, ceea ce e foarte pacat pentru ca imi plac, imi plac mult :D

   If you've seen my last post then you know that I mostly used Gosh make-up products to achiev that look, if you didn't then click here: Lotd/Lotn Purple Haze :D I have never tried Gosh make-up products until now, mainly because I can't find them where I live, that's too bad, I really, really like them :) 

   Inainte de a va prezenta produsele, asa cum v-am obisnuit, o sa scriu cateva randuri despre compania Gosh. Sunt o companie daneza care produc si comercializeaza cosmetice, produse pentru baie si corp si parfumuri de peste 25 de ani, produsele lor se vand in peste 66 de tari (va rugam sa le aduceti si la noi? :D). Obiectivul lor principal este faca produse de foarte buna calitate, ceea ce daca ma intrebati pe mine, reusesc. Nu testeaza pe animale.

   Before I start, let me tell you a little bit about Gosh cosmetics. They are a danish make-up, bath & body and fragrance brand, and they've been around for about 25 years, Gosh products are being sold in over 66 countries (bring them to Romania too :D). They are focused on making awesome quality products and if you are a girl that likes shimmer, sparkles and all the good stuff then you like Gosh :) They don't test on animals.

1. Gosh Smokey Eyes Palette - 03 Plum - 8gr

- sunt indragostita de ambalaj, intotdeauna am probleme cu deschiderea lor, daar acesta este cu magnet ceea ce ma salveaza pe mine de chin :D Mi se pare ca arata elegant.

- I loooove loooove the packaging, I always have a hard time opening my make-up products, this one has a magnet, so it's really easy to open it and also I like how the packaging looks, it's pretty elegant :)

- paleta are 4 nuante de mov, una dintre ele este mata celalate trei au mici particule stralucitoare (a doua culoare este preferata mea, e un o nuanata de mov superba cu particule aurii)
- toate cele patru culori sunt pigmentate, swatch-urile sunt facute fara primer. Prima culoare e putin prafoasa.

- you get 4 shades of purple, one of them is matte and the other three have shimmer (the second one is my favourite color, I can't stop using it, it's a really pretty purple with gold shimmer)
- all the colors are really pigment, I've swatched them without any primer, only the first color is a little bit chalky;

2. Gosh Velvet Touch Lipstick - 151 Lady Luck - 4gr

- ah :X uitati-va cat de frumos e ambalajul, foarte elegant. Imi place foarte mult faptul ca atunci cand ii inchid capacul acesta ramane inchis, nu exista sansa ca acesta sa se deschida si rujul sa pateasca ceva.

- oh boy, oh boy, just look at the packaging, it's so pretty and elegant. I love the fact that once you close it, it stays closed, there's so no chance that the lid comes off in your bag.

- culoarea este SUPERBA (click pe poza pentru a vedea cat de frumoasa este), cred ca se potriveste oricarui ten, e un roz delicat cu paticule aurii.

- I absolutely love this lipstick (click on the picture to enlarge it so you can see how pretty it is pwetty please :D), I think it looks awesome on any skin tone, it's a rosy pink with gold gold shimmer;

- foarte pigmentat si hidratant, cu siguranta este unul dintre produsele mele preferate de buze  ♥

- very pigmented and moisturizing (click on the picture to enlarge it so you can see the gold shimmer), this is definitely one of my favourite lip products ♥

3. Gosh Boombastic Mascara - 13 ml;

- amabalajul este ok, nimic special, dar imi place ca este negru :)

- the packaging is ok, nothing too fancy, but I do like that it's black :)

-  stiti ca nu sunt o fana a pensulei de genul acesta si nu-mi place ca tot timpul este mult prea mult produs pe ea, cred ca este din cauza ca gaura prin care trece pensula este mult prea mare.

- you know that I'm not a big fan of this kind of mascara wand and I don't like the fact that there is always too much mascara on the wand, I think it's because the hole that the wand goes through it's too big.

