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Castigatoarele giveaway-ului - I ♥ Spring...I ♥ Cosmetics!


Hey :)

   Mai avem putin si scapam de frigul de afara, de-abia astept week-end-ul, vreau sa profit de vremea frumoasa (daca o sa fie, nu-mi fac sperante foarte mari) si sa ma plimb cat mai mult :D Dar pana vine week-end-ul haideti sa aflam care sunt cele patru norocoase castigatoare de astazi :D

   Au fost 73 de participante:

Participantele care si-au dorit untul de corp I ♥ lemons and limes:

si participantele care si-au dorit untul de corp I ♥ vanilla & ice cream:

  Cele doua castigatoare ce urmeaza sa primeasca fiecare cate un unt de corp I &hearts lemons & limes sunt:

   Cele doua castigatoare ce urmeaza sa primeasca fiecare cate un unt de corp I &hearts vanilla & ice cream sunt:

    Inca o data va multumesc tuturor pentru participare, felicitari norocoaselor castigatoare, sa va bucurati de minunatele premii pe care le-ati castigat si de ce nu, sa reveniti si cu impresii daca va doriti :) Nu fiti suparate daca nu ati castigat, de luni va asteapta o alta supriza pe blog :D

PS: Fetelor nu uitati ca aveti la dispozitie 72 de ore sa imi raspundeti la e-mailul pe care l-ati primit de la mine :)

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat! :*:*:*

Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micelle Solution


Hello :D

   Postarea cu numarul 300 *yeeeeeey*, nici nu-mi vine sa cred haha, trebuie sa sarbatorim cumva si o sa facem asta cat de curand :D Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre un produs fara de care nu pot sa traiesc, un produs care se regaseste in rutina mea de ingrijire a tenului de mai bine de un an si pe care o sa continui sa il achizitionez. In urma cu un am am avut norocul de a castiga solutia micelara de la Bioderma la un concurs organizat pe blogul Diary of a Beauty Addict, nu stiam nimic despre solutiile micelare, dar am fost foarte curioasa sa o incerc si de atunci o folosesc in fiecare zi :D Pentru ca nu ma pricep sa definesc solutia micelara si nu vreau sa va bag in ceata, prefer sa va invit sa cititi articolul Pasagerei despre Solutiile Micelare.

   300 blog posts *yeeeeey*, I can't believe it haha, we must celebrate somehow and we will soon :D Today I want to talk to you about a product that I can't live without, a product that I've been using every single day for more than a year and that I will continue using it forever and ever. I was lucky enough to win a contest a on    beauty blog - Diary of a Beauty Addict - and receive this amazing product, at that time I didn't know what micellar water wes supposed to do, but I was very curious about it and since the first day I used it I never forget to use it. I'm not good at explaining things so I won't ty to explain what a micellar water is (:D), Pasagera wrote a blog post about it so please read it: Solutiile Micelare.

Denumire/Name: Bioderma Sensibio H20 Micelle Solution;
De unde il pot achizitiona?/Where cand i buy it from?Din farmacii sau de pe diverse site-uri / pharmacies or from the internet;
Cat pret are?/Price?: 100ml: 17-20 lei;  250 ml: 38-45 lei  500 ml: 60-70 lei; - Gasiti o oferta mai tot timpul la cele de 250 ml, doua la pret de una: 38-43 lei.
Cantitate: 250 ml;

Ingrediente / Ingredients: Water, Peg-6 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides, Propylene Glycol, Cucumis Sativus Fruit Extract, Mannitol, Xylitol, Rhamnose, Fructooligosachcarides, Disodium EDTA, Cetrimonium Bromide.
Alte informatii / Other informations:

  • este destinata tenului sensibil; / for sensitive skin;
  • este destinata tenului sensibil, uscat sau normal; / for dry and normal skin;
  • nu are miros; / no smell;
  • incolora; / colorless;
  • ambalajul este foarte dragut = roz (mai ales sticluta de 100ml care este si perfecta pentru calatorii), sticla este facuta dintr-un plastic dur. Imi place in special capacul produsului, desi il desfac intr-un mod barbar pana acum nu a dat semne ca a slabit sau ca ar vrea sa se rupa :D / the packaging is reall nice and cute = pink (the 100ml bottle is so cuuuute and travel friendly), the lid is very sturdy.

Cum folosesc produsul?

   Cateodata o folosesc si dimineata si seara, recunosc ca sunt cam lenesa dimineata si prefer sa ma spal folosind doar produsul de curatare. Desi este un produs demachiant, in zilele in care ma machiez prefer sa ma demachiez inainte cu un demachiant (fata-verso discheta demachianta), folosesc solutia micelara (fata-verso discheta demachianta, vreau sa indepartez orice urma de produs de pe fata inainte de a ma spala), apoi ma spal cu produsul de curatare. In zilele in care nu ma machiez folosesc doar solutia micelara (fata-verso discheta demachianta). Imi mai place sa o folosesc si atunci cand ma machiez si mi se intampla sa mi cada fardul pe fata, pun putina solutie pe discheta si curat usor zona.

    Sometimes I use it in the morning and at night, I am kind of lazy in the morning and I skiop this step and I only wash my face using my cleanser. They do say that this micellar water is a cleansing product, but on the days that I'm wearing make-up I like to use my cleansing lotion first, then use the micellar water and after that wash my face using my cleanser. On the days that I'm not wearing any make-up I only use the micellar water, I also like to use it when I want to clean the fall out that I get from my eyeshadows.

