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Iherb Haul


Wooohoooooo :)

   Nici nu-mi aduc aminte cat timp a trecut de la ultimul meu haul :)) Anul acesta am stat destul de prost cu banii, am facut mici cumparaturi, dar nu am avut niciodata suficiente produse ca sa merite sa fac un haul. Planuiam aceasta comanda de ceva vreme, aveam nevoie de cateva produse de pe site si cum am primit banutii (ii multumesc prietenului meu :*:*) am si dat comanda. Deobicei comenzile imi ajungeau intr-o saptamana, o saptamana si jumatate, de data acesta a ajuns dupa 19-20 de zile, eram super panicata pentru ca era o comanda maricica (cel putin pentru mine :D) si nu voiam sa fiu atat de ghinionista si sa nu primesc coletul. Cand am fost anuntata ca a sosit am fost extrem de bucuroasa, am fost sa-l ridic si mai aveam putin si dansam in Posta de fericire haha :D Acum sa va arat ce-am cumparat:

   I can't even remember when I did my last haul, it was ages ago :)) Well, this year money was pretty tight so I only bought like one thing at a time so I didn't have enough hauling material. I was planning to order from Iherb for a while now, I needed a lot of stuff from their website, I got the money (they were a gift from my lovely boyfriend) and I went for it :)) I usually get my order in about a week, a week and a half, this time my order arrived after 19-20 days, so I was freaking out a little bit because I was afraid it got lost and it was a pretty big order (for me at least), I was so relieved when I got the package, I almost did my happy dance in the postal office haha :)) Now let me show you what I got :D

 For myself:

  • Queen Helen Cocoa Butter Natural Face Scrub - 170g - 3.74$ (pretul m-a incantat cel mai mult si cum m-am plictisit de cel de la Ivatherm am zis sa incerc si altceva, pana sa-mi vina comanda am aflat ca pe lista de ingrediente a produsului se afla si SLS-ul ceea ce nu ma incanta foarte tare, o sa-l folosesc totusi, dar pe viitor o sa am mai multa grija / the price is what made me buy it, unfortunately I found out that the product contains SLS :( I will use it though, but next time I will be a lot more careful when buying a product);
  • Thayers Alcohol-Free Toner Original Witch Hazel - 355ml - 7.96$ (nu aveam niciun toner si imi doream sa introduc unul in rutina de ingrijire, am inteles ca acesta este unul dintre cele mai bine vandute tonere de pe Iherb si avea foarte multe review-uri pozitive asa ca l-am ales pe el / I wasn't using a toner so I wanted to buy one, from what I've read this is one the best selling toners on Iherb and it has a lot of positive reviews);
  • BWC Maximum Moisture Cream - 56g - 11.39$ (sunt putin dezamagita pentru ca m-am grabit si n-am vazut ca la sfarsitul listei se afla alcoolul, are o gramada de ingrediente foarte bune, bune si cativa iritanti, dar voiam sa ma feresc in special de alcool. M-am cam saturat sa tot imi cumpar creme, o sa strang bani sa investesc in una foarte buna /I am a little disappointed that I didn't see the alcohol at the end of the ingredients list, it does have some awesome ingredients and also some irritants, but the alcohol is what I don't really like. I'm getting tired of buying creams, I will save up some money and buy a very good one soon);
  • Eucerin Gentel Hydrating Cleanser, Fragrance Free - 237ml - 6.25$ (am aflat pentru prima data despre acest cleanser de la minunata Georgiana - Georgia's Mirror, daca nu stiti deja, Georgiana are un ten superb si sunt foarte atenta la ce produse incearca si ce produse ii plac :D / I found out about this cleanser from the lovely Georgiana - Georgia's Mirror, if you didn't know already she has amazing skin, i love to read about the skin products she uses and loves :D)