-  dar imi place produsul foarte mult :X chiar daca am genele lungi, din pacate acestea sunt foarte subtiri si tot timpul sunt in cautarea unui rimel care sa dea volum, ei bine, pe acesta il cautam :D

- but I do like its formula a lot :X even though I have long lashes, they are sparse and I need a mascara that can give them volume, this is the one :X

- vedeti diferenta? arata exact asa cum mi le doream :D

- do you see the difference? it's aaamazing :D

4. Gosh Intense Eyeliner Pen - 1 ml

- imi place ambalajul, se asemamana cu cel al rujului si cel al paletei de farduri, daca ati inchis capacul, inchis ramane;
- nu s-a intins si nici nu si-a pierdut din intensitate;

- I like the packaging, it's on the same page with the lipstick and the eyeshadow one, once you close the lid, it stays closed;
- it didn't smudge on me;

- nu mai sunt obisnuita cu acest tip de eyeliner asa ca prima data cand l-am folosit a fost horror rezultatul :)) Dupa ce m-am obisnuit cu el a inceput sa-mi placa foarte mult;
- in schimb nu-mi place faptul ca din cand in cand varful este putin uscat si trebuie sa-l tot agit ca sa iasa produs, e enervant.

- I'm not used with this kind of eyeliner so for the first time I used it OMG I've created something really ugly =)) once I got used to it I liked it a lot, the tip is very precise :)
- I don't like the fact that sometimes the tip of the eyeliner has no eyeliner, I have to hold it up side down so that i can use it, it gets annoying sometimes.

- destul de pigmentat, are un finis mat, ultima linie este facuta cu varful si puteti observa ca nu are aceeasi intensitate;

- pretty pigmented, it has a matte finish, I used the tip of the eyeliner for the last swatch, you see what I mean?

   Si cam atat am avut sa va spun despre aceste minunate produse, mi-au placut foarte mult si daca o sa ma intalnesc cu ele in drumurile mele pe alte meleaguri cu siguranta am sa-mi mai achizitionez cateva. Ce v-ar placea sa incercati dintre produsele pe care le-am prezentata astazi?

   And that's about all I have to say about these products, I like them a lot and if I ever come across them I will definitely buy some more. What Gosh products would you like to try from the products that I've talked about today? :D

Sa aveti o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*

Have a lovely evening, kisses :*:*:*

 Produsule a fost primite spre testare, acest lucru nu a influentat sub nicio forma parera mea despre produse, acest review este 100% sincer ca intotdeuna.

 I received these products for testing purposes, this does not influence my opinion about them, as always I am 100% honest in my reviews.  

Lotd/Lotn Purple Haze


Olaaaa! :D

   In ultimele doua-trei zile nu m-am simtit foarte bine, de asta nici nu prea am fost activa pe blog sau Facebook, aveam in gand sa fac tutorialul acesta in week-end-ul ce-a trecut, dar am stat numai in pat si n-am facut absolut nimic, grozav, nu? :D Astazi m-am simtit putin mai bine si am avut chef de un machiaj :) Look-ul de astazi poate sa fie de zi sau de seara, dar pentru zi as schimba coafura, mi se pare ca impreuna cu machiajul arata cat de cat elegant si n-as putea sa ma imbrac casual :)

   I was sick for almost three days, I wanted to do this make-up tutorial for the week-end, but I ended up staying in bed and did absolutely nothing, pretty exciting no? Today I felt better and I played a little bit with my make-up :D This can be a look for the day, but it can also be a look for the night, for the day I would wear it with another hair style I think this one is too fancy for the day :)

    Acesta este machiajul pe care l-am facut astazi, e foarte simplu de realizat, in cateva minute ati terminat, e perfect pentu momentele in care va grabiti :)

   So this is the look I came up with, it's a very simple look, it only takes you a few minutes to do, so it's perfect if you are in a rush :D


Cum am obtinut look-ul acesta / How i've achieved this look:

(poza e facuta cu blitz, culorile sunt putin mai inchise, o sa le vedeti mult mai bine in review-ul ce urmeaza)
   Am aplicat pe toata pleoapa culoarea 1, am folosit culoarea doi pentru a blendui culoarea 1, iar culoarea 3 am folosit-o in pliul ochiului si putin in coltul exterior al ochiului. Culoarea 4 am folosit-o pe arcada, coltul intern al ochiului si pe jumatate din pleoapa inferiora, tot cu ea am blenduit culoarea 4. Pe cealalta jumatate a pleoapei inferioare am folosit culoarea 3.