    Desi am citit ca nu trebuie neaparat sa va spalati pe ten dupa ce o folositi, eu n-as putea sa fac asta, din punctul meu de vedere spalarea tenului e foarte importanta, e foarte important sa aveti tenul cat mai curat, nu sa fie incarcat de produs, apoi puteti sa aplicati cremele pe care le folositi (nu spal tenul atunci cand il folosesc sa indepartez fardul cazut). Are o consistenta apoasa, curata foarte delicat, nu mi-a provocat iritatii si desi il folosesc zilnic (nu-s zgarcita cand il folosesc) nu se consuma repede, cred ca folosesc sticluta de cel putin trei luni si mai am un sfert :D Nu indeparteaza machiajul waterproof (am inteles ca ar indeparta rimelul waterproof), am testat si nu se misca de acolo :)) 

   Even though I read that you don't have to wash your face after using the product, I would never ever leave it on my face with (you also leave all that products that you want to get rid off), you have to make sure that your face is very clean before you apply your moisturizer. It removes make-up really delicate, it did not irritate my skin or burn my eyes :D I also like the fact that even though I apply a lot of it it does last a really long time, I opened this bottle about 3 or 4 months ago and I still have a quarter left. They say that it can remove waterproof make-up, I tried to remove my waterproof mascara, but I couldn't so I would have to say that it doesn't :D

   Recomand acest produs? Da, din toata inima. Daca nu obisnuiti sa va machiati foarte des sau folositi foarte putin produs atunci puteti sa sariti cu succes peste demachiant si sa folositi doar solutia micelara (daca obisnuiti sa va machiati si folositi foarte mult produs, atunci solutia micelara va ajuta sa indepartati in mare parte tot ce a mai ramas pe fata ca dupa ce folositi si produsul de curatare sa aveti un ten curat si fericit), pana acum am citit si am auzit numai lucruri bune despre ea si nu pot decat sa le confirm, este un produs foarte bun :)

   Do I recommend this product? Yes, with all my heart. If you don't wear make-up or don't wear that much make-up you can skip using a cleansing lotion and only use the micellar water (if you use make-up every day and you have to wear heavy make-up then using this product after you use your cleansing lotion it will help you remove all of your make-up so after you wash you face using for cleanser you will know that you have a very clean and happy skin), I read and hear only good things about it and I'm here to confirm all the good things about it :)

   Folositi solutie micelara? Care este solutia voastra micelara preferata? :D / Do you use micellar water? What's your favourite? :D

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***

Guacamole & Cheese Dip!


Holaaaaaaa! Ay ay ay :D

   Am cumparat un avocado acum cativa ani, pe vremea cand habar nu aveam ce e si ce pot face cu el, l-am desfacut, am gustat, nu mi-a placut si l-am aruncat. Am ramas cu impresia ca are un gust amar asa ca nu m-am mai atins de el pana de curand. In ultima vreme am tot auzit despre guacamole si mi-a cam starnit interesul asa ca m-am decis sa ma documentez si sa plec la cumparaturi pentru ca in seara respectiva voiam sa mananc :D E foarte simplu de facut, este incredibil de gustos si este si sanatos. Avocado este bogat in vitaminele B, E si K si are cel mai mare continut de fibre dintre fructe, trebuie totusi consumat cu moderatie pentru ca are un continut de grasimi foarte mare. Guacamole se poate manca cu nachos, ca salata, in burgeri sau in orice alta combinatie mai gasiti voi :)

   I bought an avocado a few years ago, I had no idea what you could do with it, O tasted it, didn't like it and I threw it away. I don't know why I had this idea that avocado is bitter, maybe the one I tried was not riped yet, I have no idea :)) Lately I've been seeing everywhere guacamole and I knew I had to try it so I Googled it and went to buy the ingredients because I had to try it right away :D This recipe is very easy to make, it's so tasty and healthy too. Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E and K and have a very high fiber content, no other fruit has that much fiber, but it also has to be consumed in moderation because it has a higher fat content. You can eat guacamole with nachos, as a salad, or in any other combination you want and like :)

Aveti nevoie de: / You will need (2-3 persons)

  • avocado (eu am folosit trei de marime potrivita) - aveti grija cand ii cumparati sa fie moi, altfel trebuie sa asteptati sa se inmoaie, nu puteti sa sa ii folositi daca sunt tari; / Avocados (I used 3 avocados) -  when you buy them make sure that they are soft, if they are not soft then they are not riped and you can't use them yet;
  • rosii (am folosit o rosie potrivita); / tomatoes (i used one tomato);
  • patrunjel / cilantro;
  • sare / salt;
  • piper / pepper;
  • lamaie (am stors o lamaie) / lime or lemon juice (i used the juice from a lemon);
  • daca vreti sa fie picant, adaugati ceva picant, un sos sau ardei iuti; / if you want it spicy then add a spicy sauce or some spicy peppers;
  • optional: ceapa, usuroi; / optional: green onion and fresh garlic.
 Asa se desface un avocado: / This is how you cut open an avocado:

   Desfacem avocado, il punem intr-un castron, stoarcem peste el lamaie, daca nu o sa oxideze si o sa isi schimbe culoarea si nu vrem asta. Taiem rosia in cubulete cat mai mici si o adaugam si pe ea in caston, apoi adaugam patrunjelul, sarea, piperul si folosind pasatorul de cartofi pasam toate ingredientele. Ideal este sa mai ramana bucatele, nu sa fie totul super pasat. Gustam si mai adaugam sare, piper si zeama de lamaie daca mai este nevoie.

   We cut open the avocados and put them into a bowl, we put some lemon juice on because they oxidize and turn brown. We add the chopped tomatoes, cilantro and the salt and pepper and we use the potato masher to mash everything, make sure to not over mash we still want some avocado chunks in there. We taste and add salt, pepper and some more lemon juice if we feel that we need to add more.

   Sosul de cascaval este absolut delicios in mai toate combinatiile mai ales atunci cand este mancat cu nachos, de fiecare data cand mergem la cinema ne cumparam nachos cu sos de cascaval, stiu ca este total nesanatos acel sos si este si mult prea picant pentru gustul meu, dar este ataaaaat de bun :D Pentru ca nu-l mai gasesc pe nicaieri (intr-un timp se gasea unul in Auchan, acum se mai gaseste in Mega Image, dar unul dintre ele are tot felul de legume prin el si nu-mi place, iar celalalt este mult prea mic pentru pretul pe care-l are) m-am gandit sa-l fac eu in casa. De ce aveti nevoie:

   The cheese dip is incredible tasty in all of the combinations you can make with it especially with nachos, every time we go to watch a movie we get nachos with cheese dip and though I know that this dip is not healthy and also it's to spicy for me, it is sooooo delicious :D Because I can't find it in stores (actually you can buy it from Mega Image, they have one with some vegetables in it and one that is to small for its price) I thought i will make my own. You will need:

