Incepem prin a ne lua ramas bun de la luna Aprilie, luna in care a venit si vara haha :))) Nu stiu de ce rad, cu pasi repezi se apropie ziua mea si uite asa mai imbatranesc cu un an :/ Luna acesta am dedicat-o mai mult ingrijirii tenului, am incercat pe cat am putut sa ma machiez cat mai putin spre deloc. Am facut o vizita la medicul dermatolog si mi-a recomandat niste produse cu care ma inteleg de minune, ba chiar am renuntat sa mai folosesc BHA-ul de la Paula's Choice (asta pentru ca a expirat) si se pare ca nu mi s-a intamplat nimic rau, sunt pe cale de a afla care este cauza acneei mele, dar mai e ceva pana acolo, o sa va tin la curent cu ce se mai intampla :)
Well, today we are saying goodbye April, the month when summer begun :)) I don't know why I'm laughing, my birthday is just around the corner and let me tell you I ain't getting any younger :/ Skin care was my no. 1 priority this month, I tried to wear make-up only when I had too. I went to the dermatologist again and she recommended me some products that I am using and liking a lot, i said goodbye to my 2% BHA from Paula's Choice (it expired) and luckily my face is doing great without it, I'm about to find out what's causing my acne, I will keep you updated.
Produsele favorite pentru ingrijirea parului:
Din nefericire am ramas fara samponul meu drag de la DGJ Organics (review), mi-a mai ramas balsamul, dar nu are acelasi farmec daca-l folosesc fara sampon, asa ca momentan vreau sa folosesc balsamurile de par pe care le-am tot dat la o parte ca apoi sa-mi caut un sampon si un balsam nou :D Folosesc in continuare tratamentul de la Avon si spray-ul pentru protectia impotriva caldurii de la TREsemme. / Unfortunately I run out of my dear DGJ Organics shampoo (review), I now only have the conditioner and it's not the same thing without the shampoo, so for the moment I want to use all the conditioners I have and after that look for a new shampoo and conditioner :D I am still using the treatment from Avon (it was in my last favourites post) and the heat protective spray from TREsemme.
Produsele favorite pentru ingrijirea tenului / Favourite skin care products:
La capitolul ingrijirea tenului v-am spus ca am facut niste schimbari si anume / As I told you in the beginning of this postI I added some new products in my skin care routine which i absolutely love:
- Acne Out - sapun dermatologic / dermatological soap;
- La Roche Posay EFFACLAR DUO;
- Queen Helene Cocoa Butter Natural Facial Scrub;
- Si am uitat sa pozez crema cu SPF pe care o folosesc si anume cea de la Peter Thomas Roth - Uber-Dry Sunscreen / I forgot to take a picture of my SPF moisturizer, I'm using the Uber-Dry Sunscreen from Petre Thomas Roth.
Produse favorite pentru ingrijirea corpului / Favourite body care products:
Aici ca intotdeauna trag chiulul :)) Am inceput sa folosesc si uleiul de cocos, dar nu stiu inca cat de mult imi place, trebuie sa-l mai testez :D / I am testing the coconut oil for the moment, I don't know yet if I like it or not, I have to test is some more :D
- Avon Senses Lagoon Refreshing;
- Queen Helene Cocoa Butter Natural Face Scrub (il folosesc si pentru corp / I also use it for my body).
Parfumul favorit / Favourite perfume:
V-am spus ca primvara/vara imi plac parfumurile fructate, asa ca am inceput sa folosesc foarte des parfumul Secret Fantasy de la Avon :) / I think I told you that for spring/summer I like fruity scents and Secret Fantasy from Avon is perfect for spring/summer :)
Oja preferate / Favourite nail polish:
Luna acesta m-am axat mai mult pe ingrijirea unghiilor si hidratarea lor pentru ca mi-am dat seama ca mi se exfoliaza si rup pentru ca nu sunt hidratate, dar atunci cand am folosit oja, am folosit cu mare placere oja acesta de la Rimmel (ojele 60 seconds sunt preferatele mele) / This month I tried to take better care of my nails they were really starting to exfoliate bad, but I finally realised this was happening because I didn't hydrate them at all, I really enjoyed this nail polish from Rimmel (60 seconds are my favourite nail polishes from Rimmel).
