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Fashion Friday: Sunday Funday!


Heyaaa! :D

I'm on a hurry, a real hurry...nobody is expecting me and I don't have anything important to do, I'm in a hurry to wear all the clothes I didn't get to wear this summer haha :)) I'm looking in my closet and I'm asking myself: why didn't I wear this until now? Do I still have time? Don't tell me I'm the only's like yesterday I was putting away my autumn/winter clothes and soon I will have to take them out and pack the summer ones...but until then I'm gonna wear every summer piece of clothing I own haha :D

Sunt pe graba, mare ma astepta nimeni si nici n-am nimic important de facut, sunt pe graba sa ma bucur de gardroba mea de vara haha :))) Ma uit in sifonier si ma intreb: oare pe asta de ce n-am purtat-o pana acum? Oare mai am timp? Nu-mi spuneti ca sunt singura.....parca ieri imi impachetam hainele de toamna/iarna, in curand va trebuie sa le impachetez pe cele de vara, dar pana atunci....pana atunci scot la purtare tot ce prind haha :D

Sunglasses / Ochelari de soare: No Name;
Vest / Vesta: No Name;
Dress / Rochie: Bershka via Kurtmann (aproape toate marimile disponibile);
Bag / Geanta: No Name;
Sandals / Sandale: Blackfive.

I took advantage of the beautiful weather we had on Sunday (it wasn't too hot, it wasn't too chilly, there was a pleasant breeze) and we went for a walk/shopping, what better day there is to do these two activities? :D The outfit I am wearing in this blog post is the perfect outfit (at least for me it is) for these kind of activities, I wore an animal print (my favourite print) dress that is made out a very nice material, flowy, the thing I like about this dress is that it is very versatile, you can wear it as I did, in a very laid-back way, or you can add a pair of heels and boyfriend blazer and go out at night and have fun :) I decide to wear it a denim vest, I've always like the dress + denim vest combination and of course it wouldn't be me if I didn't have my gold details, you can find them in my necklace, bag and sandals. The dazzling sun didn't let me take my sunglasses off so I could look at you, but to be honest I am so in love with these glasses that i could sleep with them on haha :D

Am profitat de vremea frumoasa de duminica (nici prea cald, dar nici prea rece, adieri placute de vant) si-am iesit la o mica plimbare/shopping, ce zi din saptamana e mai buna pentru aceste doua activitati? :D Tinuta pe care o port in postarea de astazi este perfecta (cel putin pentru mine) pentru astfel de activitati, am purtat o rochie cu animal print (print-ul meu preferat :D) realizata dintr-un material foarte placut, racoros, o rochie la care-mi place foate mult faptul ca o poti purta intr-o tinuta super relaxata ca cea pe care o port eu sau o poti purti cu succes cu o pereche de tocuri si-un blazer boyfriend si ai obtinut o tinuta numai buna de iesit seara in oras cu ea :) Am ales sa o port impreuna cu vesta de blugi, intotdeauna mi-a placut combinatia rochie + vesta si nu m-am lipsit de detaliile aurii care se regasesc in colier, geanta si sandale. Soarele de-a dreptul orbitor nu mi-a permis sa va privesc astazi, dar sincera sa fiu sunt atat de indragostita de ochelarii acestia incat as dormi cu ei haha :D

Have a lovely week-end, many kisses :***

Va doresc un week-end minunat, v-am pupat :***

Fashion 2sday: Shine a little, live a little!


Helloooooo! ^_^

There was a song on radio where a chick was singing something with 30 degrees (Celsius), well I could have easily sang that day 50 degrees, 50 degrees :)) There was not a single man insight at noon (well maybe there were 2-3), I don't know if you remember, but I said not too long a go that we will never ever again take photos on such hot days, it seems that we have forgotten and we did again, we casually decided in the hottest day of this summer: hey, let's go and take some photos haha :D But in the end it doesn't matter that we were sweating like crazy and that I have complained so much that I managed to annoy myself, what matters is that I love these photos ♥

Stiti melodia aia cu 30 de grade? Pai eu puteam cu usurinta sa cant 50 de grade, 50 de grade :)) Nici tipenie de om la amiaza pe strada, nu stiu daca va mai aduceti aminte, dar am mai avut noi o experienta de genul acesta si-am zis eu ca nu o sa se mai repete, dar se pare c-am uitat si-am facut exact invers, in plina zi caniculara noi am decis: hai sa facem poze haha :D Dar pana la urma nu mai conteaza cat am transpirat si cat m-am plans eu (am rusit chiar sa ma enervez si pe mine) ci important este rezultatul, rezultat de care sunt extrem de incantata ♥