   I've applied color 1 on my lid, I used color 2 to blend color 1 and I've used color 3 in my crease and on my outer corner of the eye. I've applied color 4 on my brow bone, inner corner of the eye and on half of my lower eyelid, I've also used it to blend any rough edges. On the other half of my lower lid I've used color 3 again.

Simplu, nu-i asa? :) / Very easy, right? :)

Produse folosite\Products i've used:

  • Ochi/Eyes: Manhattan eyeshadow base, Gosh Smokey Eye Palette 03 Plum (review in curand), Flormar Monno 15, Gosh Intense Liner Pen 01 Black (review in curand) , Rimel Gosh Boombastic (review in curand);
  • Fata/Face: BRTC Gold Caviar BB Cream (review in curand), e.l.f all over cover stick - Apricot Beige, pudra CCuk in nuanta Candlelight, bronzer E.l.f. in nuanta Matte Bronze, No 7 Sunkissed Mosaic Bronzing Powder (review aici);
  • Buze/Lips:Gosh Velvet Touch 151 Lady Luck (review in curand), creion de buze Sephora nude;
  • Sprancene/Eyebrows: creion pentru sprancene Rimmel 01 Black Brown + un fard maro din trusa de 88 de culori de la CS. / Rimmel brow pencil 01 Black Brown + a brown eye shadow from the Cs 88 color palette.
   Sunt indragostita de ruj, e unul dintre cele mai frumoase rujuri pe care le am in colectie, o sa vi-l arat in curand de mai de aproape ca sa vedeti despre ce vorbesc :)) Nu-i asa ca e un look dragut si foarte simplu de facut? Ce parere aveti? :D

   I'm in loooooove with the lipstick, it's one of the prettiest lipstick I have in my collection, I will do some swatches so you can see it better in my next review :) Don't you think this look is pretty and really easy to do? Let me know what you think :D

   Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

   Have a lovely evening, kisess :*:*:*



Hello :D

   Sunt atat de incantata ca ne apropiem cum pasi rapizi de Sarbatorile de Iarna :X Am fost ieri prin Auchan si nu mai voiam sa plec, sunt atat de multe decoratiuni frumoase de Craciun aaah le vreau pe toate :D Ma gandeam ca anul acesta sa fac cateva machiaje pentru Craciun si Anul Nou, ceva diferit fata de anul trecut si aveam nevoie de ceve ce inca nu aveam in colectia mea de machiaje. Culmea, intr-o zi suna curierul la usa si imi da un pachet, il dechid cu maaare entuziasm si gasesc inautru exact ce aveam nevoie ha :D

    I’m so excited for the holiday season :X I was in Auchan yesterday and I didn’t want to leave, so many beautiful Christmas decorations aaah I wanted them all :D I was thinking about doing some make-up tutorials for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, I knew  I wanted to do something different from last year and I needed something that I don’t have in my make-up collection yet.  And what do you know, the doorbell rings and the I get a package, I open it quickly and I see the exact thing I wanted and needed :D 

   Inainte sa va vorbesc despre ce am gasit in pachet, acordati-mi cateva secunde sa va vorbesc putin despre compania care mi-a facut surpriza. Frontcover Cosmetics a fost infiintata in Anglia de catre Liz si Michell in anul 2008. Ele se inspira din ultimele trenduri de pe catwalk si le transforma in colectii de machiaj. Compania nu testeaza pe animale :)

   Before I talk about the goodie box (as I like to call it) let me tell you a little bit about Frontcover Cosmetics.  Founded in 2008 by Liz and Michelle, Frontcover Cosmetics is a company based in England. They draw inspiration from the catwalk trends and turn them into ready to wear make-up collections :D  The company does not test on animals! J

(it matches with the name with my blog, how cool it that? :D)

De unde il pot achizitiona/Where can i buy it from?: Il putetti cumpara de aici: / You can buy it online from here:
Cat costa?/ How much does it cost?20 euro;
Ce contine/ What do i find inside:

