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My Week In Photos (18.07-24.08)



The fact that summer is almost ending saddens me, but also makes me feel happy at the same time, it's a mixture of feelings that I get almost every year. Every season is beautiful in its own way, but I've always waited with great enthusiasm for summer to come because in my mind it's holiday time, the moment we all awaited anxiously when we were in school so I am always going to love it, even though I struggle with the high temperatures that it comes with :) The week was a quiet one, I feel like I have grown a little, matured a little bit more, I am wiser haha :))

Faptul ca vara e pe sfarsite ma intristeaza si ma bucura in acelasi timp, e un mix de sentimente ce-l resimt cred ca in fiecare an. Fiecare anotimp e frumos in felul lui si desi nu-s o fana infocata a caldurii, vara am asteptat-o de fiecare data cu mult entuziasm pentru ca in mintea mea a ramas perioada vacantei, perioada pe care multi dintre noi o asteptau cu drag pe vremea cand eram scolari, asa ca intotdeauna imi va fi draga, chiar daca cateodata ma chinuie cu temperaturile ei ridicate :) Saptamana ce tocmai s-a incheiat a fost una linistita, simt c-am mai crescut, ca m-am mai maturizat putin, ca-s mai inteleapta haha :)) 

Monday / Luni
I think I have to start taking memory pills because lately I always forget things haha :)) I can't remember what I did on the first part of the day, but when my parents returned from their vacation we drank a little bit of champagne because it was my grandma's birthday :D

Cred ca trebuie sa incep sa iau pastile pentru memorie pentru ca am inceput sa uit haha :)) Nu-mi aduc aminte ce-am facut in prima parte a zileii, dar seara cand s-au intors ai mei din concediu am ciocnit un pahar de sampaie cu ocazia zilei de nastere a bunicii mele :D

Tuesday / Marți
I've started the day with a rum cappuccino and a grilled cheese sandwich and then we left to celebrate my grandma's birthday with the rest of the family because we celebrated it during the week I had the impression it was the week-end and my whole week got thrown off the track haha :)) I also did a little bit of shopping :D

Mi-am inceput ziua cu un cappuccino cu rom si un sandwich cu cascaval facut la la tigaie (ce grill sau sandwichmaker, la tigaie e genial ♥) si-apoi am plecat sa sarbatorim ziua de nastere a bunicii mele cu restul familiei, pentru ca am sarbatorit in timpul saptamanaii, am avut impresia ca e week-end si mi s-a dat toata saptamana peste cap haha :)) Am facut si cateva mici cumparaturi :D

Wednesday / Miercuri
I had some errands to run and on my way to the things I had to do I stopped to take a look at a new shop I heard a lot of great things about, heaven on earth, I did a little bit of shopping again :D

Am avut treaba prin oras si-am trecut si pe la mult laudatul magazin cu produse englezesti (Hello Free Z One Discount, e raiul pe pamant acolo, n-am plecat cu mana goala :D

Thursday / Joi
Did a lot of cleaning :/ Because I don't have anything to show you from that day, I am going to show you this week's outfit, have you seen it? :D Asymmetric vest!

Curatenie, curatenie si iarasi curatenie :/ Pentru ca n-am nicio poza sa va arat, va arat tinuta de marti, ati vazut-o? :D Asymmetric vest!

Friday / Vineri
Cooked out favourite meal and ran some errands again, did a little bit of blogging in the evening :)

Am pregatit felul nostru preferat de mancare si-apoi am avut ntreaba prin zona, spre seara am scris cate ceva pentru blog :)

Saturday / Sâmbătă
I had some stuff to do for the blog, I've showed you a picture of me with glasses (which I rarely wear because I can't get used to them even though I've been wearing them since I was a kid) and in the evening we went to get a drink, but ended up getting a Profiterole instead haha :D

Am avut cateva lucruri de facut pentru blog, v-am aratat si cum arat cu ochealri de vedere (pe care ii port rar pentru ca nu pot sa ma obisnuiesc cu ei desi port ochelari de cand eram foarte mica) si spre seara am iesit la un suc care s-a transformat intr-un Profiterol delicios :D

Sunday / Duminică
We had some stuff to do in the first part of the day, after that a small photo shoot for a new outfit and then we rested for the rest of the day and ended the day with TV-shows and movies :D

Duminica am avut treaba in prima parte a zilei, apoi o rapida sedinta foto si tot restul zilei ne-am odihnit, am incheiat ziua cu seriale si filme :D

How was your week? :D

 Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D

You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @missrux :D

Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @missrux :D

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***