Ingrediente: / Ingredients: 

  • 50gr unt; / 50gr butter;
  • 4 linguri faina; / 4 tablespoons of flour;
  • 250 ml lapte caldut; / 250ml of warm milk;
  • 200gr cascaval (Cedar sau daca nu gasiti un casvacl cu un gust puternic); / 200gr cheese (Cheddar or a normal cheese with a strong taste to it);
  • sare; / salt;
  • piper; / pepper;
  • boia de ardei iute. /spicy paprika.
  Intr-o cratita punem la topit untul (focul cat mai mic) apoi adauga doua linguri de faina (se face la fel ca si sosul bechamel) amestecam, apoi adaugam laptele (laptele sa fie caldut), mai adugam inca doua linguri de faina si amestecam cu facaletul. Dupa ce s-a ingrosat cat de cat sosul, incepem sa adauga feliile de cascaval (cascavalul l-am taiat felii - gustati si vedeti daca trebuie sa mai adaugati cascaval, trebuie sa i se simta gustul) si amestecam pana se topeste, apoi adaugam sare, pieper si boia si mai lasam pe foc mic inca cateva minute (maxim 10) si il putem servi. 

   We melt the butter in a pan (low heat) and we add two tablespoons of flower and mix them all together (like we do when we are making bechamel sauce), we add the warm milk and we mix again, then we add the other 2 tablespoons of  flower and continue mixing until the sauce has a nice creamy consistency. We add the cheese slices (you have to taste to see how many slices you need to add, you have to feel the cheese in the sauce) and we mix until the cheese melts, then we add the salt, pepper and the spicy paprika and we let it sit for another 5 to 10 minute and we can serve it right away.

   Doua retete foarte usor de facut si foarte, dar foarte gustoase. Mie imi place sa le prepar in serile in care planuim sa ne uitam la filme si intentionez sa le servesc si atunci cand o sa avem musafiri, sper sa le placa :D

   Two super easy recipes to make that are very, very yummy. I like to make them on our movie nights and I plan to serve them next time when we are having guests, I hope they will like them as much as we did :D

Ati incercat pana acum guacamole? Va faceti singuri sosul pentru nachos? :) / Have you ever tried guacamole? Do you make your own nachos dip? :)

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :* :* :*

I ♥ Spring TAG!


   Primavara, primavara de cand te tot astept ♥ Bine, am asteptat ca o data cu tine sa vina si caldura si sa ma pot bucura in fiecare dimineata de soarele ce-mi bate-n geam, dar se pare ca nu vrei asta momentan :)) Nu-i nimic, tot anotimpul meu preferat ramai ♥ M-am gandit ca astazi este o zi perfecta pentru un Tag, mai ales ca n-am mai facut unul de ceva vreme si am gasit unul pe Youtube care mi-a placut tare mult, un Tag pornit de catre MissGlamorzzi :D

   Spring, Spring, oh how I've waited for you ♥ Of course, I wanted you to be warmer than you are now, I also wanted to see the sun shining every day on my window, but it seems you don't want that just yet. Don't worry you are still my favourite season ♥ I though that today it will be a good day for a Tag and I came across one on Youtube that i likes a lot, MissGlamorzzi started it :D

1. Care este oja ta preferata primvara? /  1. Favorite spring nail polish?

  Nu am o singura oja preferata, primvara imi plac pastelurile si culorile puternice, nu zic nu si la putin sclipici :D Dar daca ar trebui sa aleg una dintre cele de mai jos, atunci acesta cu siguranta ar fi: Flormar 236.

   I don't have just one favourite nail polish, I like to wear pastels and bold colors, I won't say no to glitter polish either :)) If I would have to choose only one nail polish from the one below I would choose: Flormar 236.
(le gasiti pe marea majoritate cu tot cu swatch-uri in postarea: Colectia mea de oje - Updated)

2. What is your must-have lip color this spring?

  Intrebarea asta imi place tare mult, sunt obsedata de rujuri, atunci cand trec pe langa ele imi este foarte greu sa ma abtin sa nu-mi cumpar unul. Daca atunci cand vine vorba despre farduri imi plac imi mare parte doar cele neutre, cand vine vorba despre rujuri imi plac in general numai culorile puternice :)) Una dintre culorile mele preferate (mai ales primvara) este rozul, in mai toate nuantele lui. Un ruj care se potriveste descrierii mele este NYX Louisiana ♥

   Uuu I like this question, I'm obsessed with lipsticks, every time I see them it is really hard for me to not buy them. When it comes to eye shadows I love and use most of the time only neutral shades, but when it comes to lipsticks I love bold colors. For spring I like to wear different shades of pink, one of my favourite lipsticks for this season is NYX Louisiana ♥

3. Arata-ne rochia ta preferata pentru primavara! / 3. Show us your favorite spring dress!

   Nu obisnuiesc sa port rochii si rar mi se intampla sa ma uit la ele atunci cand ma duc la cumparaturi, mi se par mult mai comozi pantalonii scurti :D Dar m-am gandit sa va arat cateva rochii care imi plac.

   I don't really wear dresses and I don't usually look at them when I go shopping, I like to wear shorts I find them to be very comfy :D But I thought i would show you some dresses that i like.

(sursa poze:

4. Care este floarea ta preferata / 4. What's your favorite flower?

   Imi plac foarte mult zambilele si liliacul, daca de zambile m-am bucurat la inceputul lunii martie, liliacul nu am apucat inca sa-l miros, dar de-abia astept sa se iveasca ocazia, imi place tare mult mirosul de liliac si florile sunt foarte frumoase ♥

   I love hyacinths and lilac, I got to enjoy the hyacinths at the beginning of the month, but I didn't get to smell the lilac yet, I can't wait to do so because i love its smell and the flowers are so pretty ♥

5. Care este esarfa ta/accesoriul tau preferat? 5. Favorite spring scarf/accessory?

   Iubesc esarfele, imi plac foarte mult cele colorate, rar mi se intampla sa nu le port la cate o tinuta, mi se pare ca pot sa inveseleasca orice tinuta si pentru cele carora nu le place sa poarte foarte multa culoare, sunt perfecte :D

   I love scarves, the colorful the better, I wear scarves almost every day, if you don't like wearing colorful clothes then you can wear a colored scarf, they add a little bit of color to your outfit especially if you don't like to wear colored clothes.

