Hey! :D
Don't you feel like...I'm bringing spring with me? The flowers bloom as I walk, the birds sing and fly in a playful mood from a tree branch to another, the sun smiles down at me and the greets me with its warm rays. That's a cool story right? Can you imagine a photo shoot like this outside? Haha :)) I know this outfit is totally inappropriate for the crazy weather we face right now, but this is how I imagined this outfit, this is how I wanted to photograph it, now I just have to wait for spring to wear it!
Nu simtiti asa....ca aduc primavara cu mine? Florile infloresc pe masura ce pasesc, pasarelele ciripesc si jucause zboara de pe-o craca pe alta, soarele ma intampina zambitor si ma mangaie cu razele sale. Frumoasa poveste, nu? Va imaginati sa ma pozez asa acum afara? Haha :)) Stiu ca nu e timpul pentru o astfel de tinuta, insa asa mi-am imaginat-o, asa am vrut sa o pozez, ramane sa o pastrez pentru vremea mai calda, insa de-abia astept sa o port!
Dress / Rochie: here;
Clutch: New Yorker;
Sneakers / Adidasi: Deichmann (similar: here).
Never in my life I had a garment made out of this material, it intrigues me! I want to say the dress is made out of neoprene, but since I've never seen or touched neoprene before I wouldn't want to lie, but it looks pretty similar (from what I saw in pictures). If you follow me on Facebook, then you know that I was really undecided about the dress, it haunted me in my dreams so I just had to get it, I still need my sleep haha :)) From the beginning I imagined it in a sporty outfit (though it would look great with a pair of stilettos or a pair of heeled sandals with really thin straps). Grey + pink = ♥ - it is one of my favourite combinations and I had to wear my bright fuchsia matte lipstick :D Now going back to the material, if you want to purchase it, then there are two things you should know, be very, BUT very careful when you bend over and it is a little bit uncomfortable when you sit down because the material is thick and it tends to puff up (in the stomach area) otherwise it's a really cool dress.
N-am avut in viata mea vreun articol vestimentar facut dintr-un asemenea material, ma intriga! As spune ca se asemana cu neoprenul, insa nu cum n-am vazut si n-am pipait niciodata acest material s-ar putea sa fac afirmatii gresite, insa pare foarte asemnator (din pozele pe care le vad). Daca ma urmariti pe Facebook stiti ca am fost foarte nehotarata in privinta acestei rochii, rochie care m-a bantuit si prin vise, asa ca trebuit sa iau masuri si am decis ca trebuie sa o am. Am vazut-o din start intr-o tinuta foarte sportiva (si o mai vad si impreuna cu o pereche de stilettos sau sandale cu toc cu barete foarte subtiri) si asa am sa o si port cu prima ocazie. Gri + roz, una dintre combinatiile mele preferate si-am tinut foarte mult sa port pe buze un ruj fuchsia aprins :D Revenind la materialul rochiei, daca va bate gandul sa o achizitionati trebuie sa va atentionez ca e foarte periculoasa la aplecare si putin cam inconfortabila atunci cand stati jos, fiind mai batos materialul, se ridica, si se umfla in anumite zone (spre exemplu in zona abdomenului), in rest e tare draguta ♥
Have a great day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***