Only one week left before I start work (I am anxious, I am thrilled, I am a little bit scared, there is definitely a mix of feelings going on at the same time) so I took full advantage of the free time I had, I relaxed, I rested, I caught up with friends, I had a lovely week! Now that I am not stressed out anymore I had time to take photos of the important things that happened throughout the week so my "Week in Photos" posts are back.
Mai am o saptamana de vacanta pana incep serviciu (emotii, entuziasm, o gramada de sezatii ma incearca din nou :D) asa ca am profit din plin de zilele libere, ma relaxat, ma odihnesc, ma intalnesc cu persoane dragi! Am avut parte de o saptamana foarte frumoasa! Acum ca nu mai sunt stresata am avut timp sa imortalizez cam fiecare moment din viata mea si asa postarile "Saptamana in Imagini" is fac din nou aparitia pe blog.
I will definitely miss taking long baths in the middle of the day haha :)) I've been missing them for a while, but that's what week-ends are for ha! Lately I've been obsessed with taking bubble baths and the foaming products from Avon are cool, you should definitely try the watermelon one it smells amazing! New products alert! Can't wait to review them!
Clar o sa-mi fie dor de baile lungi din mijlocul zilei haha :)) Le duc eu lipsa de pe la sfarsitul anului trecut, dar pentru asta sunt week-end-urile ha! Acum mai nou sunt obsedata de spumantele de baie de la Avon, il recomand pe cel cu pepene verde! Produse noi alert, de-abia astept sa va vorbesc despre podusele noile produse pe care le-am primit.
Tuesday / Marți
Tuesday I spent a wonderful day in the company of Julie, we talked while drinking an amazing hazelnut hot chocolate and we also did a photo shoot of our outfits, in the rain and in the wind haha :))
Tuesday I spent a wonderful day in the company of Julie, we talked while drinking an amazing hazelnut hot chocolate and we also did a photo shoot of our outfits, in the rain and in the wind haha :))
Marti am petrecut o zi minunata in companie lui Julie, am stat la taclale la o CANA (imensa) de ciocolata calda cu alune de padure si am facut si cate-o sedinta foto, asa pe ploaie si pe vant haha :))
On Wednesday I went to the launch of new products from Yves Rocher, they will be available for purchase soon (from February). I met with Julie and Dorina, we've talked, tried the products and because we were in such a lovely place we took some photos of the outfits we were wearing and yes it rained again, it was so cold that day!
Miercuri am fost la lansarea noilor produse pentru ingrijirea tenului de la Yves Rocher, produse ce vor fi disponibile cat de curand (in luna februarie). La eveniment m-am inatlnit cu Julie si cu Dorina, am mai stat putin de vorba si am profitat de locul unde ne aflam pentru a mai face o cate o sedinta foto, bineinteles ploaia si vantul ne-au acompaniat din nou :D
Thursday / Joi
My dad surprised me with strawberries and they were soo good and sweet they reminded me of summer ♥ I was craving McDonald's for some time now, I couldn't get to it, but somehow it got to me haha :)) I try not to eat junk food often, maybe once of month, maybe twice, well....you can't find food craving! :D
M-a surprins tata cu capsuni, dar ce incantata am mai fost....culmea e ca au fost si gustoase, dulci, m-au dus cu gandul la vara ♥ De cateva zile imi era pofta de Mc, insa n-am apucat sa ajung pana acolo asa ca a venit Mc-ul la mine haha :)) Incerc sa nu mamac mai mult de o data pe luna junk food, insa cateodata mi se mai intampla, nu poti sa te impotrivesti poftelor culinare! :D
I finally have my own tart to eat and not share with anyone mwahaha! I only like blueberry jam so my mom made a blueberry jam tart for me, oh my, it was delicious! ♥ And I also received my neoprene dress that day, can't wait to wear it nd style it!
In sfarsit am si eu tarta mea! Cum dulceata de afine e singura dulceata care-mi place (nu-mi place in mod special niciun gem) mama mi-a facut o tarta cu dulceata de afine, O MINUNATIE! ♥ Si tot vineri am pirimit si rochia mea din neopren, de-abia astept sa vi-o arat!
Saturday / Sâmbătă
Sambata a fost mai mult o zi de relaxare, spre seara am plecat la cumparaturi si ne-am umplut burticile cu mancare nesanatoasa, pizza, chips-uri si suc, pai cum altcumva? :D
Saturday was a day of relaxation, we went to do a little bit of shopping in the evening and of course we filled our bellies with some more junk food, pizza, chips and soda :D
Sunday / Duminică
We did another photo shoot inside (i am sick of cold, rain and wind and I also had an idea that requested for us to stay inside), then we went to SecondCup (where I went with Julie on Tuesday) to try another awesome drink from the menu and spent some time with family and we are ready for a new week ^_^
O sedinta foto in casa (nu mai vreau frig, ploaie si vant si am avut oricum o alta idee pe care nu puteam sa o pun in practica afara) apoi am dat o fuga la SecondCup (unde am fost si marti cu Julie) sa mai incercam o bautaura noua, am incheiat ziua cu o vizita in familie si suntem pregatiti pentru o noua saptamana ^_^
We did another photo shoot inside (i am sick of cold, rain and wind and I also had an idea that requested for us to stay inside), then we went to SecondCup (where I went with Julie on Tuesday) to try another awesome drink from the menu and spent some time with family and we are ready for a new week ^_^
O sedinta foto in casa (nu mai vreau frig, ploaie si vant si am avut oricum o alta idee pe care nu puteam sa o pun in practica afara) apoi am dat o fuga la SecondCup (unde am fost si marti cu Julie) sa mai incercam o bautaura noua, am incheiat ziua cu o vizita in familie si suntem pregatiti pentru o noua saptamana ^_^
You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @goldandsilversparkles :D
Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @goldandsilversparkles :D
How was your week? :D
Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D
Have a lovely day many kisses! :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***