I think by now you know how much I love sparkly, glittery stuff, when I see them it's like they have my name written all over them haha :)) So it obvious that I wasn't going to pass on the chance to own these beautiful shorts with multicolored stones on them, you can look at the sun, but you can't look at my shiny shorts :D And again they are a little bit too short for my comfort zone (and by short I refer to the back part), but if I wear them with a blouse/shirt/thin sweater that is a little bit longer in the back I have no problem wearing them, wearing shorts this short this summer made me realize that I have to start working out...SOON! :D I chose to wear them with a shirt that also has a little bit o sparkle, with my military vest and my beloved animal print sneakers, I went for a casual comfy outfit with a little bit of spark and I think that is what I got :D

Nu mai e un secret pentru nimeni ca-mi plac piesele vestimentare cu sclipici si pietre sclipicioase, cand le vad zici ca au numele meu scris pe ele haha :)) Asa ca era mai mult decat evident ca nu puteam sa ratez acesti incredibil de frumosi pantaloni scurti cu pietre multicolore, la soare te poti uita dar la pantalonii mei cu pietre ba :D Si de data aceasta puuuuutin cam scurti pentru zona mea de confort (si aici ma refer la partea din spate), dar purtati o bluza/camasa/puloveras subtire mai lung in spate sunt mai mult decat multumita, purtand insa pantaloni atat de scurti vara aceatsa mi-am dat seama ca ar trebui sa scap de lene si sa imi fac abonament la sala :D Am ales sa port o bluza care la randul ei ofera putina stralucire, vesta mea army si mult prea iubitii mei tenisi animal print si zic eu ca am obtinut o tinuta casual si confortabila de zi...with a little spark :D

Sunglasses / Ochelari de soare: Takko;
Vest / Vesta: Choies;
Shirt / Bluza: Front Row Shop;
Shorts / Pantaloni scurti: Pull & Bear via Kurtmann; (reduceri de 40% la peste 1300 de modele)
Sneakers / Tenisi: No Name.

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion 2sday: Asymmetric Vest!


Heya! :D

Finally we got rid of the heat, don't get me wrong I don't want the weather to be cold, though I love autumn, but the heat wave that hit us it was driving me insane, not to mention the sleepless nights because of it. I refuse to show you in these pictures how tired I was and I present myself before you in the same happy mood with a large smile on my face :D Now after those chilly nights I feel fresh! :)

In sfarsit am scapat cat de cat de caldura, nu c-as vrea sa vina frigul, desi imi place la nebunie toamna, insa valul de caldura din ultima vreme m-a zapacit complet, nu mai zic de noptile nedormite din aceasta cauza. Refuz insa sa va arat in pozele aceasta oboseala care s-a acumlat si ma prezint in fata voastra astazi vesela si cu zambetul pe buze asa cum ma stiti :D Acum dupa serile astea racoroase sunt fresh! :)

You might remember this outfit, I wore it at the Digital Divas event this year, I did do something different this time, I added a white asymmetric vest made out of a very flowy material. I chose to wear the white shirt with lace at the shoulders because I liked the way it looked, it seemed it was a part of the vest :) I must've forgot that the vest was asymmetric because when I got it I was like: hmmmm something is not right with this vest, but I put it on that was the thing that was making it special, the fact that it is asymmetric :D

S-ar putea sa vi se para cunoscuta tinuta, asta pentru ca am purtat-o la Digital Diva anul acesta, tot ceea ce am facut diferit a fost sa adaug aceasta vesta asimetrica alba realizata dintr-un material foarte fin. Am ales sa o port peste tricoul cu dantela pe umeri pentru ca mi-a placut tare mult cum se vede, ai spune ca dantela face parte din ea :) Cred ca am uitat complet ca este asimetrica pentru ca puteam sa jur ca n-ar trebui sa fie asa, cand a ajuns la mine mi-am zis: parca ceva nu-i in regula, mi s-a parut ciudata croiala, dar dupa ce-am pus-o pe mine tocmai asta a facut-o sa fie speciala, faptul ca este asimetrica :D

Vest / Vesta: Blackfive;
Shirt / Tricou: Takko;
Pants / Pantaloni: Front Row Shop;
Sandals / Sandale: Auchan;
Bag / Geanta: New Yorker.