  • 1 Glitter Sealing Gel;
  • 1 Sparkle Powder Golden Realm; 1 Sparkle Powder Dark Angel and 1 Gold Glitter Dots;
  • 1 Sponge Applicator (to apply glitter) + Liner Brush (for detail work)
  • 1 nail polish in Galaxy Bound; 1 nail polish in Vinaceous and 1 nail polish in Burnet
Alte observatii/ Other observations:

  • Transportul este foarte ieftin :3 lire pentru Europa (gratis pentru Anglia si 4 lire + 1 lire/produs pentru restul lumii; / Shipping is really cheap: free for Uk, 3 pounds for Europe and 4 pounds+1 pound/product for the rest of the world)
  • In spatele produselor gasiti o carticia IN LIMBA ROMANA in care sunteti invatati cum sa utilizati produsele, ceea ce mi se pare genial pentru ca nu toata lumea stie engleza, un mare, mare plus.

Despre produse/ About the products (swatch-uri si cateva cuvinte/swatches and a few words)

1. Glitter Sealing Gel

   Gelul este special pentu sclipici, se foloseste pentru ca sclipicul sa stea la locul lui pe pleoapa de cand il aplicati pana cand va demachiati. Mi-a placut foarte mult faptul ca si gelul are sclipici :D

   The glitter sealing gel sooo pretty, i'm glad it's not a transparent one :D It seals in the glitter so you don't have to worry about fallout.

2. Sclipiciul si paietele / Sparkle Powders and Glitter Dots;

   Sclipicul este foarte fin, cel auriu sclipeste atat de frumos :X Nu le-am aplicat inca la ochi, m-am jucat cu ele pe mana, dar au stat la locul lor. De-abia astept sa le folosesc in viitoarele tutoriale :D Se pot folosi si pentru unghii, dar eu le pastrez pentru machiaj :)

   The glitter is fine, the gold one is soooo sparkly :X I haven't try them on my eyes yet, but i've played with them on my hand, they stay where i put them. I can't wait to use them in my future make-up tutorials. You can also use them for your nails, but i want to keep mine for my make-up :)

a. Golden Realm;

b. Dark Angel;

c. Gold Glitter Dots;

3. Ojele/ Nail Polishes 

   O Doamne! Stiti ca am o obsesie pentru oje, ma spun cu mana pe inima ca sunt cele mai frumoase oje pe care le-am incercat si regret atat de tare ca nu se gasesc si in variante full size :(

   OMG! You know that i'm obsessed with nail polishes, i swear to you that these are the most gorgeous nail polishes i have ever tried!! Too bag you can't buy them in full size :( (please make them in full size too? :D)

a. Galaxy Bound (o oja neagra cu sclipici mov si verde / a black nail polish with purple and green glitter);

2 straturi / 2 coats

b. Vinceous (o oja intr-o nuanta de mov cu sclipici roz si mov / purple nail polish with pink and purple glitter);

2 straturi/ 2 coats

c. Burnet (un aramiu supeber/ a gorgeous copper)

1 strat / 1 coat

   Nu v-am spus eu ca o sa gasiti numai bunatati inautru? E un cadou perfect pentru Craciun si nu numai, daca sunteti interesati si de celalalte colectii, le puteti gasi aici: Colectii, nu am incercat fardurile, dar am citit numai lucruri bune despre ele :) Ii puteti urmari si pe Facebook: Frontcover Cosmetics. Ce spuneti? Nu-i asa ca e o colectie foarte frumoasa si perfecta pentru Sarbatori? ♥ 

    Didn't I tell you this is a box of goodies? I'm in love with it :X It's perfect for a Chrstimas Gift and not only :) You can find all of the collections here: Collections, i didn't have the chance to try the eyeshadows, but i heard they are really pigmented :D You can Like them on Facebook if you want: Frontcover Cosmetics. So what do you say, isn't this an amazing collection? ♥

Sa aveti o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, kisses :*:*:*

   Produsule a fost primite spre testare, acest lucru nu a influentat sub nicio forma parera mea despre produse, acest review este 100% sincer ca intotdeuna.

   I received these products for testing purposes, this does not influence my opinion about them, as always I am 100% honest in my reviews.  

