Hello, helloooo! :D
Welcome 2015 (I almost wrote 2014 haha :D)! The perfect way to start this post would have been by telling you that I am ready to work and well rested, to tell you what I did in my amazing vacation (with was pretty awesome), but nooo, that's not the case, I am tired and I'm feeling lazy, and if you were to measure my laziness level, well it would be pretty high up in the sky :D I hope you had a wonderful time, rested and started the week in a positive way. Even though December for me was super packed with all sorts of activities I managed to test and write about some products I have used, some of them we're awesome so I had to add them here in my favourites post because they are great and people must find out about them (I did forget to photograph 2 or 3 products but you will definitely see them in the January post).
Bine ai venit 2015 (era cat p-aci sa scriu 2014 haha :D)! Mi-ar placea sa va spun ca m-am intors la treaba super odihnita, cu mult chef si plina de voie buna, insa nuuuu, nu asa sta treaba, ma simt obosita si am o lenee cat mine de mare si daca stai sa ma masori, ei bine, asta inseamna ca am o lene mare :D Sper ca v-ati distrat, ati petrecut frumos, v-ati odihinit si ati inceput saptamana frumos. Desi am fugit dintr-o parte in alta, am avut timp sa incerc si sa scrius despre cateva produse pe blog, astfel incat unele dintre ele au ajuns in postarea de astazi. Fara sa ma mai lunmgesc cu aceasta introducere, ca prezint produsele mele preferate din luna decembrie (din nou am reusit sa uit sa pozez cateva, insa le veti vedea cu siguranta in urmatoare postare de acest tip).
- Benenet Herbs & Bees A.C Control Serum - I can't remember how many serums I have tried until now, but I definitely fallen in love with this one from the first time I have used it, it absorbs quickly, it doesn't leave my skin sticky and the most important thing of all it moisturizes my skin, I don't feel the need to use a moisturizer after, a step I skip if I use the drying lotion for my pimples.
- Yves Rocher Quelques Notes d'Amour - I realized a little bit too late that I have already featured this product in October, but I do like it very much so it deserves being mentioned more than once haha, I am surprised I liked it this much, if definitely isn't sweet or fruity, but I love the smell, I use it on special occasions.
- Benenet Herbs & Bees A.C Control Serum - nu pot sa-mi aduc aminte cate serumuri am incercat pana acum, insa pe acesta l-am indragit de la prima folosire, se absorbe rapid, nu-mi lasa tenul lipicios si cel mai important lucru este faptul ca il simt hidtratat, nu mai simt nevoia sa folosesc o crema de fata, pas peste care sar de fiecare data cand imi aplic lotiunea care imi usuca pustulele.
- Yves Rocher Quelques Notes d'Amour - mi-am dat seama prea tarziu ca si-a facut aparitia si in postarea din Octombrie, insa imi place mult, asa ca de ce sa nu-l mai mentionez inca o dat? Il folosesc la ocazii speciale, desi nu este genul de parfum spre care m-as fi indreptat eu, ne intelegem de minune!
- e.l.f. Flawless Finish Foundation - a review will be coming up soon, I am really pleased with this product, i use it when my skin looks good and I am liking the result;
- e.l.f. HD Mattifying Cream Foundation - I have reviewed it here: review, I've used it a lot in the month of December, I am pretty sure I will repurchase it;
- ideea B face powder - this product reminds me of my favourite powder from Ben Nye and that by that I mean it does not look cakey on the face, according to the foundation/bb cream I am using underneath it holds up pretty well, between 3-6 hours;
- e.l.f. Blush Coy (sorry for the blurry photo, I don't know why the camera was acting up) - I really didn't like this product when I got it, I threw it in a drawer and forgot about it. I found it in December and fell in love with it, it is perfect for highlighting your cheekbones, now I can't stop using it haha :D
- e.l.f.Blush Blushing Rose - this blush is perfect for autumn/winter, I'm obsessed with it, it's the only blush I am using at the moment ♥
- e.l.f. Flawless Finish Foundation - urmeaza un review cat de curand, sunt foarte multumita de el, il folosesc in perioada in care tenul meu arata bine si-mi place tare mult rezultatul pe care-l obtin cu el.