Aaaaaand I have a great news for you guys, Blackfive is giving away a $300 gift card, you can find the rules and the entry form here: GIVEAWAY.

Si daca tot am purtat o piesa vestimentara de la Blackfive vreau sa va anunt ca au si un concurs in plina desfasurare unde puteti castiga un giftcard in valoare de 300$, regulile cat si formularul de inscriere le gasiti aici: GIVEAWAY.

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion Friday: Keep calm and blog on!



Besides liking lace, animal print, denim and a variety of prints, I also likes neons :)) I have always thought that neon colors look good only on medium to dark skin, tanned skins, but I guess I was wrong because I know think that they do look good on people with fair skin (I am the living proof today, it might be mistaken and it could like hell on me :D, but what can you do when you like something that much?). So I have a new pair of neon sandals from MiniPrix and of course as any other new pair of shoes they are killing my feet, I always choose to wear new shoes when I go on long walks :)) But I didn't have too much time to think about the pain because I had a wonderful time with Julie that day and I was saying in one of my previous posts, when you are having fun you forget about problems in general, especially problems caused by evil shoes haha :)))

Pe langa dantela, animal print, denim si o multitudine de print-uri, ma mai pasioneaza si neonul :)) Intotdeauna am avut impresia ca neonul se vede misto doar pe pielea inchisa la culoare, bronzata, dar se pare ca m-am inselat pentru ca sunt de parere ca se vede tare bine si pe persoanele cu pielea mai deschisa (dovada vie sunt eu astazi, e posibil insa sa ma insel si sa arate ca naiba :D, dar daca omului ii place neonul, ce sa-i faci?). Mi-am tras de curand aceste sandale neon de la MiniPrix care evident ca orice alta pereche de incaltaminte mi-au omorat picioarele, pentru ca eu aleg sa port incaltaminte noua numai atunci cand am mult de mers pe jos si habar n-am cum o sa se comporte la drum lung :)) Dar nu prea am avut timp sa ma gandesc la durere pentru ca m-am conversat si hlizit aproape o zi intreaga cu Julie si atunci cand te distrezi (asa cum spuneam si intruna dintre  postarile trecute) uiti de durere si suparari cauzate de incaltaminte care iti vrea raul haha :))

I have always liked the: Keep calm and...something! messages, I don't why I find them to be so funny, maybe I have a weird sense of humor, but I find them to be hilarious. The shirt I am wearing to day is from hicustom, a website that offers the possibility to customize shirts, mugs, phone cases, etc. with all kind of messages or pictures (if you sign up now you receive a 10$ coupon). The whole process of making your custom shirt, mug, etc, is super simple, click, click, click, boom! You have your product haha :D I chose to make a shirt with the message: Keep calm and blog on! (gold writing of course :D), because there were many moments in my blogger life where I felt like quitting, I was angry at myself because I felt there can be more that I can do on this blog and I am not giving 100%. So every time I am feeling like this I just say to myself: Keep calm and blog on! :D :D :D 

Mi-au placut intotdeauna mesajele de tipul: Keep calm and.....ceva! Nu stiu de ce mi se par atat de haiose, na, poate am eu un simt al umorului dubios, nu stiu, cert e ca le gasesc haioase. Tricoul meu de astazi este de pe hicustom, un site care iti ofera posibilitate de a a personaliza tricouri, cani, huse de telefon, etc. cu tot felul de mesaje haiose sau mai serioase, imagini, etc. (daca va inregistrati acum primiti cadou un cupon in valoare de 10$). Tot procedeul de realizare al produsului pe care vi-l doriti e super simplu, click, click, click si boom gata produsul haha :D Eu am ales sa-mi fac un tricou cu mesajul: Keep calm and blog on! (evident scris cu auriu :D) pentru ca am avut multe momente in care am vrut sa renunt la tot nemultumita fiind de mine, am simtit ca nu dau tot ceea ce e mai bun din mine si nu fac tot ceea ce-mi sta in putere ca sa fac locsorul asta al meu in care va astept cu drag de fiecare data mai bun. Asa ca ori de cate ori ma incearca aceste sentimente imi zic: Calmeaza-te si blogareste cu spor! :D :D :D

Thank you very, very much Julie for the lovely pictures :*** / Multumesc tare, taaare mult Julie pentru frumoasele poze :***

Shirt / Tricou: hicustom;
Pants / Pantaloni: Stradivarius;
Clutch: Front Row Shop;
Watch / Ceas: Lacoste;
Sandals / Sandale: MiniPrix.