6. De care trenduri pentru primavara esti super entuziasmata anul acesta? (machiaj, moda sau ambele!) / 6. What spring trend(s) are you most excited about this year? (Makeup, fashion or both!)

  Daca vorbim despre machiaj atunci sunt super incantata de marea majoritate pentru ca imi placeau si inainte: sprancene groase, eyeliener in diverse culori, un machiaj al fetei cat mai fresh si luminos, buze in diverse nuante de rosu.

If we are talking about makeup, then I love almost all the trends that are going on right now: bold and beautiful  eyebrows, black or colored eyeliner, fresh and luminous skin, red lips.

   Cand vine vorba despre moda (un domeniu in care nu ma prea pricep :D) imi plac printurile florale, ochelarii de soare in diverse forme si culori, hainele cu printuri grafice si  hainele in culori fluorescente.

    I don't know much about fashion, but this season I love: floral and graphic prints, fluorescent clothes and statement sunglasses.

7. Lumanarea ta preferata? / 7. Favorite spring candle?

   Primvara imi plac cele cu miros de fructe, in special cele cu miros de fructe de padure, dar nu le refuz nici pe cele cu miros de vanilie ♥

   I like fruity scents, especially the berries ones, but I won't say no to a vanilla one either ♥

8. Parfumul/spray-ul de corp? / 8. Favorite body spray/perfume for spring?

   Cand vine vorba despre spray-uri de corp intotdeauna le aleg pe cele cu miros fuctat. Daca in sezonul rece imi plac parfumurile dulci, in sezonul cald imi plac parfumurile fresh. / For body sprays I like fruity scents and for perfumes I like fresh scents.

9. Cum este primvara acolo unde locuiesti? / 9. What is spring like where you live?

   In ultimii ani nu simt ca am prea avut primavara, a fost o perioda scurta de tranzitie de la frig la vara, cand eram copil imi aduc aminte ca era destul de cald si ploua des (iubesc ploaia), dar cu singuranta era diferit fata de acum. Sper ca anul acesta sa ma pot bucura de ea si sa nu fie brusc 30 de grade.

  I remember that it used to be warmer when I was a kid, in the last two or three years it was really cold and after that BAAAM 30 degrees. I hope this year I get to enjoy spring :D Because I love the warmer weather and the rain, I like to go out after it rains (of course if it's not super cold outside :D)

    (despre asta vorbesc / now this is what i'm talking about) - sursa poza

10. Ce iti place cel mai mult la anotimpul acesta? / 10. What's your favorite thing about spring?

   Mi se pare un anotimp vesel, plin de culoare, totul prinde viata si mai ales caldura :D / Spring is a wonderful and colorful season, everything comes to life and i love the warm weather :D

11. Are you a spring cleaner?

  Nu cred ca fac ceva deosebit atunci cand fac curatenie primvara, mie imi plac oricum sa fac o super curatenie de fiecare data (indiferent de anotimp). / I don't find that I do something special, I usually like to super clean every time I clean the room/house (it doesn't matter if it's spring or winter)

12. Planuri pemntru vacanta de primvara sau ati planuit o vacanta pentru urmatoarea perioada? / 12. Any plans for spring break or an upcoming vacation?

  Nu, nu avem in plan vreo vacanta in urmatoarea perioada :) / No, we don't have any plans for the moment :)

   Sper ca v-a facut placere sa cititi acesa postare si va invit sa preluati acest Tag daca va place, imi puteti lasa link-ul in sectiunea de comentarii :* / I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and if you like this Tag and want to do it on your blog leave me a link after in the comments, I would love to read your answers :)

  Va doresc o duminica minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

   Have a lovely Sunday, many kisses :*:*:*

Flormar MAXXL Extreme Lenghtening Mascara


Well hello there :)

   Ei da, asa da :D Astazi a fost o zi total pe placul meu, soare, caldura si pe langa asta si Ziua Internationala a Fericirii (multumesc Dorina ca mi-ai spus) :D Cu alte cuvinte, am fost fericita de Ziua Internationala a Fericirii haha :)) Prin Decembrie v-am aratat o gramada de noutati de la Flormar (Noutati de la Flormar) si mi-am adus aminte de curand ca trebuia sa va vorbesc despre un rimel, o cititoare m-a rugat sa ii fac review, imi pare rau ca-l fac atat de tarziu, dar de-abia de curand am inceput sa-l testez asa cum trebuie (asta pentru ca imi place sa deschid mai multe rimeluri deodata si niciodata nu stiu pe care sa-l folosesc) :))

 Oh happy day :D I loved this day, it was sunny, it was warm and guess what? Today was the International Day of Happiness YAY! (thank you Dorina for telling me that :D) I was happy on the International day of Happiness, I hope you were too :) In December I showed you some new Flomar goodies that you can find in store and I remember that I promised  to review one of their mascaras, one of my readers asked me to review it, but I never got to it, so i'm really sorry that i'm doing this almost three months after, but I recently started using it (I like to open all of my mascaras and then i don't know which one to use :D)

Denumire/Name: Flormar MAXXL Extreme Lengthening Mascara; (***)
Nuanta: Black:
De unde il pot achizitiona?/Where cand i buy it from?: din magazine Flormar, de la stand-urile Flormar si de pe diferite site-uri / From Flormar shops or from different websites;

Cat pret are?/Price?: 25 lei (acesta era pretul din septembrie, nu stiu daca intre timp s-a schimbat)/ I don't know what the price is in other countries.