- e.l.f. HD Mattifying Cream Foundation - am scris despre el aici: review, l-am folosit extrem de des in ultima perioada, imi place extrem de mult si sunt 100% sigura ca am sa-l recumpar;
- ideea B face powder - mi se pare asemanatoare cu pudra mea preferata de la Ben Nye si prin asta ma refer la faptul ca nu incarca tenul lucru care pentru mine e extrem de important, in functie de fondul de ten/bb cream-ul pe care-l folosesc sub ea imi matifiaza tenul de la 3 la 6 ore;
- e.l.f. Blush Coy - cred ca a sta mai bine de 6 luni aruncat printr-un sertar (scuze ca e blurry in poza, a avut ceva cu el aparatul meu), pur si simplu nu-mi placea, acum il folosesc pe post de iluminator in combinatie cu blush-ul de mai jos si il iubesc, nu pot sa mai traiesc fara el;
- e.l.f. Blush Blushing Rose - sunt obsedata de el, are nuanta perfecta pentru toamna/iarna, e singurul blush de care ma ating momentan, va promit si un articol despre el cat de curand :D.
- Novo I love the mineral eye shadow palette - I have already reviewed this palette here: review, beautiful shades, awesome pigmentation, what more can I ask for? :D
- NYX eyebrow gel - I LOVE IT, I am so afraid of running out of it, you can read my review here: review;
- Menow Generation matte liquid lipsticks - best matte liquid lipsticks ever, I don't even know where o begin when talking about them, i just feel like scream with excitement, they are awesome, I reviewed them here: review.
- Novo I love the mineral eyes hadow palette - v-am povestit despre ea aici: review, nuante superbe, farduri foarte pigmentate, ce altcvea pot sa mai cer de la o paleta de farduri? :D
- NYX eybrow gel - am numai si numai cuvinte de laura despre el, am asa o frica sa nu mi se termine :)) Mai multe puteti sa cititi despre el aici: review;
- Menow Generation matte liquid lipsticks - nici nu stiu de unde sa incep cand vine vorba despre rujurile acestea, imi vine sa tip asa de entuziasm, sunt BESTIALE, mai multe depsre ele aici, in articolul dedicat lor: review.
- Orkide 657 & Orkide 629 - I am super impressed with these two cheap nail polishes, they apply nicely, they dry up quickly and they are pretty resistant (about 3 days without a top coat, most of the nail polishes I own don't last even a day on my nails);
- Eveline 8in1 Intensive Nail Conditioner - the best product ever for brittle and exfoliating nails, my nails are doing awesome after I used it (and I still use it from time to time), now I have beautiful nails that I can actually keep them long if I want to.
- Orkide 657 si Orkide 629 - sunt super impresionata de aceste doua oje, se aplica frumos, se usuca repede si sunt rezistente (3 zile fara top coat ceea ce pentru mine inseamna mult pentru ca de cele mai multe ori ojele nu-mi rezista mai mult de o zi);
- Eveline 8in1 Intensive Nail Conditioner - singurul produs care a facut ca unghiile mele sa se intareasca si sa nu se mai exfolieze, e pur si simplu genial, acum ma pot bucura de unghii lungi si frumoase :D
- The Pandora bracelet I received for Christmas from my amazing boyfriend, awesome sister-in-low and super sweet niece is my all time favourite, I can't even describe in words how special it is to me, I wanted it soooo much and I was super happy when I received it , I can't wait to add charms to it, but first I want a safety chain so I won't lose it.
- Bratara Pandora este clar preferata anului, am primit-o cadou in decembrie de la prietenul cumnata si nepotica mea, nici nu pot sa descriu in cuvinte cat de speciala si draga imi este, mi-am dorit-o extrem de mult si am fost incredibil de fericita cand am primit-o, de-abia astept sa mai adaug charm-uri la ea, insa primul pe lista este un lant de siguranta pemtru ca vreau sa stiu ca nu are cum sa-mi scape de la mana.
What were your favourite products in the month of Devember? :D
Ce produse ati indragit voi in luna decembrie? :D
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***