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Fashion Monday: Cold!



I deserve to be scolded for my absence, as you can clearly see I keep disappearing, but I am disappearing with a really, really good reason, as you might already know I got a full-time job and at the moment I am trying my best to find a balance between the things I do, I want to do great in both places,  but as I am just starting all of my focus is on my new job, don’t worry though, I am back starting this week :D The outfit you are seeing today is shot in one of the coldest days of January, I can remember even now how cold it was today, I wore this outfit to the Yves Rocher event and I just had to show it to you, let’s be honest this top is the kind of top you have to show to everyone, isn’t it?

Merit sa fiu certata pentu absenta de pe blog, dupa cum bine observati tot dispar, insa dispar cu un motiv foarte bine intemeiat , am inceput sa muncesc si incerc sa gasesc un echilibru intre cele doua activitati, imi doresc sa ma descurc foarte bine in ambele parti, insa cum ma aflu la inceput de drum automat toata atentia si concentrararea mea se indreapta catre job, dar nu va faceti griji, incerc de saptamana aceasta sa se ne citim mult mai des :D Tinuta de astazi a fost pozata intr-una dintre cele mai friguroase zi de ianuarie, este tinuta pe care am purtat-o la evenimentul Yves Rocher si-am zis ca trebuie neaparat sa vi-o arat si voua, sa fim seriosi asemenea bluza nu se tine ascunsa, nu e asa?

Coat / Pardesiu: Mango (similar here, here)
Shirt / Bluza: Zara via Kurtmann; < -- click me (disponibila inca pe site)
Dress / Rochie: Romwe (similar hereherehere)
Boots / Ghete: H&M;
Clutch: Front Row Shop.

I love crop tops, but definitely it is not the weather for them and even if it would be I would always wear it with a high waisted clothing item (personal preference of course), I decided to wear the most beautiful top I own with a dress, the top has greenish - bluish glittery thread in it, I thought they look great together and paired with my H&M boots, love, love, love! Yes, of course I almost froze to death, but I loved wearing this outfit!

Imi plac la nebunie crop top-urile, insa clar nu este vremea pentru ele si chiar daca ar fi, as alege intotdeauna sa le port cu un articol vestimentar cu talia inalta (preferinta persoanala bineinteles), am ales sa port una dintre cele mai frumoase bluze din garderoba cu o rochie neagra, este o bluza cu fir verzuliu -albastrui sclipicios si-am crezut de cuviinta ca se potriveste foarte bine purtata in combinatia aceasta si purtata impreuna cu botinele mele de la H&M, dragoste, dragoste, dragoste!!!! Bineinteles ca am degerat, insa a meritat!

Photo credit : Pink Wish

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***