   Imi place foarte mult ambajul produsului, mi se pare elegant si am observat ca tot pe amabalaj gasim o imagine cu periuta rimelului ceea ce mi s-a parut super interesant pentru ca nu am mai vazut asta pana acum la niciun alt rimel. Vorbind de periuta, va spun sincer ca am fost dezamagita cand am vazut-o pentru ca nu sunt o fana a periutelor din cauciuc, marea majoritate nu reusesc sa-mi treaca cum trebuie printre gene si nu pot sa le folosesc de aceea evit sa cumpar astfel de rimeluri. N-a fost cazul si de data acesta, din fercire acesta reuseste cu succes sa-mi acopere foarte frumos genele cu rimel si reusesc sa obtin un aspect deloc incarcat. Obisnuiesc sa ma murdaresc cand aplic rimelul, am reusit si de data aceasta, dar asta pentru ca nu am fost atenta, n-am intampinat probleme la aplicare, am reusit sa ajung si la genele mai scurte si am resusit sa-mi rimelez si genele de pe pleoapa inferioara cu succes :)

   I really, really like the packaging of this mascara, it looks elegant and I noticed and there is an image of the brush on it, I've never seen this before on any other packing, I must say that it's really cool. Talking about the brush, I have to say that i was a little bit disappointed when I saw it, I don't like the plastic comb brushes, they never go through my lashes so that's why I never buy mascaras with this kind of brushes. It wasn't the case this time, luckily this brush is perfect, it goes right through them and coats them nicely. When i apply my mascara it usually gets messy (:D), it happened this time too (not that much though), but it was my fault because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, with this brush I can easily coat even my almost invisibile lashes and I can also coat my bottom lashes.

     Pe ambalajul acestui produs scrie ca acest rimel trebuie sa: defineasca, alungeasca si sa aiba un efect glamour. Nu stiu ce sa zic despre ultima parte, dar sunt de acord cu primele doua si o sa vedeti in poze si voi acest lucru. Este un negru foarte intens si odata aplicat se usuca foarte repede. Aplicat in doua straturi incarca genele si le lipeste, dar aplicat intr-un singur strat arata foarte frumos si natural si reuseste cat de cat sa-mi tina genele intoarse. De fiecare data a stat frumos la locul lui, nu a trebuit sa-l adun de pe fata si se demachiaza foarte usor. Pretul eu zic ca este un acceptabil, nici foarte ieftin, dar nici foarte scump, daca sunteti in cautarea unui rimel care sa nu incarce genele, sa le defineasca si sa le si alungeasca atunci ar trebui sa-l incercati.

  This mascara is supposed to: define you lashes, lengthen them and have a glamorous effect. Well I can't talk about the last one, but I sure agree on the first two, you will also see that in my pictures. The color is a very deep black and it once applied is dries really fast. With two coats it's a little bit clumpy and the eye lashes tend to stick, but with one coat they look awesome. You know that I struggle with my lashes they never want to keep the curl and with this mascara they keep it for a little while, but nothing special. It doesn't smear, it stay in place all day long. The price is reasonable, not very cheap, but not very pricey either, if you are looking for a mascara that will give you a very natural look and really define your lashes and lengthen them a little bit then you can try out this mascara.

(prima poza: fara rimel; a doua poza: un strat; a treia poza: doua straturi) / (first picture: without mascara; second picture: one coat; third picture: two coats)

   Este primul rimel pe care-l incerc de la Flormar va spun sincer ca mi-a placut, dar nu mai mult decat cel de la GOSH (GOSH) pe care trebuie neaparat sa mi-l achizitionez urgent :)) Pe viitor am sa mai incerc si alte rimeluri de la Flormar, pentru ca mi-au atras atentia :)

  This is the first time I'm using a Flormar mascara and I really like it, but not as much as my beloved mascara from GOSH (GOSH) which I have to buy asap :)) I will try some other mascaras from Flormar because they caught my attention :)

Aveti vreun rimel preferat de la Flormar? L-ati incercat pe cel din review? / Do you have a favourite Flormar mascara? Did you try the one that I reviewed today? :)

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*

Kiko Holographic Nail Lacquer 401


 Hola :D

   In mod normal atunci cand ma apuc sa pozez oje/manichiuri de fiecare data fac multe poze ca sa am de unde  selecta, vreau sa pun pe blog pozele cele mai bune, poze care sa reflecte realitatea. Pentru prima data mi s-a intamplat sa fac mai multe poze (sa spunem 15) si sa nu stiu pe care sa le aleg pentru ca mai mult de 85% din poze au iesit superb (restul de 25% au iesit ciudat din cauza mea), am crezut ca eu sunt responsabila pentru o asemenea performanta (:D), dar mi-am dat seama ca de fapt oja de astazi e atat de frumoasa incat oricum as poza-o ea tot la fel de frumos o sa arate in poze ♥ Am vazut mult oje holografice pe blogurile colegelor mele, le-am admirat de fiecare data, dar nu mi-am dat seama cat de frumoase sunt in realitate pana nu am primit una si am apucat sa o folosesc. Iti multumesc draga Laura ca te-ai gandit la mine si mi-ai facut un cadou atat de frumos, n-am vrut sa o tin ascunsa, m-am gandit ca o asemenea frumusete trebuie vazuta de catre toata lumea si astazi este vedeta pe blog :*

   Usually when I take pictures of nail polishes or manicures I take a lot of them so I can have where to choose from. I only select the best ones because I want to show you amazing pictures. This is what happened when I took these pictures: I took about 15 pictures and today when I went over them i loved 85% of them (in 25% my hand was in an awkward position and you couldn't see the nail polish), I thought I was responsible for this great achievement (:D), but then I realised that this nail polish is so beautiful that it will look awesome in any picture. I've seen a lot of holographic nail polishes on other beauty blogs, I've admired them, but I never realised how beautiful they are until I had one and tried it. Thank you my dear Laura for thinking about me and sending me this amazing nail polish, I didn't want to keep it hidden, I thought that such a beautiful nail polish should be the star of a blog post :*

   Este prima oja de la Kiko pe care o detin, dar sunt sigura ca isi vor mai face aparitia in colectia mea cateva  oje anul acesta. Mi-a placut foarte mult cum se aplica, s-a uscat foarte repede si daca as avea putin mai multa grija de unghiile mele cred ca 5 zile ar rezista fara nicio problema (dupa trei zile arata foarte bine la mana stanga si e putin sifonata la mana dreapta pentru ca am tot spalat vase) . Am aplicat-o in doua straturi, pentru ca intr-un singur strat nu a fost suficient de opaca, lucru ce nu m-a deranjat absolut deloc. Se usuca mata (nu stiu daca toata ojele holografice sunt la fel), efectul e superb si fara un top coat :) E genul acela de oja la care vrei sa te holbezi toata ziua si apoi te mai duci si le arati si tuturor unghiile tale ca sa  le admire si ei haha :D Acum dati-mi voi sa va arat pozele ca sa va conving:

