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Fashion Wednesday: Bring back the sun!


Heya! :D

Oh my God I am so missing the sun right now! Nah, I am not even dreaming about spring or summer anymore, I just want a little bit of sun, this is a really depressing weather. I am sure I am not the only one thinking so. I promise I will never ever complain about the hot weather and I will appreciate it even more starting this year, but it is just sooo far away!

O Doamne cat de dor imi e de soare! Nu, nici nu ma mai gandesc la primavara sau vara, ma multumesc cu iarna asta, insa vreau cu disperare putin soare, serios ca devine deprimanta vremea asta :/ Nu-i asa ca nu sunt singura care are parerea asta? Promit sa nu ma mai plang niciodata de caldura si am sa o apreciez de mii de ori mai mult incepand de anul acesta, insa pana atunci mai e ceva, mai avem putin de tras!

 Geaca: < - - click here
Bluza: No name;
Pantaloni: Stradivarius;
Cizme: Tally Weijl;
Geanta: Zara;
Lant:Malvina Cervenschi.

This is a week-end outfit, a walk through the rain, a "lovely" cold wind terrorizing me, but my extensions are looking good haha :)) I am having such a hard time wearing them, I just can't get used to them, I can't wear them for more than 2-3 hours, my scalp is hurting, I think I'll just wait until my hair grows! The outfit is simple, I went on black, grey, white and a pop of color, red, on my lips and on my bag. The jacket it pretty thick, it has leather sleeves (of course it has), the materials it is made out of don't look or feel cheap, I would say it the perfect jacket for this weather. You haven't seen me that often wearing my glasses and that's because I didn't like the ones I had before, now I am loving my new pair of glasses so you'll be seeing me wearing the pretty much always :D

Tinuta de week-end, plimbare prin ploaie, vant puternic, extensiile rezista haha :))) Greu de purtat insa, nu ma obisnuiesc cu ele, mai mult de doua-trei ore nu rezist, am decis ca mai bine astept sa-mi creasca parul! Tinuta simpla, am mers pe negru, gri, alb si o pata de culoare, rosu, care se regaseste atat in geanta cat si pe buze. Geaca grosuta, cu maneci de piele (evident!), realizata din materiale placute, nici aspectul cat nici la atingere nu pare ieftina, numai buna pentru perioada aceasta. Nu m-ati vazut des cu ochelarii de vedere, asta pentru ca pana acum nu mi-au placut cei pe care ii aveam, acum insa sunt indragosita de cei noi si n-am sa ma mai despart de ei, asa ca pregatiti-va sa ma vedeti peste tot cu ei :D

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***