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Fashion Wednesday: Something different!


Heya! :D

I don’t think I’m the kind of the girl that stands out from the crowd with her incredible fashion sense, I am not adventurous, I don’t often try out of the ordinary things (fashion related), but there comes a moment in everybody’s life when you fall in love with a piece that it is different from what you usually go for. Well, this is one of those moments, it wasn't a see it – love it – get it kind of situation, I did a little bit of thinking before getting it, but I am so glad I got it. After this beautiful photo shoot I got a really bad cold, I wasn't prepared for the weather, but this photo shoot is one of my favourites, I added some funny photos, I was in such a playful mood that day, I always have such a great time with Julie, she she always puts me in a happy mood haha :))

Nu sunt o tipa cu un stil care iese foarte mult in evident, nu sunt temerara, nu incerc foarte des  lucruri indraznete in materie de fashion, insa vine un moment in viata fiecaruia dintrei noi in care ne indragostim de o piesa mai altfel. Ei bine, acesta a fost unul dintre acele momente, n-as putea sa spun ca a fost pe reteta vazut-placut-luat, am avut nevoie de ceva timp de gandire, insa sunt extrem de multumita de decizia pe care am luat-o. Dupa pozele din postarea de astazi am si racit, nu m-a ajutat deloc faptul ca am stat in frig imbracata total necorespunzator, insa aceasta sedinta foto este cu siguranta una dintre preferatele mele, am inclus si cateva poze haioase, am fost pusa pe sotii, poate si faptul ca am ras incontinuu cu Julie a influentat starea mea de spirit :D

Coat / Palton: Thrifted / SH;
Sweater / Pulover: Zara;
Skirt / Fusta: HERE;
Boots / Ghete: MOA.

I started building the outfit from the skirt (I really wanted to wear it) , I don’t remember what I had in mind at first, but I went with a fluffy oversized sweater inside, I love this combo. The skirt has two sides, the one in front  is silver at the base, but depending on the angle you are looking at it reflects all kinds of colors, it is amazing, it is made put a a thick, gummy like material. In the back it is black and the material is a little bit stretchy. It is a beautiful, beautiful skirt, really different from all the skirts that I own. I decided to wear it with my boots since there was a lot of walking involved (it would have looked awesome with a pair o over the knee heeled boots or with a pair of stilettos) and my new thrifted coat :D Julie has some amazing reflective sneakers that I need them in my life!!! So I don’t think I will be stopping at this skirt :D 

Am construit tinuta pornind de la fusta (pentru ca de-abia asteptam sa o port), nu-mi mai amintesc cu ce-am vrut sa o port prima data, pe parcurs insa am decis sa o port cu un pulover  oversized, imi plac la nebunie combinatiile de genul. Fusta are doua fete, partea din fata care este facuta dintr-un material gros, asemanator cu musamaua (stiu ca suna ciudat, dar de asta imi aduce aminte), la baza argintiu, iar in functie de unghiul in care o privim apare brusc colorata in cele mai frumoase nuante :D Partea din spate este neagra, dintr-un material usor elastic, e o fusta incredibil de frumoasa! Am ales sa o port cu o pereche de bocanci (desi ar arata super purtata cu o pereche de cizme peste genunchi cu toc sau o pereche de pantofi stilettos) si noul meu palton din SH (pe care-l ador, am dat 15-20 de lei pe el). Julie are o pereche de tenisi superbi asemanatori cu fusta mea, am nevoie de ei in viata mea, deci fusta cu siguranta nu o sa fie ultima articol de genul acesta :D 

Photo credit : Pink Wish 

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***