   This is my first Kiko nail polish, but I'm sure it isn't going to be the last one :) I had no problems with it, it dried really quick and I think it can last about 5 days (I had mine on for 3 days, on the left hand it looks awesome, on the right one not so awesome because I had to wash a lot of dishes). I applied two layers, it isn't that opaque with only one layer, but with two it is perfect. It dries matte (I don't know if all holographic nail polish dry like that), if you like the effect you don't need to apply anything else, it looks just as good as with a top coat on. This is the type of nail polish that you want to stare at all day long and you want to show it to everybody so they can admire it too haha :D Now let me show you the pictures:

Poza facuta la lumina naturala (innorat) / no flash, natural light (cloudy):

 Fara top coat (am folosit blitz) / no top coat, flash:

Cu top coat (am folosit blitz) / top coat, flash:

   Ce spuneti, v-am convins? Nu-i asa ca e o oja foarte, foarte frumosa? ♥ / So what do you think? Isn't this nail polish gorgeous? ♥

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*



Hello :D

   Cand nu ma ocup de blog sau citesc alte bloguri si am doar chef si timp sa navighez pe internet, cel mai mult imi place sa ma uit pe site-urile cu produse asiatice, sa-mi alcatuiesc o lista cu produse pe care mi le doresc. In ultimul an am facut o foarte mare pasiune pentru ele si lista tot creste si creste :)) Pana acum am incercat doar BB Cream-urile si v-am vorbit despre ele pe blog, dar acum au inceput sa ma intereseze si alte produse, mai ales cele pentru ingrijirea tenului. Pe langa faptul ca tot ce am incercat mi-a placut foarte mult, toate au niste ambalaje superbe, de-mi vine sa le cumpar numai pentru ambalaj, nu cred ca am vazut produse mai dragute pe la noi haha :)) Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre unul dintre site-urile pe care mai pierd vremea din cand in cand, un site pe care o sa gasiti o multime de produse: cosmetice, de ingrijire, parfumuri, pentru par si accesorii :)

   When I'm not writing or reading beauty blogs and I just feel like browsing the internet, i love to discover new Asian beauty products, I always find products to add to my never ending wishlist :)) I've only tried BB Creams and I've talked about them here and you know by now I absolutely love them, but now I'm really interested in skin care products. Don't you think asian beauty products have awesome packaging, I want to buy them just for their packaging haha :)) Today I want to talk about a website that I like to browse from time to time where you can find: cosmetics, skin care products, fragrances, hair products and accessories :) este un site de produse cosmetice din Korea are doreste sa ofere cele mai bune produse la cele mai bune preturi. Printre brand-urile care sunt comercializate pe site regasim: Skin79, Elisha Coy, Skin & Lab si multe, multe altele.

   Site-ul este foarte bine pus la punct, niciodata nu mi-a placut sa stau sa caut peste tot raspunsuri la intrebarile mele, nelamuririle pe care le-am avut am reusit foarte rapid sa le rezolv doar cautand pe site. Trimit oriunde in lume si au grija ca intotdeauna produsele sa fie ambalate cat mai bine ca sa ajunga in siguranta la clientii lor si in plus la fiecare comanda trimit mostre, nu doar produse cosmetice ci si snacks-uri sau suveniruri traditionale (ceea ce mi se pare foarte tare pentru ca eu as vrea sa primesc snacks-uri si suveniruri :D). Tarifele pentru transport (trimit in toata lumea) le vedeti in poza de mai jos:
(sursa poza: is based in Korea that wants to offer the best products at reasonable prices. Some of the brand you will find on the website: Skin79Elisha CoySkin & Lab and many, many others. The website is really easy to navigate, I did find an answer to all of my question on the website, I hate it when I have to search a lot for the things that i am looking for, so this website has a big plus for that :) They ship all over the world and they make sure that your package is really well wrapped so it gets to you safely. And they also include samples, you can even find Korean snacks or traditional souvenirs (how cool is that? :D). You can see the shipping rates (worldwide shipping) in the picture above.

Tot pe site mai exista o sectiune numita WISHBOX unde gasiti cutii cu produse, as putea sa le numesc beauty box-uri numai ca stiti ce primiti atunci cand le comandati. Cutia lunii februarie a avut ca tema Sfantul Valentin si produsele din cutie au fost: 
[ELISHACOY] Always Nuddy BB24[TOSOWOONG] Makeon Gel Pencil Eyeliner[MUSTAEV] Glazing Lip Gloss - Golden Peach[LIZ K] Tint & Waterproof Eraser Cleansing[KLAIR'S] Rich Moist Soothing Mask

(pretul acestei cutii este de 29.99$/ the price of this box is 29.99$)

   You will also find on the website section entitled WISHBOX, there you will find...let's call them beauty boxes, but the cool part is that you actually know what you are getting :)) February Box was for Valentine's Day and you can see in the picture the products :D

   Daca sunteti entuziasmate atunci cand vine vorba despre produsele asiatice sau doar vreti sa le descoperiti va invit sa aruncati un ochi pe site, poate in curand o sa impartasim aceeasi pasiune pentru ele haha :D

  If you like Asian beauty products or if you are just discovering them, you can go and check the website, maybe soon we'll share the same passion about them haha :D

*Nu sunt platita pentru acesta postare, in acesta postare nu exista link-uri de afiliere si nu castiga absolut nimic daca dati click pe link-uri. Sper in curand sa am o surpiza pentru voi :D / I am not being payed to write this blog post, there are no affiliation links in this blog post and I don't earn anything if you click the links. Soon I hope I'll have a surprise for you :)

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*

I ♥ Spring...I ♥ Cosmetics Giveaway! [RO only]


Hei :D

   Astazi sunt super, super entuziasmata din doua motive: 1. pentru ca am un GIVEAWAY pentru voi si 2. pentru ca vom avea 4 castigatoare YAY!!! Sa vedem despre ce este vorba :D

