I look at these photos with a really big smile on my face, one because we had a lot fun that day and I love how they turned out and two because there is a funny story behind them. Last Tuesday I met up with Julie (I am sure you know Julie, but if you don't you have to go check her blog like right now: Pink Wish), you don't always have to meet up with friend with a purpose, so besides the hot and delicious chocolate we wanted to drink and the things we had to talk about what we wanted to take photos of the outfits we were wearing. So we laughed about the fact that we both had high necked sweaters and some point Julie asks me if somehow we are not wearing exactly the same sweater, I unbutton my coat to show her my sweater and she says to me: omg we are wearing the same sweater (only in different colors). So I looked at mine then I looked at her and I burst into laughter :)) Even if we have talked about it and I don't think we could've matched that good, not to mentions that our coats were made from very similar materials (you can see Julie's outfit here: It's a grey affair). Now this is a story to be told!
Ma uit la pozele acestea cu drag si-n acelasi timp asa-mi vine sa rad cu pofta, exact asa cum am facut si-n ziua in care le-am facut, haideti sa va povestesc de ce. Ma intalnesc cu Julie (nu aveti cum sa nu o stiti si daca nu o stiti trebuie neaparat sa ii vizitati blogul: Pink Wish), nu intotdeuna trebuie sa intalnesti cu un scop, insa pe langa ciocolata calda pe care de-abia asteptam sa o gustam, multele lucruri pe care aveam sa ni le spunem, am decis sa pozam si tinutele pe care le purtam. Radem noi ce radem de faptul ca ne-am asortat la gulere, la care la un moment dat Julie ma intreaba cum arata puloverul meu, eu imi dechid nasturele de la palton si i-l arat, la care Julie imi spune: avem pulovere la fel! Moment in care eu ma uit la puloverul meu, apoi la al ei, si izbucnesc intr-un ras din ala molipsitor haha :)) Nici daca ne vorbeam cred ca nu reuseam sa ne asortam atat de bine, nu mai zic de faptul ca si paltoanele noastre erau facute dintr-un material extrem de asemnator (tinuta lui Julie o puteti vedea aici: It's a grey affair). Na poftim intamplare!
Palton: Front Row Shop; (similar - here)
Ghete: Tally Weijl.
I was never too fond about these types of dresses, I must say that a lot of indifference was involved, I am sure I had a few in my wardrobe throughout the years, but I can only remember a hot pink one which I got it from Germany (I payed 5 euros for it). I do think that I was waiting for the perfect one because since I got this sweater dress from Pimkie I kind of fallen in love with them and I came to the conclusion that I need more. It is super cozy, super comfortable and it is perfect for the weather we've been having lately. You can wear it with a pair of heels or maybe a pair of over the knee boots or even a pair of military boots, the sweater dress is definitely a must in your wardrobe!
Photo credit: Pink Wish;
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***
I was never too fond about these types of dresses, I must say that a lot of indifference was involved, I am sure I had a few in my wardrobe throughout the years, but I can only remember a hot pink one which I got it from Germany (I payed 5 euros for it). I do think that I was waiting for the perfect one because since I got this sweater dress from Pimkie I kind of fallen in love with them and I came to the conclusion that I need more. It is super cozy, super comfortable and it is perfect for the weather we've been having lately. You can wear it with a pair of heels or maybe a pair of over the knee boots or even a pair of military boots, the sweater dress is definitely a must in your wardrobe!
Intre mine si rochiile pulover n-a fost niciodata o relatie de dragoste, mai mult una de indiferenta, sunt sigura ca de-a lungul timpului am avut cateva in garderoba, insa una imi e foarte bine intiparita in minte (pe care o mai am si acum) si anume una intr-o nuanta de roz puternic pe care am cumparat-o la reduceri (5 euro) intr-una dintre calatoriile noastre in Germania. Cred insa ca eram in asteptarea rochiei pulover perfecte, pentru ca de cand am gasit-o pe cea de la Pimkie mi-am schimbat complet parerea si cred ca am nevoie de mai multe rochii pulover, e super calduroasa, perfecta chiar si pentru vremea de acum. Purtata cu o pereche de cizme cu toc sau o pereche de cizme pana la genunchi, poate chiar cu o pereche de bocanci, rochia pulover nu trebuie sa va lipseasca din garderoba!
Photo credit: Pink Wish;
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***