  • Ceaiul si pastilutele le-am primit gratuit, am avut si o oglinda, dar am uitat sa o includ in fotografie, eram foarte curioasa de pastile, daca o sa isi faca efectul am de cand sa cumpar produsul intreg. Ceaiul nu am apucat sa-l folosesc inca, dar acum ca mi-am adus aminte de el o sa-l beau asta seara :)) / The tea bag and the pills were sent to me for free, I also had an Iheb mirror that I forgot to photograph. I was really curious about the pills and I can't wait to see if they really work. If they do I want to buy the full size product. Good thing that I remembered about the tea, I am going to drink it tonight :D
  • Knorr, Roasted Chicken Gravy Mix & Knorr, Roasted Pork Gravy Mix; Gravy-ul este un sos pe care-l mananca americanii (eu de la ei am auzit de el, probabil ca se mananca si in alte tari, dar nu stiu ce alte denumiri mai are) si se poate face de la zero si la noi, nu e necesar sa cumparati pliculetele, dar pentru ca imi e lene si voiam sa le incerc, mi-am cumparat unul pentru pui si unul pentru porc :D /  The gravy sauce is an American thing (at least that's were I heard about it, it probably has other names in other countries, I don't really know), you can make it form scratch, but I'm lazy and I wanted to try the ones from Knorr, I have one for chicken and one for pork  - 37g - 1.28$
Pentru familia mea / For my family:

  • NescafĂ©, Taster's Choice, 100% Colombian, Instant Coffee, 20 Packets - 2gr/pliculet - 4.45$ Pentru ca prietenul meu este un mare bautor de cafea am zis sa ii cumpar niste cafea, sunt curioasa daca o sa ii placa, momentan nu a apucat sa o incerce pentru ca a fost plecat din tara, dar maine dimineata o sa ii pregatesc una :) / My boyfriends loves coffee so i wanted to surprise him with something that he hasn't tried until now, I hope he likes it, he didn't get the chance to try it out yet, but tomorrow morning i'm making one for him :D;
  • Now Foods, BetterStevia, Zero Calorie Sweetener, Original, 100 Packets - 100gr - 5.95$ - Pentru ca mama a renuntat complet la zahar si mi-a povestit odata de stevia, mi-am adus aminte cand am dat comanda si pentru ca era la super oferta am zis sa ii fac o surpriza si sa o incerce / I remembered that my mom wanted to try Stevia and because there was a really good offer I bought it and surprised her with it;
  • NescafĂ©, Taster's Choice Instant Coffee, House Blend, 22 Packets - 2gr/pliculet - 4.45$ Acesta a fost un mic cadou pentru bunica mea si ea bea cafea zilnic si m-am gandit sa incerce si altceva :) / This was a little gift for my grandma she drinks coffee every morning and i wanted her to try something else for a change :)
   Singurul care a ramas pe dinafara a fost tata, am vrut sa ii cumpar un gem, dar din pacate coletul meu depasea greutatea admisa pentru transport gratuit :( La urmatoarea comanda o sa ii iau doua bunatati ca sa ma revansez fata de el :D / As you can see I did not get anything for my dad, I wanted to buy him a jam, but unfortunately it was too heavy and with the jam in my shopping basket I couldn't qualify for free shipping :( Next time I'll make sure I get him at least two goodies :D

   Daca sunteti la prima comanda puteti sa folositi codul meu de reducere RUX029, primiti 5$ reducere daca comanda voastra este mai mica de 40$ si 10$ reducere daca comanda voastra depaseste 40$, nu-mi aduc aminte exact cat la % primesc daca folositi codul meu, cred ca 4%, in orice caz nu sunteti obligate sa-l folositi, sunt o gramada de coduri pe internet, toate sunt de afiliati, deci altcineva va beneficia de cei 4% . / If you are a first time customer at Iherb you can use my discount code RUX029, you will get 5& off if your order is under 40$ and 10$ off if your order is over 40$, I don't remember how much I get if you use my code, I think i get 4%, you can use what code you want, all of them are affiliate codes, so somebody is getting 4%.

   Ati comandat pana acum de la Iherb? Ce produse ati incercat si v-au placut? :) / Did you order from Iherb? What products did you get and liked? :)

   Toate link-urile sunt de afiliat, daca dati click si cumparati prin intermediul link-ului meu se va adauga automat codul meu de reducere atunci cand veti comanda, daca nu vreti asta, cautati numele produsului pe Iherb. / All my links are affiliate links, if you order from Iherb through them at checkout my discount code will be added automatically, if you don't want that please search for the products on Iherb.

O seara buna va doresc, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely day or night (it depends where you live haha), many kisses :*:*:*