Having long hair it no longer a problem in our days, today you can go from short hair to super long hair in less than 30 minutes. I remember when I was younger the microring extensions where really popular (and they were the only extensions I heard of at that time), now we have many, many options where to choose from, the most famous and easy to apply type of extensions being the clip on extensions. Depending on the type of extensions you want you can get one that last a longer period of time - about 2-3 month if you are taking good care of them (microring extensions, tape extensions, a hair weave, keratin extensions) or if you want your looks for only one day you can go for the clip in hair extensions. Even if it is not your natural hair you must take really good care of it, buy special maintenance products or visit the salon if you think you can't take care of your extensions on your own.
A avea parul lung nu mai reprezinta demult o problema, astazi poti avea parul lung (cat de lung iti doresti) in mai putin de jumatate de ora. Imi aduc aminte pe vremea cand eram mica stiam de existenta unor singur tipuri de extensii si anume cele cu inel (microring), intre timp au aparut si la noi mai multe de tipuri de extensii printre cele mai cunoscute fiind cele cu clips. In functie de tipul extensiilor pe care le alegeti va veti bucura de par lung pentru o perioada de timp indelungata - in jur de 2-3 luni in functie de cat de bine le intretineti - (microring, extensii banda adeziva, extensii tesute, extensii cu keratina) sau puteti opta pentru o schimbare de look de o zi (extensii cu clips). Chiar daca parul nu va apartine trebuie insa sa tineti minte ca trebuie sa aveti mare grija de acestea, asta inseamna produse speciale de intretinere, mare atentie si din cand in cand vizite la salon daca nu sunteti sigure ca va puteti descurca singure cu ele.
You should definitely go for the 100% human hair extensions, I won't judge if you like the plastic looking one, I live the principle that anybody can wear what they want, but the difference between the cheap ones and the natural hair ones is huge, you can straighten them, curl them and even dye them. CChairextensions is an online store that sells different types of extensions made out of 100% virgin Brazilian and remy Indian hair. Depending on how fast you want the extensions shipped to you, you can opt for one of the two shipping options: standard or through DHL or UPS. So I invite you to take a look on the website there you can also find lots of Youtube videos where people talk about them or read other people's opinions on them.
Optati intotdeauna pentru parul 100% natural, nu judec insa pe nimeni daca opteaza pentru cele cu asapect de plastic, traiesc pe principiul ca fiecare e liber sa poarte ce vrea. dar diferenta este imensa, extensiile din par natural arata si se comporta identic cu parul nostru, pot fi indreptate, ondulate si vopsite. CChairextensions este un site care comercializeaza diverse tipuri de extensii de par (toate cele enumerate in prima parte a postarii), extensii din par natural, parul este par 100% par brazilian virgin si indian. In functie de cat de repede doriti sa ajunga la voi, site-ul ofera doua metode de transport: standard si prin DHL sau UPS. Fara sa va mai plictisesc, va invit sa vizitati site-ul si tot pe site veti gasi o gramada de review-uri atat video cat si scrise despre extensiile de pe site.
Va tenteaza extensiile de par? Ati purtat vreodata?
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***