French Braids and Curled Hair


Hey :D

   Scriu si ma uit la Vocea Romaniei, se pare ca niciodata nu reusesc sa termin inainte sa inceapa emisiunea :)) Ca si martea trecuta fac trei lucruri in acelasi timp: ma uit la televizor, scriu si cant de mama focului (asta daca stiu melodia, daca nu, fredonez :D), ma distrez nu gluma :D In ultimul look de pe blog v-am promis un tutorial pentru coafura pe care am avut-o, ei bine, astazi o sa va arata cum o puteti face si voi. Trebuie sa fiti cat de cat pricepute la impletituri, dar exersand de cateva ori sunt sigura ca o sa va descurcati de minune. Mai am de invatat ca sa imi iasa asa cum imi doresc, dar nu sunt foarte urate =))

   I'm writing and watching Vocea Romaniei, it seems I can never finish writing before the show starts :)) I write, watch TV and sometimes sing (if I know the song, if not, then I am humming :D), fun time :D In my last make-up tutorial I promised a new hair tutorial, if you liked how I did my hair, now you will find out how you can do yours the same. You need to have some skill in braiding, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty simple. I'm still learning, so mine are still not the way I want them, but they are not horrible either :))

Asa arata coafura/ This is how the hairstyle looked:

Aveti nevoie de/ You will need:

  • o perie/a brush;
  • spray pentru protectia impotriva caldurii/heat protective spray;
  • un ondulator/a curler wand or a curler;
  • un elastic de par sau elastice care sa nu se vada in par/hair ties or elastic bands that blend in to your hair color;
  • fixativ/hair spray.
Ce-am folosit/ What i've used:

   TRESemme - spray-ul meu preferat pentru protectia impotriva caldurii, din pacate nu se gaseste in Romania :(

   TRESemme - My favourite heat protective spray, unfortunately you can't find it in Romania :(

   Vedeta acestui tutorial - Remington Pearl Wand - cel mai bun ondulator, daca sunteti in cautarea unuia vi-l recomand pe acesta, foarte usor de folosit, imi ondulez farul foarte repede.

   The star of with tutorial - Remington Pearl Wand - best curler, if you're looking for one I recommend this one. Really easy to use and I curl my hair really fast using it.

   L'oreal Elnett - nu sunt o mare fana a mirosului lui, dar imi place foarte mult, nu-mi intareste parul, buclele rezista foarte bine.

   L'oreal Elnett - not a big fan of its smell, but I do like that it keeps my hair really bouncy :D

  Facem o carare intr-o parte si facem doua impletituri frantuzesti, dupa cum vedeti una nu mi-a iesit atat de bine :))

   We make two french braids, one on each side, it's best to part your hair to the side.

Tutorial french braid:

   Dupa ce-am facut impletiturile, setam temperatura la ondulator (eu il setez la 210 grade) si ne apucam de ondulat. Obtineti aceste frumoase onduleuri.

   After i did the french braids, set the temperature to you curler (if you can do this, i usually set mine to 210 degrees) and let it heat for a few seconds and you start curling your hair. You get this beautiful curls :D

     Si cam asta a fost tot :D Nu e foarte, foarte complicat si arata foarte bine, v-am spus ca am primit foarte multe complimente in ziua respectiva, am indragit foarte mult acesta coafura si sunt sigura ca o sa o port foarte des :D

    And that's how you do it :D It's not something very, very difficult to do, I told you I received a lot of compliments that day, I liked it a lot and i'm sure i'm gonna wear it very often :D

   Sper ca v-a placut si daca o incercati ca rog sa-mi trimiteti o poza :D / I hope you liked it and if you do try it please send me a photo :D

Va doresc o seara minunta, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely night, kisses :*:*:*

LOTD/LOTN - Golden Brown


   Hello, hello, helloooo! :D

   In fiecare an suntem invitati la ziua matusii mele, care de cativa ani incoace isi sarbatoreste ziua la restaurant (mult mai bine decat acasa, evita aglomeratia, nici nu mai sta sa faca curat dupa, sa spele vasele si sa se agite foarte mult, pana la urma de ziua ta trebuie sa fii rasfatat :D) Cand m-am gandit la ce machiaj o sa port, m-am gandit la ceva simplu, dar bineinteles ca de fiecare data imi iese altceva, nu stiu daca vi se intampla si voua :))