   Doua dintre voi vor putea castiga cate un unt de corp I love vanilla & ice cream, un unt de corp delicios care se absoarbe foarte repede in piele, lasand-o moale si catifelata . Are o textura spumoasa, se aplica foarte usor si are efect emolient, hidratant si reparator. Mai trebuie sa mentionez ca miroase a vanilie si inghetata? ♥

  Si doua dintre voi vor castiga cate un unt de corp I love lemons & limes, un unt de corp extrem de suculent si plin de viata care te incarca cu energie si dinamism. Aroma proaspata si tonica de lamaie, mixata cu sucul parfumat de lime, raspandesc un aer dinamic, creand o senzatie de nedescris. O aroma perfecta pentru acesta primavara ♥

I Love Spring...I Love Cosmetics Giveaway!
***Casuta de abonare prin e-mail se afla in partea dreapta a blogului sub GFC (nu uitati sa si confimati inscriere, veti primi un e-mail).

Perioada de desfasurare: 15.03.2013 - 29.03.2013;
Toate cerintele sunt obligatorii.
La acest giveaway pot participa doar doamnele si domnisoarele.
Voi alege castigatorii in maxim 72 de ore de la incheierea giveaway-ului si ii voi contcta pe e-mail. Castigatorii vor avea 72 de ore de al primirea e-mailului sa-mi raspund altfel voi alege alti catigatori.

Va urez mult succes! :*

Colour B4 Hair Colour Remover - Extra Strenght


Hello :D

   M-am vopsit pentru prima data in urma cu foarte mult ani si de-a lungul anilor am fost blonda, bruneta, roscata si alte combinatii de culori, de fiecare data cand m-am vopsit am folosit o alta nuanta decat cea pe care o folosisem cu o luna in urma :)) In ultima perioada am decis sa fac o pauza si sa incerc sa revin la culoarea naturala si-am rezistat tentatiei de a ma vopsi luni bune (vorbesc de perioada in care aveam ombre) pana intr-o zi cand m-am jucat intr-un program si am vazut ca mi-ar sta bine bruneta si atunci m-a lovit: vreau sa ma vopsesc :D Si m-am vopsit a doua zi :))  Nu pot spune ca nu mi-a placut culoarea, dar uitandu-ma pe pozele in care aveam parul ombre mi s-a parut ca-mi statea mult mai bine si am regretat decizia luata. Stiam ca exista un produs care poate sa imi indeparteze culoarea din par, produs care se spune ca nu afecteaza  parul si-apoi, dar am uitat denumirea lui si-apoi l-am revazut pe blogul lui Kitty Pink Heels :D Despre el o sa va vorbesc astazi si o sa vedeti daca acest produs chiar functioneaza :)

   I started dyeing my hair at an early age and through the years I tried many colors: I had blonde hair, black hair, red hair and many other combinations, I never used the same color on my hair because I got easily bored with it and always wanted to try something else. I don't know if you remember, but last year I said I wasn't going to dye my hair, I wanted my natural color, until I changed the color of my hair in a program and I liked how I looked with a darker color and guess what? I dyed my hair the next day haha :)) But of course after a few days, looking at some photos where I had my ombre hair I kind of regreted the decision I made. I knew there was a product that could help me get rid of my dark hair color and I remembered i've seen it on Kitty's blog Pink Heels :D Today i am going to talk about it and you will see if this product really works :)

Color B4 - Hair Color Remover - Extra Strenght

Denumire/ Name: Color B4 Hair Color Remover Extra Strenght; (*** - va rog sa cititi disclaimerul/please read the disclaimer)
De unde il pot achizitiona/ Where can i buy it from: (from stores Uk, Germany, USA and South Africa) or Ebay;
Cat costa / How much does it cost: 11. 99 lire.
Ingrediente / Ingredients:

Alte observatii/ Other observations:
  • daca aveti parul lung veti avea nevoie de doua cutii, eu am parul cam pana la mijlocul spatelui si am avut nevoie de doua cutii / if you have longer hair you will probably need two boxes, my hair reaches the middle of my back and i used two;
  • transportul este putin cam piperat, are aceeasi valoare cu produsul comandat / the shipping is a little bit pricey, it's the same amount as the product.
Ce gasim in cutie / What you will find in the box:

  • instructiunile de utilizare / the instructions;
  • Sticla A in care se afla Activatorul / Bottle A - Activator;
  • Sticla B in care se afla solutia care indeparteaza vopseaua/ Bottle B - Remover;
  • Sticla C in care se afla Buffer-ul / Bottle C - Buffer;
  • un set de manusi / one pair of gloves.
   Asa arata culoarea parului meu inainte de a ma apuca de treaba (ma vopsisesm cam cu o vreo luna si jumatate inainte, am folosit Garnier Color Sensation in nuanta 3.0 Saten Prestige) / This is how my color looked before using the Color B4 (when I first dyed it with this color it was really dark, but not black, this is how the color looks after 1 month and a half).

(primele doua poze de sus sunt facute fara blitz, cele doua de jos sunt facute cu blitz) / (I took the first two pictures in natural light and for the other two I used the flash from my camera)

Cum am procedat / How i did it:

   Am turnat continutul sticlei A in Sticla B si timp de 30 de secunde am agitat continutul, apoi am turnat continutul intr-un castron pe care-l folosesc atunci cand ma vopsesc (nu trebuie sa faceti la fel ca mine, eu asa m-am obisnuit) / As it says in the instructions, you have to mix Bottle A with Bottle B, you pour the entire contents of Bottle A in Bottle B and then you shake Bottle B for 30 seconds, after I did that I poured the entire contents of Bottle B in a bowl because that's how I like to apply hair dye (you don't have to do the exact thing I did, that's how I got used to do it).

   Cu o pensula special pentru vopsit am inceput sa aplic produsul de la radacina spre varfuri. Este foarte important sa nu stati cu parul in frig, trebuie sa ii fie cald ca sa vedeti rezultate, asa ca am aplicat peste par folie de platic, mi-am pus o caciula si peste mi-am pus agluga de la hanorac (nu pot sa va explic cat de cald mi-a fost) si-am stat asa 60 de minute, exact cat scrie si in instructiuni / With a brush I started applying the product from the roots to the ends. It is very important to keep you hair warm after you apply it so I wrapped my head with a cling film, and then a put on a had and then I put on my hoodie (it was so hot haha :D) and I waited 60 minutes, that's what it says in the instructions.

