Small update: And I am baaaack! I don't know if you have missed me or not, but I sure have missed you a lot, I have missed blogging, I have missed everything I was doing here :D In the short period of time I was gone really great and also sad things happened (the sad part I will leave for myself), but the important thing is that I'm doing well, I just got a new job (yaaaaaaaaay! :D I am thrilled about it can't wait to start) and I am ready for a new chapter in our lives ;)
Mic update: Siiiii m-am intors! Nu stiu daca v-a fost sau nu dor de mine, insa mie mi-a fost tare dor de voi, dor de blog, dor de activitatea pe care o desfasor aici de mai bine de trei ani :D Intre timp mi s-au intamplat atat lucruri incredibil de frumoase cat si lucruri mai putin frumoase (ultima parte fiind insa pentru sufletul meu) important este ca sunt bine, sunt proaspat angajata (yaaaaaaaaay! :D sunt extrem de incantata si de-abia astept sa incep) si pregatita de un nou capitol din viata noastra ;)
"My Week In Photos" posts will be coming back next week, I was really busy and I didn't have time to take photos, also I didn't do interesting things. We are going to start this beautiful week with a new review, if there is anyone in doubt about the fact that I like to try out new mascara, now I think you know I really like to do that because I am going to review a new mascara from Avon from the Color Trend range.
De saptamana viitoare vor reveni si postarile "Saptamana in imagini", insa in ultima vremea numai la pozat nu mi-a stat mintea asa ca n-am avut material. Incepem insa saptamana in forta cu un review, daca mai are cineva vreun dubiu in privinta faptului ca-mi place sa testez rimeluri, chiar nu mai e cazul sa-l mai aiba pentru ca am sa va povestesc despre un alt rimel testat (si mai am vreo doua care isi asteapta cumintele randul), de la Avon, din gama Color Trend.
Name / Denumire: Avon Color Trend Lash in a Flash mascara / Avon Color Trend mascara pentru alungire;
Name / Denumire: Avon Color Trend Lash in a Flash mascara / Avon Color Trend mascara pentru alungire;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: Avon brochure / din brosura Avon;
Price? / Ce preţ are?: 10.99 lei (redus de la 16 lei)
Shades Available / Nuanţe disponibile: 1 shade available / 1 nuanta disponibila;
Amount / Cantitate: 7ml.
There's not much to say about the packaging, it is simple, it is purple, it is girly :) I always thought that the products from the Color Trend range are meant to use by teenage girls, I might be wrong though. I haven't tried a whole lot of products from this range, just two mascaras and an eyeshadow duo, can't remember thought I thought about it, I had it a long time ago.
There's not much to say about the packaging, it is simple, it is purple, it is girly :) I always thought that the products from the Color Trend range are meant to use by teenage girls, I might be wrong though. I haven't tried a whole lot of products from this range, just two mascaras and an eyeshadow duo, can't remember thought I thought about it, I had it a long time ago.
Despre ambalaj nu va pot spune prea multe, e simplu, e mov, e girly :) Eu una tot timpul am avut impresia ca produsele din gama Color Trend sunt destinate adolescentelor, e posibil sa ma insel insa. N-am incercat foarte mult produse din aceasta gama, doua rimeluri si cu siguranta am avut fard acum mult, mult timp, despre care insa nu-mi mai amintesc aproape nimic, stiu doar ca l-am avut.
Rimelul Lash in a Flash este un rimel care promite alungire, insa dupa cum puteti vedea si voi din pozele de mai sus, eu n-as putea confirma lucrul acesta. Am decis inca de la prima utilizare ca nu ma inteleg foarte bine cu periuta, asta desi peri nu sunt din plastic (cu cele ge genul am deobicei probleme), pur si simplu nu reusesc sa o trec cum trebuie printre gene, tocmai de aceea mi se si lipesc. In ceea ce priveste formula, aceasta este destul de lichida, insa se usuca repede. Este rezistent in sensul ca nu-l gasesc la sfarsitul zilei imprastiat peste tot, se demachiaza usor. Daca cautati doar un simplu rimel care sa va evidentieze cat de cat genele atunci cred ca acesta este un rimel ok pentru 11 lei cat costa in momentul de fata, culoarea este intensa, o diferenta intre genele fara rimel si cele cu rimel se observa destul de bine, insa nu l-as reachizitiona.
Have you tried it? What do you think about it? :)
Voi l-ati incercat? Care este parerea voastra despre el? :)
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***