Produse de make-up favorite / Favourite make-up products:
V-am spus ca am incercat sa evit sa ma machiez des, doar daca era absolut necesar si am folosit urmatoarele produse / Here are the products that I used (and really like) to do my makeup, not that many, I tried not to use makeup this month.
- myface.cosmetics mymix foundation fair-02 (review);
- Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream 13 - (review);
- Love Alpha gel liner Black - (review);
- alverde eyebrow gel 02 Brown;
- No7 Amazing Eye Pencil 10 Brown;
- Pensula pentru aplicarea eyeliner-ului de la ecotools;
Ultimele trei produse le folosesc pentru sprancene si in sfarsit am descoperit combinatia perfecta, o sa urmeze un articol cat de curand despre sprancenele mele :) / The last three products I use for my eyebrows, it's the perfect combination for them, I will write a blog post soon about my eyebrows :)
- blush-urile de la MUA 01 si 04 - nu mai folosesc altceva de cand le am pe acestea doua / these are the only blushes that I use since I got them;
- Ben Nye Buff Luxury Powder - o sa vorbesc in curand despre aceasta pudra / I will talk about this powder soon.
Accesoriile preferate / Favourite accessories:
Pe langa ceasul pe care vi l-am prezentat pe la inceput si fara de care nu ies din casa (cadou de la prietenul meu) luna acesta nu m-am despartit de lantisorul meu lung cu inimioare si cerceii sub forma de fluturas :D / I do have a favourite watch that I don't leave the house without, I've shown it in a previous blog post (it's a gift from my boyfriend), this month I loved wearing this necklace and the butterfly earrings, I could wear them ever day :D
Melodiile favorite / Favourite songs:
Rihanna ramane in top pentru a treia luna consecutiva, dar mai am cateva melodii de adaugat si anume / Rihanna is still No 1 (and will always remain) haha Big surprise :))
- Alicia Keys - New Day (sunt o mare, mare fana a Aliciei Keys/ I'm a big fan of Alicia Keys)
- Nicky Minaj - Bees in the trap; (singura melodie care imi place de la ea, asta daca nu pun la socoteala si melodia pe care a facut-o cu Rihanna :D / this is the only song that I like from Nicky Minaj, if i don't count the song she did with Rihanna :D)
Filmul preferat / Favourite movie:
Luna acesta nu am vizionat foarte multe filme, dar am vazut unul dragut, perfect pentru o duminica in care aveti chef sa leneviti si sa vedeti un film haios / I haven't watched a lot of movies this month, but I did watch something that I enjoyed, a funny movie for a lazy Sunday :D
Family Weekend
(sursa poza: imdb)
Si cam acestea au fost preferatele mele luna acesta, putine (cel putin la categoria make-up), dar sper ca luna viitoare sa fie mult mai multe produse noi (astept cateva produse pe care de-abia astept sa le testez :D) Care au fost produsele voastre preferate luna aceasta? Melodiile? Filmele? :D / And these were all my favourites this month, not that many (especially at the make-up section), but I do hope next month there will be some new products featured (i'm waiting for some goodies, can't wait to test them :D). What were your favourites products this month? Songs? Movies? :D
Si am uitat complet sa va spun / And i totally forgot tell you:
Romwe are un giveaway pe canalul de sau de Youtube: 5 castigatori pe zi pana pe 3 Aprilie :) Aici va puteti inscrie : (catigatorii sunt anuntati prin intremdiul unui mesaj pe Youtube)
Romwe giveaway on Youtube
5 winners/day from 26th April to 3rd May! :)
Click to join: (the winners are announced through a message on Youtube)
Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat si distractie placuta maine :D :***
Si am uitat complet sa va spun / And i totally forgot tell you:
Romwe are un giveaway pe canalul de sau de Youtube: 5 castigatori pe zi pana pe 3 Aprilie :) Aici va puteti inscrie : (catigatorii sunt anuntati prin intremdiul unui mesaj pe Youtube)
Romwe giveaway on Youtube
5 winners/day from 26th April to 3rd May! :)
Click to join: (the winners are announced through a message on Youtube)
Have a lovely evening, many kisses and have lots of fun tomorrow :D :***