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Cute blazers for autumn!


Hello! :D

And maybe you are going to say: What? Are you out of your mind? It is still summer, autumn is not here yet :D Well, I hate to tell you, but autumn is almost here, soon it is going to be pretty chilly in the morning and in the evening and the blazer will be perfect for keeping you warm and looking stylish at the same time! You can wear them with pretty much everything, with shorts, pants, dresses, there's a blazer for every occasion :) In today's blog post I am going to talk about my favourite blazers, why I like them and how I would wear them and I am also my wishlist a little bit longer haha :))

Si poate o sa ziceti: Cum? Ai innebunit? Inca e vara, mai e pana vine toamna :D Nu mai este chiaaaar atat de mult, in curand diminetile si serile vor deveni mai racoroase si-un blazer este perfect pentru a ne tine de cald si a arata stylish in acelasi timp! Merg incorporate in absolut orice tinuta, la pantaloni scurti, la pantaloni lungi, la rochii, in functie de stilul abordat exista un blazer pentru orice ocazie :) In postarea de astazi am sa va povestesc despre blazerele care-mi plac, de ce ma atrag si cum le-as purta si cu ocazia asta in maresc si wishlist-ul haha :))

I am a big fan of them, I especially love the boyfriend blazers, my new obsessions is neon so I really, really want a neon boyfriend blazer, it is currently on my wishlist and I think I am going to get it soon :D I foresee that I am going to wear them a lot this autumn with skinny jeans/boyfriend jeans and boots or with flared jeans and heels:

Eu una sunt o mare fana a lor, imi plac in mod special cele boyfriend, cum ultima mea obsesie este neonul, un blazer neon se afla momentan pe lista mea de dorinte, dorinta ce s-ar putea sa mi-o indeplinesc cat de curand :D Prevad de atfel ca le voi purta foarte mult in aceasta tomana, combinate cu blugi skinny si bocanci sau pantaloni evazati si ghetute cu toc/talpa ortopedica:

My second choice would be blazers that have interesting stitches, different type of materials combine or some type of applications (that black blazer is to die for) : 

A doua alegere a mea ar fi blazerele care au cusaturi interesante, combinatii diferite de materiale si tot felul de aplicatii:

And for the moments that I feel romantic, I would opt for a delicate floral blazer or a lace blazer (I think I've been living under a rock because I've never seen these before), I find them to be very elegant and they go really well with feminine dresses:

Si pentru momentele in care ma simt eu asa mai romantica, as opta pentru blazere inflorate sau din dantela (poate am fost ascunsa sub o piatra si nu le-am vazut pana acum) mi se par tare elegante si potrivite pentru a fi asortate la rochite feminie:

Do you like the blazers from tidebuy that I showed you? Do you have a favorite kind of blazer that you like to wear? If so, in what combinations do you like to wear it? :) I can wait to style my blazers this autumn :D

You can check for more blazers here:

Va plac alegerile mele de tidebuy? Voi aveti un tip preferat de blazer? Daca da, in ce combinatii va place sa-l purtati? :) Eu una de-abia astept sa fac diverse combinatii toamana aceasta :D

Puteti sa vedeti mai multe blazere aici:

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***