I avoided as much as I could doing photo shoots for outfits at home, not that I have anything against them, but I prefer taking the photos outside, there comes a time where there is no other option and you have just have to do things you don't particularly like and with the extremely low temperatures we had for the past couple of days and me having a low tolerance to cold this was the only option, I don't need a cold right now :D Thank God for this wall in my house, the only wall I can take pictures at, I don't like the fact that it is orange, but it saved my life today, we had to move all of the furniture around, but I think we managed to do a decent job with these photos, now I might do this more often if the weather sucks or I don't have a photographer that could help me with the photos :D
Am evitat cat de mult am putut sedintele foto in casa, nu prentru ca as avea ceva cu ele, insa personal le prefer pe cele facuta afara, insa vine un timp cand n-ai ce face, vrei nu vrei trebuie, iar la minus nu stiu cate grade sunt afara eu una nu ma aventurez, nu-s rezistenta la frig si ultimul lucru care imi mai trebuie acum este o raceala :D Noroc cu singurul perete disponibil din casa, portocaliu si asta (la primavara il fac alb haha), a trebuit sa mutam toata mobila ca sa avem loc, insa ne-am descurcat cum am putut :)) Nu-mi displace rezultatul, s-ar putea sa mai apelez la peretele acesta cand vremea nu tine cu mine sau cand nu am un fotograf disponibil :D
Jacheta: Here:
Camasa: No name;
Ghete: Stradivarius.
You know I have an obsession for lace, I had my eyes on the lace skirt from Pimkie for the longest time, but I was afraid to order it because on the website it said it has a tight cut and the last skirt I ordered in this type of cut (my size of course) was incredibly tight, I had to go two sizes up haha :)) I saw it again on Black Friday on the website and I had to have it, it was available in only one size (my size) and it was over 50% off, how could I pass the chance to have it? I am so glad I got it, it fits me perfectly, I feel awesome in it and I think it is gorgeous. My new obsession now are jackets with leather sleeves, I am starting to collect them, I have eyes only for them, the leather sleeve jacket from Rosewe it is pretty thick, but definitely not for the weather we are dealing with right now, I am sure it would do great in the plus degree Celsius range, it fits me almost great (I do have to make some changes at the sleeves) and the materials it is made out of don't feel or look cheap.
De dantela sunt obsedata de multa vreme, iar pe fusta din dantela de la Pimkie pusesem ochii de mult, insa prima data mi-a fost frica sa o comand din cauza faptului ca scria pe site ca are croiul stramt, iar ultima fusta pe care mi-o comandasem cu acest tip de croi in masura mea a fost super stramta, atat de stramta incat n-am putut sa intru in ea haha :)) De Black Friday insa m-am riscat, mi-a ramas mintea la ea si am zis ca trebuie sa fie a mea, mai ales ca avea un pret super mic, bine am facut, imi vine perfect, ma simt super bine in ea si e tare frumoasa. Noua mea obsesie sunt jachetele cu maneci din piele, cred ca am inceput sa le colectionez hahaha, numai pentru ele am ochi si numai ele ma atrag, jacheta cu maneci din piele de la Rosewe e grosuta, nu face cu siguranta fata temperaturilor de acum, insa la cele cu plus se descurca cu siguranta, se aseaza frumos pe corp (trebuie insa sa ii fac modificari la maneci, vechea problema), iar matrialele sunt placute, nu arata si nici nu se simt ieftine.
Have a great, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***