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e.l.f. Flawless Finish Foundation



Oh boy I am having such a hard time with these foundations, such a hard time! You know that Asian BB Creams will always come first before foundations, they are so easy for me to get because most of the shades suit my skin tone, but when it comes to getting foundation I always get headaches. Only one thing kept me away from the e.l.f. Flawless Foundation and that is the shade, I've read that the lightest shade is not that light and I was afraid it won't suit my skin tone. So after more than a year I decided to get and try it and today I am going to tell you what I think about it.

Greu cu fondurile astea de ten, tare greu! Lasand la o parte obsesia mea pentru BB Cream-urile asiatice care bineinteles vor veni intodeauna inaintea fondurilor de ten, sunt atat de multe fonduri de ten pe piata incat efectiv nu stiu ce sa aleg. Un singur lucru m-a tinut departe de fondul de ten Flawless Finish de e.l.f. si anume nuanta, toata lumea cu tenul deschis la culoare afirma ca cea mai deschisa nuanta nu li se potriveste perfect. Asa ca dupa mai bine de un an mi-am zis: trebuie sa-l incerc! Si asta am facut, l-am comandat, l-am incercat si astazi vin sa va spun parerea mea despre el :)

Name / Denumire: e.l.f. Flawless Finish Foundation in shade Procelain / Fond de ten e.l.f. Flawless Finish in nuanta Porcelain;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: / /;
Price? / Ce preţ are?: $6;
Shades Available / Nuanţe disponibile:  6 shades available /  6 nuante disponibile;
Amount Cantitate: 24ml.

The Flawless Finish foundation is a part of the Studio range e.l.f, offers. The bottle of the foundation is made out of glass (it is pretty heavy and dangerous to drop on the floor), the packaging looks really good, it has a pump, the cap is matte and has the e.l.f. logo on it. Unlike many other foundation this one has only 24ml instead of 30ml. A very important thing I would like to mention about this foundation is that it is rated as BEST on Beautypedia and another important thing about it that it has an SPF of 15 - small, but present.

Fondul de ten Flawless Finish face parte din gama Studio a brand-ului. Recipientul fondului de ten este realizat din sticla (destul de greu si periculos de scapat din mana), din punctul meu de vedere are un aspect elegant, vine impreuna cu o pompita, capacul este mat. Spre deosebire de multe alte fonduri de ten din comert acesta are un gramaj mai mic (30ml vs 24ml). Un lucrul foarte important de mentionat in legatura cu acest fond de ten este faptul ca este cotat ca BEST pe Beatypedia. Un alt lucru important de mentionat este faptul ca are FPS - 15 - micut, insa este prezent.

The foundation has a pretty thick, creamy consistency, you might think you will end up looking cakey using it, but for me that was not the case, it looked good. I like to apply it using a brush (ecotools Custom Coverage Blending Brush or) e.l.f. Studio Powder Brush, about 1 1/2 pump is enough for me. The shade I have (the lightest), Porcelain, has a yellow undertone which definitely doesn't go with my neutral undertone and it is a little bit darker and you can clearly see a difference in the photos below (the natural light was giving me a hard time again, it doesn't look that yellow on my skin, but you can clearly see a tiny difference). It had medium to full coverage (full with maybe two layers), it evens out my skin, covers my acne scars, it covers a lot of the redness, but it is still visible on some places. It has a satin finish (it feels a little bit silicone-ish) and I would love to not have to use a powder after, but unfortunately my T-zone is oily so I can't do that. I don't like the smell, I don't know how to describe it, like plastic?!

Fondul de ten are o textura cremoasa, densa, pare la prima vedere sa fie un fond de ten care ar putea avea un aspect incarcat pe ten, insa spre surprinderea mea pe ten arata foarte bine. Imi place sa-l aplic folosind pensula (ecotools Custom Coverage Blending Brush sau e.l.f. Studio Powder Brush), 1 pompita si jumatate este suficienta. Nuanta Porcelain are un subton galben, subton ce din pacate nu mi se potriveste (subton neutru aici) si este putin mai inchisa decat nuanta pielii mele, lucru care se observa si din pozele de mai jos (lumina naturala mi-a ingreunat putin munca si a facut ca fondul de ten sa para mai galbem decat este in realitate, diferenta nu este chiar atat de mare, dar exista). Ofera o acoperire medie spre mare, uniformizeaza frumos tenul, imi acopera cu brio cicatricile de la acnee, acopera destul de bine si roseata, insa mai este cat de cat vizibila. Are un finish satinat (se simte putin siliconat) si tare rau imi pare cand trebuie sa aplic pudra pentru ca ii iau dau efectul acela frumos, insa avand zona T grasa nu am alta solutie. Mirosul nu-mi place absolut deloc, nu stiu cum sa-l descriu, a plastic poate?!

(photo 1 - no makeup; photo 2 - 1 layer of foundation; photo 3 - full makeup look; / poza 1 - fara machiaj; poza 2 - 1 strat fond de ten; poza 3 - machiaj complet)

(photo 1 - no foundation; photo 2 - 1 layer of foundation; / poza 1 - fara fond de ten; poza 2 - 1 strat fond de ten)

It will transfer on your phone or your clothes, but not as much as other foundation/bb cream I've tried. I wore it for about 7-8 hours and it looked good when it came the time to take it off, it did not suddenly disappear or get into my fine lines, I have nothing bad to say about it. I bought one for my mom too and she loves it, she says that her skin looks amazing with it and it feels great too, I must agree to what she says I actually think it looks better on her than on me. Because the shade does not suit my skin shade I won't be repurchasing it for me again, but I am glad I've tried it, I am glad that such an inexpencive product got rated BEST on Beutypedia it shows you that a product doesn't have to be necessarily expensive to be good.

In ceea ce priveste rezistenta sa pe ten din ce-am observat pana acum a rezistat foarte bine pana la demachiere, nu a disparut subit, nici nu s-a strans inestetic in anumite zone, nu am ce sa ii reprosez. Nu este rezistent la transfer, insa nici nu mi s-a parut ca se transfera o cantitate foarte mare, este vizibil pe ecranul telefonului. I l-am achizitionat si mamei si este extrem de incantata de el, mi-a spus ca ii place ca ofera un aspect frumos tenului, sanatos si ca nu i-l incarca si intr-adevar pot sa confirm lucrul acesta, mi se pare ca pe tenul ei se vede spre exemplu mult mai bine decat pe al meu. Din cauza faptului ca nu mi se potriveste nuanta nu am sa-l mai recumpar, insa ma bucur ca am putut sa-l testez, consider ca este un fond de ten foarte bun pentru pretul si ma bucur ca un produs atat de ieftin este cotat atat de bine pe Beautypedia, vedeti, un produs nu trebuie sa fie neaparat scump ca sa fie cotat atat bine ;)

Have you tried this foundation? What do you think about it?

Ati incercat acest fond de ten? Ce parere aveti despre el?

Using the code RUX029 on your order on iHerb you'll get $10 off your first order of $40 or more OR $5 off your first order less than $40. Of course you can use any affiliate code you want to get the discount. this post contains affiliate links. /  Folosind codul RUX029 beneficiaţi la prima voastră comandă pe iHerb de o reducere de 10$ dacă comanda este mai mare de 40$ sau de 5$ dacă comanda este mai mică de 40$. Bineînţeles că puteţi să folosiţi orice alt cod de afiliat pentru a obţine reducerea. Această postare conţine link-uri de afiliat.

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***