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YOROM Blush + Powder Palette



As the person with fair skin that I am I always thought that contouring is a little bit tricky (I think it is really easy to exaggerate), I am pretty up-to-date with the contouring techniques and the shades I should be using to contour, but I was never too adventurous. I've always used the same product  (from e.l.f.), it was an OK product, but I always knew there were out there amazing products, for example I would invest in a high-end product to contour with it because I know I would only need one and it will last a pretty long time. Today I am not going to review a high-end product, I am going to review a wallet/pocket friendly product haha :))

Ca o persoana cu tenul deschis ce sunt, intodeauna tot procesul de conturare al fetei mi s-a parut complicat (mi se pare ca e foarte usor sa exagerezi ) sunt cat de cat documentata in ceea ce priveste tehnica cat si nuantele pe care ar trebui sa le folosesc, insa n-am facut foarte multe incercari. Pana acum trei saptamani foloseam un produs de e.l.f. de care eram oarecum multumita, insa stiam sigur ca exista si alte alternative, spre exemplu intr-un produs de conturare as fi dispusa sa investesc mai multi bani pentru ca stiu ca am nevoie de unul singur si daca as fi sigura ca cel in care investesc este perfect pentru mine atunci consider ca ar merita investitia. Astazi nu o sa va vorbesc insa despre un produs high-end ci despre unul pe placul portofelolor/buzunarelor multora dintre noi haha :))

Name / Denumire: YOROM Blush + Powder Palette;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?:;
Price? / Ce preţ are?: $6.63
Palettes Available / Palete disponibile:  5 palettes available /  5 palete disponibile;

There is not much to say about the packaging, it comes in a cardboard box, the packaging is made out of plastic, not the best quality one, definitely not the worst one, be careful with your nails when you are trying to open it, you might end losing one doing so.

Foarte multe lucruri despre amabalaj nu sunt de spus, vine ambalat intr-o cutie de carton, este confectionat din plastic, nu de cea mai buna calitate, insa nici de cea mai proasta, paleta e putin cam greu de deschis, asa ca mare grija la unghii!

Inside the palette we have four shades, all powder, all matte. We have a highlighting powder, a face powder and two contouring shades, even if you have fair skin you can still use both of them, the first one is lighter, it has a warm undertone, it might look a little bit red-ish in the swatch, but applied on the face it looks great and the other one is a little bit darker and it has a neutral undertone, you might want to be a little bit more careful with this one it might end look muddy if you use too much. The shades are pretty pigmented, they are perfectly pigmented for my taste, I don’t like to have to be too careful when applying them, there’s no fallout and they apply effortlessly. I don’t really the powder fro the face (I feel that it does not mattify my face) and shade one I think I am going to use it as a highlighter on my brow bone, I prefer my highlighters to be sparkly.

Inauntru gasim 4 nuante, toate sub forma de pudra, toate mate. Avem o nuanta pentru iluminare, o nuanta pentru a fi folosita ca pudra pentru toata fata si doua nuante pentru conturarea fetei.  Nuanta deschisa are un subton cald, pare putin rosiatica in swatch, insa aplicata pe ten nu am observat lucrul acesta, nuanta inchisa are un subton neutru, aplicata cu grija puteti sa o folositi chiar si la un ten deschis. Sunt destul de pigmentate, pentru mine au gradul optim de pigmentare, nu-mi place sa fiu tot timpul atenta sa nu aplic prea mult, nu sunt prafoase si se aplica frumos. Nuanta nr. 2 nu m-a impresionat ca si pudra (nu mi-a matifiat tenul), iar nuanta nr. 1 cred ca am sa o folosesc iluminarea arcadei, prefer ca iluminatorul pentru fata pe care il folosesc sa fie sidefat.

Do you contour your face? :D

Obisnuiti sa va conturati fata? :D

If you find something interesting on the website and you want to make a purchase I have a 10% coupon code for you to use RAH10 (it is not an affiliate code).

Dacă găsiţi ceva interesant pe site, am un cupon de 10% reducere pentru voi (nu este cod de afiliat) RAH10.

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***