I am always going to write with great pleasure about dresses, I am always going to love admiring them and I am always going to wear them with great joy! Even if you want or not you will at some point in your life have to decide if you are going to wear a dress or not, obviously you can decide not to go for a dress because not everyone imagines itself wearing a dress, but the curiosity might hit you. I don't wear evening dresses that often (though I wouldn't mind being glamours all day every day), you wear them on special occasions and they must perfect, perfect for you!
Despre rochii am sa scriu de fiecare data cu placere, am sa le admir de fiecare placere si am sa le port de fiecare data cu placere! De rochii vrei nu vrei te lovesti la un momentat dat, sigur ca poti evita sa sa se intample lucrul acesta pentru ca nu toata lumea se viseaza purtand o rochie, insa s-ar putea ca la un moment dat sa te loveasca curiozitatea. Rochii de seara porti mai rar (desi ideea a fi glamorous in fiecare zi mie sincera sa fiu nu-mi displace), le porti la evenimente speciale, in momente dragi si trebuie sa fie perfecte, perfecte pentru tine!
The nude dress I think is perfect for a baptism, civil marriage (though I've seen that people usually tend to go for a short/mid dress) or it can even be the perfect bridesmaid dress. The one in the photo below I think is extremely feminine and delicate and the accessories give add a sparkly touch to it.
Rochia nude mi se pare perfecta pentru un botez, pentru cununia civila (desi in principiu am vazut ca se merge pe rochii scurte/medii) sau poate fi chiar rochia domnisoarei/domnisoarelor de onoare. Cea din poza de mai jos mi se pare extrem de feminina si delicata, accesoriile adaugand un plus de stralucire.
I've always had a spot spot for black dresses and the majority of the dresses I own are black, I think that you can never go wrong with a black dress, The one in the photo below has two elements that I absolutely love in a dress, it is backless and it has lace.
Pentru rochii negre am avut intotdeauna o mare atractie si marea majoritate a rochiile pe care le detin sunt de culoare negra, negru mi se pare extrem de elegant si mi se pare ca pur si simplu nu poti da gres cu el. Rochia din poza de mai jos are doua elemente de care eu sunt absolut cucerita, spatele gol si dantela.
Emerald green has been the color of 2013, but who says you can't still wear it in 2015? Green is one of my favourite colors and the dress from the photo below I think is amazing, it has a little bit of sparkle and it has pockets which make it really interesting.
Emerald green has been the color of 2013, but who says you can't still wear it in 2015? Green is one of my favourite colors and the dress from the photo below I think is amazing, it has a little bit of sparkle and it has pockets which make it really interesting.
Verdele emerald a fost culoarea anului 2013, dar cine spune ca nu poate fi purtat si in 2015? Verdele este una dintre culorile mele preferate, iar rochia din poza de mai jos mi se pare perfecta, detaliul sclipitor din talie cat si buzunarele o fac sa fie extrem de interesanta.
You can find all the dress in this post here: http://www.topswedding.com/, for extra $10 they are available in plus sizes and you can even have it done in a custom size! A thing that I haven't encounter on other sites that I have visited, the prices I think are pretty affordable, the starting price is around $67 and they offer free shipping at $80.
You can find all the dress in this post here: http://www.topswedding.com/, for extra $10 they are available in plus sizes and you can even have it done in a custom size! A thing that I haven't encounter on other sites that I have visited, the prices I think are pretty affordable, the starting price is around $67 and they offer free shipping at $80.
Toate rochiile de mai sus le gasiti aici: http://www.topswedding.com/, pentru $10 in plus sunt disponibile si in masuri mari, ba chiar dimensiunea poate fi personalizata! Lucru pe are nu l-am intalnit si pe alte siteuri, preturile mi se pare acceptabile, pretul de pornire fiind de $67, transport gratuit de la $80.
What caught your attention on the website?
What caught your attention on the website?
Ce v-a atras atentia pe site? :)
Have a great day, many kisses! :***
Va doresc o zi frumoasa, v-am pupat :***