Hello! :D
If I complained before (when I was kind of staying home) that time flies by, well, since I started work I don’t even know when the week starts and when the week ends, but I love the fact that I am tired at the end of the day and when I wake up I feel well rested. Even if I had a lot of things to do even before, it definitely isn't the same thing! If in my first week I was super agitated and nervous, now things have started to settle down and I will be a lot more active here :D Now let’s see how my week went.
Daca atunci cand stateam acasa ma plangeam
ca trec zilele repede, acum de cand am inceput sa muncesc nici nu mai stiu cand
incepe saptamana si cand se termina haha J) insa
un lucru pot sa spun, e atat de bine sa fii obosit si sa te trezesti odihnit.
Desi aveam destul de multe activitati si inainte, nu e acelasi lucru! Daca in
prima saptamana am fost foarte agitate si nelinistita, acum lucrurile au
inceput sa intre incet-incet in normal si evident sa ne putem “vedea” mai des
pe blog J Haideti sa vedeti cum a aratat saptamana mea.
Monday / Luni
Spring is definitely not even near, but look what awesome shoes I bought from Deichmann, they were about $5-$6, can you believe it? Oh and I am obsessed with these shrimp chips, I could eat until I get sick, I don’t know any limit when it comes to them :)) Do you like them?
Spring is definitely not even near, but look what awesome shoes I bought from Deichmann, they were about $5-$6, can you believe it? Oh and I am obsessed with these shrimp chips, I could eat until I get sick, I don’t know any limit when it comes to them :)) Do you like them?
Primavara nu da semne sa vina inca, insa ia
uitati ce pantofi frumosi mi-am luat eu de la Deichmann cu numai 17 lei, oooof,
de-abia astept sa ii port! Sunt obsedata de chips-urile din creveti (Lidl),
sunt in stare sa mananc pana mi se face rau, nu cunosc limita haha :)) Va plac?
Tuesday / Marți
On Tuesday I went to a lovely event with
the girls (Julie, Dorina and Cristina), if you don’t know what I am talking
about and want to find out more about the event you can read Friday’s post.
Marti seara am fost la un eveniment impreuna
cu fetele (Julie, Dorina si Cristina) a fost, foarte dragut, o atmosfera calda
si intima, daca nu stiti despre ce vorbesc va invit sa cititi postarea de vineri :D
Wednesday / Miercuri
This was the day of surprises, I received a lovely gift from Dove and I received my order from Kurtmann, I am so excited can’t wait to show you what I got :D
This was the day of surprises, I received a lovely gift from Dove and I received my order from Kurtmann, I am so excited can’t wait to show you what I got :D
Miercuri a fost ziua surprizelor, am primit
un pachet plin de bunatati de la Dove si a ajuns si comanda de la Kurtmann,
de-abia astept sa va arat ce mi-am comandat :D
Thursday / Joi
How does my fake Pandora bracelet look
like, kind of fake right? Haha :)) No problem, I find it to be pretty cute so I am going to wear it.
I waited for this bracelet for three whole months, this is the first time I has
issues with an ebay seller, but now it is here so I can enjoy it :D
Cum vi se pare ca arata bratara mea fake
Pandora, cam fake, nu-i asa? Nicio problema, imi place si asa, e destul de
dragutica. O astept de vreo trei luni, e pentru prima data cand am avut problem
cu un seller de pee bay, dar acum a ajuns cu bine si am sa o port cat de mult
am sa pot :D
Friday / Vineri
I was super tired and I didn't feel too well so I did nothing when I got home, we tried to watch a movie (Vice) but it was boring so we ended falliing asleep haha :))
Vineri am ajuns acasa franta si cum nici nu m-am simtit foarte bine, n-am mai facut absolut nimic, am incercat sa vedem un film,nu prea ne-a placut (Vice), am adormit amandoi destul de rapid haha :))
Saturday / Sâmbătă
A day spent with our family, I decided to dress very spring-ish but it was windy and i got cold quickly :D
A day spent with our family, I decided to dress very spring-ish but it was windy and i got cold quickly :D
Sambata am petrecut-o in familie, am ales sa port o tinuta mai primavaratia, insa a cam batut vantul si mi-a fost cam frig :D
Sunday / Duminică
Pajama day :D I made some cupcakes, they were super good, but I need to add just more ingredient to make them perfect, which I will do tomorrow when I make another batch :D
Pajama day :D I made some cupcakes, they were super good, but I need to add just more ingredient to make them perfect, which I will do tomorrow when I make another batch :D
Zi petrecuta in pijama :D Spre seara am pregatit briose, au iesit mega extra bune, insa am uitat sa le adaug un ingredient (dulceata de afine), maine voi face din nou! :D
You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @goldandsilversparkles :D
Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @goldandsilversparkles :D
How was your week? :D
Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D
Have a lovely day many kisses! :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***