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi miunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion 2sday: Braids in my hair, flowers on my kimono!


Heya! :D

Almost a year ago I was getting my first kimono, little did I know kimonos are going to get this popular, I was in love with its print...I rarely wore it...mostly because it got chilly pretty fast and I couldn't wear it with something on top of it. This spring it was my favourite piece of clothing, you've seen it a lot on my blog and you will probably see it again, I find it to be so beautiful that i just can't hide it, I have to show it over and over again. Today it is not about that kimono, it's about another one, today I am wearing a floral kimono, in the colors of summer ♥

In urma cu aproape un an imi cumparam primul kimono, habar n-aveam ca o sa ajunga sa fie atat de popular, m-a atrasese la el print-ul...l-am purtat rar...bine, asta si pentru ca a venit destul de repede frigul, iar modelul nu-mi permitea sa-l port cu ceva deasupra. Primavara aceasta insa a fost una dintre piesele mele vestimentare favorite si si-a facut aparitia destul de des pe blog si probabil ca-si va mai face, mi se pare atat de frumos incat nu pot sa ti-l ascuns in sifonier. Astazi insa nu este vorba despre el, este vorba despre altul, astazi port un kimono floral, colorat ca vara ♥

You tell me this kimono isn't amazing, I won't believe you if you say that haha :)) Even though I had many windows open in my explorer with things I liked from the website, when I saw this kimono I said to myself: The hello with the others, I am taking this one! :D When I got it my initial thought was that I'm going to die of heat in it, but it was really so, I wore it this Sunday when it was mega hot outside and I felt great in it, I love the print the bold colors and the tassels are really cool even though the get  caught in everything, who cares, I am wearing an awesome floral kimono ♥ 

Ziceti voi ca acest kimono nu-i absolut genial ca nu va cred haha :)) Desi aveam mai multe ferestre deschise cu articolele vestimentare care-mi faceau cu ochiul cand am vazut kimono-ul acesta mi-am zis: La naiba cu restul, eu pe asta il vreau! :D Initial cand l-am primit am crezut ca o sa mor de cald in el, dar se pare ca n-a fost asa, l-am purtat duminica cand a fost mega-super cald afara si mi-a fost chiar bine, imi place la nebunie print-ul, culorile sunt foarte vii, iar chestiile alea care atarna (cum se numesc?) sunt foarte tari, problema e ca se cam agata, dar nici ca-mi pasa, sunt misto in kimono-ul meu floral ♥

And for the picture to be complete I am wearing these beautiful off-white floral printed shorts, I have to admit that the length of these shorts scared me a little bit, but the fact that they are not that tight make me feel a little bit more comfortable in them (not that they aren't comfortable, I just had an issue with the length), I love the fact that they are 100% made out of cotton. I don't know why, but I've got a feeling that this pair of shorts is going to be my favourite pair of shorts this summer :D 

Si ca sa fie tabloul complet am si pantaloni scurti cu imprimeu floral, trebuie sa recunosc ca m-a speriat nitel lungimea lor, dar faptul ca sunt mai larguti ma face sa ma simt confortabil in ei (nu ca n-ar fi ei confortabili, ci lungimea era o problema), masura in cazul meu a corespuns perfect, 36 port, 36 am luat, un mare plus pentru faptul ca sunt 100% din bumbac. Nu stiu de ce-am impresia ca o sa devina perechea mea preferata de pantaloni scurti cat mai tine vara haha :D (gasiti pe site-ul Kurtmann aproape toate masurile disponibile).

Kimono: Floral Tassel Kimono via Sheinside (now on sale / acum la reducere);
Shirt / Tricou: Takko;
Shorts / Pantaloni scurti: Pull & Bear via Kurtmann (multe marimi disponibile)
Bag / Geanta: 
Headband / Bentita: Meli Melo;
Sandals / Sandale: No Name.

And let me show you some other kimonos that I really, really liked / Si sa va mai arat cateva kimono-uri care mi-au placut tare mult:

Here - Here - Here - Here - Here

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***