Heya! :D
I am sure this thing happens to you too, you find a product that you really, really like and suddenly you don't have eyes for any other similar product or if still do you don't want to try anything else because you are sure that at the moment you are using the perfect product. I currently no longer fit in any of the two situation, I mean I love the concealer I am using right now, but I would like to try out more concealers, who know what awesome product I will find. So that's what I did, I tried a new concealer and I am now going to tell you about it.
Se intampla ca atunci cand indragesti foarte mult un produs sa nu mai ai ochii si pentru altele sau daca ai sa nu vrei sa le mai incerci fiind complet sigura ca ceea ce folosesti in momentul acela e perfect. Eu momentan nu ma mai incadrez in niciuna dintre cele doua situatii, adica imi place n continuare corectorul pe care-l folosesc acum, insa vreau sa mai testez, cine stie ce descoperire mai fac. Asa ca asta am si facut si astazi va povestesc despre descoperirea mea.
Name / Denumire: TheHotShop Cover Concealer;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: bornprettystore.com;
Price? / Ce preţ are?: $4.79;
Shades Available / Nuanţe disponibile: 3 shades available / 3 nuante disponibile;
Amount / Cantitate: 3g.
Sunt foarte impresionata de ambalajul acestui corector, cutia este din carton mat, sunt inca in perioada in care sunt obsedata de lucruri mate asa ca ma entuziasmeaza tare mult cutia haha :)) Iar ambalajul corectorului este din metal, foarte elegant pentru cei aproape $5 cat costa.
I chose shade the lightest shade, it doesn't have a name, it is called shade 1. Even though I don't really have a problem with dark circles (I do have the under eye zone very puffy :D) I love using a concealer, a concealer that is light to very light because it makes me look more awake, I love to look fresh all the time. The shade I've picked is perfect for what I wanted and you are going to see that in the picture below.
Am ales nuanta cea mai deschisa si anume nuanta 1. Desi nu pot sa spun ca cearcanele reprezinta o problema pentru mine (mai mult am zona de sub ochi pufoasa :D) imi place la nebunie sa folosesc corector si-mi place sa folosesc un corector cat mai deschis pentru ca ma face sa arat treaza indiferent de cat de obosita sunt, mi se pare ca arat tot timpul fresh. Nuanta aleasa e perfecta pentru efectul pe care vreau sa-l obtin si o sa vedeti mai jos cum arata.
The application is extra smooth, the concealer has a creamy consistency and it blends effortlessly, I usually like to apply my concealers using my ring finger, I think this way you get the most natural finish so this is how I apply this concealer too. In my case it gives a full coverage, but like I said before I don't really have dark circles, but if you have more pronounced dark circles I think you can get a medium to high coverage with this concealer. I always thought that stick concealer tend to look a little bit more cakey and also be a little bit too thick than cream concealers and I do see it in this one also, but it looks nice applied. It lasted until I took my makeup off (I wore it like 6-7 hours), it doesn't get into the fine lines, only one thing I have to object to, it is too fragile, it broke, but it is probably my fault, either way you must be careful with it.
Aplicarea este cat se poate de usoara, corectorul are o textura super cremoasa care se blenduieste extrem de frumos si rapid, in general prefer sa aplic corectorul folosind degetul inelar, mi se pare ca arata mult mai natural aplicat in felul acesta asa ca aceeasi varianta am folosit-o si pentru aplicarea acestui corector. In cazul meu ofera o acoperire mare pentru ca nu am foarte mult de acoperit insa cred ca si in cazul unor cearcane mult mai pronuntate s-ar descurca foarte bine, ar putea oferi o acoperire medie spre mare. Intotdeuna am fost de parere ca acest fel de corectoare, sub forma de stick tind sa incarce mai mult zona si sa nu se "topeasca" la fel de bine ca si cele crema si mi se pare ca si acesta face acelasi lucru, clar nu se comporta ca cel crema pe care-l folosesc, insa mi se pare ca arata bine zona. Rezista perfect pana la demachiere (l-am purtat mai mult de 6-7 ore), nu se strange in liniile fine, un singur lucru am insa de obiectat, e foarte fragil, l-am aplicat direct din tub si am remarcat astazi ca mi s-a rupt, cred ca este vina mea, insa de retinut daca vi-l achizitionati, aveti grija cu el.
I am extremely happy with it, since I got it I forgotten about the others, I would definitely purchase it.
Sunt extrem de multumita de el, de cand l-am primit nici nu mai am ochi pe altul, cu siguranta este un corector pe care l-as cumpara!
Do you use concealer? What do you prefer: a lighter shade or a shade close to your skin color? :D
Folositi corector? Preferati sa folosit un corector mai deschis sau un corector in aceeasi nuanta cu tenul vostru? :D
If you find something interesting on the website and you want to make a purchase I have a 10% coupon code for you to use RAH10 (it is not an affiliate code).
Dacă găsiţi ceva interesant pe site, am un cupon de 10% reducere pentru voi (nu este cod de afiliat) RAH10.
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***