(prima poza este facuta exact in momentul in care am terminat de aplicat produsul si am pus folia peste par, cele doua de langa sunt facut dupa ce-au trecut cele 60 de minute) / (I took the first picture right after I wrapped my hair and the other two pictures I took right after the 60 minutes expired).

   Dupa ce au trecut cele 60 de minute am mai citit o data instructiunile asta ca sa fiu sigura ca nu fac ceva gresit si m-am dus sa-mi spal parul. Acesta este cea mai importanta etapa, este foarte important ca acesta etapa sa fie facuta exact asa cum scrie pentru ca altfel exista sansa ca parul sa se intoarca la culoarea pe care ati avut-o inainte, o sa aveti de clatit parul cel putin 15 minute (am citit si pe pagina lor de Facebook lucrul acesta, exista persoane carora li s-a deschis parul apoi li s-a inchis). Nu am aplicat sampon si balsam, am aplicat doar buffer-ul pentru ca mi-a fost frica sa nu stric tot ce-am facut si mi s-a incurcat parul intr-o veselie, nu mai repet experienta :)) Am citit mai peste tot ca miroase foarte puternic si urat si m-am cam speriat pentru ca eu nu suport mirosurile puternice, nu mi s-a parut ca miroase chiar atat de urat si nici mamei mele nu i s-a parut. Mirosul a disparut dupa a treia spalare (a doua cu sampon si balsam)./ After the 60 minute expired, I looked again over the instructions just to be sure and don't do anything stupid and went to wash my hair. This is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP, you have to do it exactly how it says in the instructions otherwise your hair can get back to the color you were trying to remove, there will be a lot of rising involved (I did read on their Facebook page that some people used the hair dye remover and because they didn't use it the right their hair color changed back). I didn't use any shampoo or conditioner, I only used the Bottle C Buffer because I was afraid to use anything else and oh boy my hair was soooo tangled haha :)) I was a little bit scared about the smell because I did read in other reviews that it smells horrible, I can't say that it did (and you know i cant't stand anything that smells bad) , it does smell, but it didn't bother me that much, after my third hair wash (second with shampoo and conditioner) the smell was gone :)

 (Pozele sunt facute in a doua zi pentru ca era deja seara cand am terminat si nu aveam cum sa fac o poza la lumina naturala, prima poza este facuta fara blitz, ultima este facut cu blitz si nu-mi mai aduc aminte cum am facut-o pe a doua :D) / I took the picture on the second day (Sunday 10.03.2013) because I didn't have any natural light after I used the product, the first one I took in natural one, for the last one I used the flash and I can't remember if the if I used the flash on the second one too :D)

(pozele sunt facute astazi, prima este facuta fara blitz, celalate doua sunt facute cu blitz) / (I took these pictures today (14.03.2013) the first one I took in natural light and the other ones using flash)

   Dupa cum puteti observa in pozele de mai sus acest produs chiar functioneaza, am obtinut o culoare foarte frumoasa, a indepartat toata culoarea pe care o aveam inainte :D Am observat a doua zi mi s-a mai inchis putin parul la radina, la inceput era foarte deschis, apoi a devenit aceeasi culoare cu restul parului si ma bucur tare mult pentru ca arata ciudat :)) De preferat este ca timp de cel putin doua saptamani dupa ce ati folosit Color B4 sa nu folositi placa, ondulator sau sa va faceti permanent si cel putin 7 zile sa nu va vopsiti sau decolorati, daca vreti neaparat sa va colorati parul atunci folositi un produs temporar. Acest produs nu mi-a afectat parul, desi in instructiuni am citit ca parul s-ar putea sa fie mai uscat pentru o perioada, mie mi se pare ca e la fel ca si inainte. Ma intriga partea cu : Acest produs nu contine amoniac sau decolorant. Vreau sa stiu cum functioneaza exact, cred ca e magie haha :D O sa mai astept cel putin pana in aprilie si apoi o sa ma intorc la ombre, de-abia astept :D As you can see this product really works, I now have a beautiful hair color (not that the previous hair color wasn't beautiful, I just like this one more :D), it removed all of my previous hair color :D I did notice that after two days my roots have darken a little bit and now they are the same color as the rest of my hair, Saturday they were really light and I didn't really like how they looked :)) This product didn't damage my hair, I did read that it might feel a little dry (and it did when i dind't use shampoo and conditioner), but now i don't see any difference my hair is as it has always been. It is best advised to not use any heat tools for at least two weeks (you can use the hair drier) and don't colour your hair for at least 7 days, if you really want to colour it, use a temporary product. I'm really intrigued by the whole: this product contains NO ammonia or bleach, I really want to know how does this product work, i thinks it's magic haha :)) In April i will go back to my ombre hair, I can't wait :D

   Merita achizitionat acest produs? Cu siguranta, daca vreti sa scapati de o culoare care nu va placa sau nu vi se potriveste si sa folositi un produs care sa nu va afecteze parul, atunci acesta este cu siguranta produsul pe care-l cautati, bineinteles, nu este cel mai ieftin produs, dar il folositi o singura data (asta daca il folositi asa cum trebuie de prima data) / Do i think that this product is amazing? Of course I do, if you want to get rid of a hair color you don't like or doesn't suit you and you want to use a product that won't damage your hair then this is the product you are looking for, it isn't very cheap, but you only use it once (if you use it how your supposed to use it).

   Sunt foarte incantata de rezultat, am avut amari emotii, m-am gandit ca poate o sa-mi cada parul? haha :D, dar din fericire parul meu arata la fel de bine (cat de bine poate el sa arate dupa ce-a fost vopsit de atatea ori). / I'm really excited about my new hair color, i was really nervous before applying the product, i was thinking what if my hair will fall off? haha :))) My hair looks awesome (as awesome as it can look after being dyed for some many years).

   Ati incerca un astfel de produs? Would you try this product? 

Va doresc o seara buna, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*