   A few weeks ago I was invited at my aunt's birthday, she wanted to celebrate her birthday at a restaurant. When I started thinking at a make-up look, I was sure I was going to do something simple, but when I think about something simple I always get something else, I don't know if that happens to you too :))

   In poza de mai jos puteti vedea coafura si machiajul pe care le-am avut in ziua respectiva si putin din outfit-ul meu :D Pe buze am avut mult prea iubitul meu gloss rosu de la p2 (in poza se vede portocaliu). Pentru ca mi-a placut atat de mult cum se vede cu un ruj portocaliu, am ales sa recreez acest look folosind unul :D

   This it the hair and the make-up I wore that day, I was wearing my beloved p2 red lip gloss, but in the picture the red lip gloss turned into orange (bad lightning). I liked how it looked so I recreated this look using an orange lipstick :)

   Haieti sa va arat ce-am facut :)  / Let me show show you how to acheieve the make-up look:

   Am aplicat primer pe toata pleoapa si apoi cu o pensula de blending am aplicat culoarea 1 in pliul ploapei, in coltul intern si putin pe pleoapa, am blenduit culoarea cu ajutorul culorii 2.

   I've applied color 1 in my crease, outer corner and on my lid using my blending brush, with the help of color 2 i've blended color 1.

   Am aplicat culoarea 3 pe pleopa (am aplicat pana am fost multmita) si apoi cu ajutorul culorii 2 am blenduit culoarea. La final am aplicat in pliu culoarea 4 fara sa depasesc culoarea 1 si am blenduit foarte bine totul.

   I've applied on the rest of my lid color 3 and with the help of color 2 I've blended the rough edges. Then I've applied color 4 in my crease without going to high with it, we still want to see color 3, I've blended everything again.

 Am adaugat putin creion dermatograf maro la baza genelor, culoarea 5 pe arcada si in coltul intern al ochiului, culoarea 3 pe pleoapa inferioara si spre sfarsitul pleoapei culoarea 1.

  I used some brown pencil liner near my lashes, on my brow bone and in the inner corner I've used color 5, color 3 on my bottom lid and near the end color 1.

   Exact in ziua in care am vrut sa fac machiajul nu am avut curent pana la 3-4, la un moment data am terminat sa-mi machiez un ochi si au oprit iar curentul, eram plina de nervi, am ajuns sa fac pozele cand deja era bezna afara :))

   Recunosc, recunosc, e unul dintre look-urile mele FAVORITE, ador sa combin maroul cu auriul. Nu mi se pare ca rujul este mult prea puternic pentru machiajul ochilor, mi se pare ca se potrivesc foarte bine, la fel de bine arata si cu un ruj rosu :D

   I woke up excited to do my make-up and the power was off :/ I had to wait untill 3 or 4 in the afternoon to start and when I've finished the make-up on one of my eyes the power went off again, I was really pissed, I took the pictures at 6 or 7, it was really dark outside :))

  I admit, I admit this is one of my FAVOURITE looks, iIove to mix brown and gold, I don't think the lipstick it too much, you can wear a red one too it looks awesome :D

Produse folosite\Products i've used:

  • Ochi/Eyes: Manhattan Eyeshadow base, Sleek V2 Darks, essence sun club glamour to go eyeshadow 02 long beach, flormar 15, no 7 pencil 10 brown, avon supershock mascara;
  • Fata/Face: Holika Holika Petit BB Cream Moisture (review in curand), e.l.f all over cover stick - Apricot Beige, pudra CCuk in nuanta Candlelight, blush mineral p2 50 Innocent Rose (review)bronzer E.l.f. in nuanta Matte Bronze;
  • Buze/Lips: L.A. Girl LC546 Love Letters;
  • Sprancene/Eyebrows: creion pentru sprancene Rimmel 01 Black Brown + un fard maro din trusa de 88 de culori de la CS. / Rimmel brow pencil 01 Black Brown + a brown eye shadow from the Cs 88 color palette.
   Ce parere aveti de look-u meu, va place, l-ati purta? :D / What do you think of my make-up look, would you wear it? :D

   In curand am sa va arat cum mi-am facut si parul, am tutorial :D I have a tutorial for my hair too, it's coming soon :D

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely week-end, many kisses!!! :*:*:*