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Fashion Friday: Keep calm and blog on!



Besides liking lace, animal print, denim and a variety of prints, I also likes neons :)) I have always thought that neon colors look good only on medium to dark skin, tanned skins, but I guess I was wrong because I know think that they do look good on people with fair skin (I am the living proof today, it might be mistaken and it could like hell on me :D, but what can you do when you like something that much?). So I have a new pair of neon sandals from MiniPrix and of course as any other new pair of shoes they are killing my feet, I always choose to wear new shoes when I go on long walks :)) But I didn't have too much time to think about the pain because I had a wonderful time with Julie that day and I was saying in one of my previous posts, when you are having fun you forget about problems in general, especially problems caused by evil shoes haha :)))

Pe langa dantela, animal print, denim si o multitudine de print-uri, ma mai pasioneaza si neonul :)) Intotdeauna am avut impresia ca neonul se vede misto doar pe pielea inchisa la culoare, bronzata, dar se pare ca m-am inselat pentru ca sunt de parere ca se vede tare bine si pe persoanele cu pielea mai deschisa (dovada vie sunt eu astazi, e posibil insa sa ma insel si sa arate ca naiba :D, dar daca omului ii place neonul, ce sa-i faci?). Mi-am tras de curand aceste sandale neon de la MiniPrix care evident ca orice alta pereche de incaltaminte mi-au omorat picioarele, pentru ca eu aleg sa port incaltaminte noua numai atunci cand am mult de mers pe jos si habar n-am cum o sa se comporte la drum lung :)) Dar nu prea am avut timp sa ma gandesc la durere pentru ca m-am conversat si hlizit aproape o zi intreaga cu Julie si atunci cand te distrezi (asa cum spuneam si intruna dintre  postarile trecute) uiti de durere si suparari cauzate de incaltaminte care iti vrea raul haha :))

I have always liked the: Keep calm and...something! messages, I don't why I find them to be so funny, maybe I have a weird sense of humor, but I find them to be hilarious. The shirt I am wearing to day is from hicustom, a website that offers the possibility to customize shirts, mugs, phone cases, etc. with all kind of messages or pictures (if you sign up now you receive a 10$ coupon). The whole process of making your custom shirt, mug, etc, is super simple, click, click, click, boom! You have your product haha :D I chose to make a shirt with the message: Keep calm and blog on! (gold writing of course :D), because there were many moments in my blogger life where I felt like quitting, I was angry at myself because I felt there can be more that I can do on this blog and I am not giving 100%. So every time I am feeling like this I just say to myself: Keep calm and blog on! :D :D :D 

Mi-au placut intotdeauna mesajele de tipul: Keep calm and.....ceva! Nu stiu de ce mi se par atat de haiose, na, poate am eu un simt al umorului dubios, nu stiu, cert e ca le gasesc haioase. Tricoul meu de astazi este de pe hicustom, un site care iti ofera posibilitate de a a personaliza tricouri, cani, huse de telefon, etc. cu tot felul de mesaje haiose sau mai serioase, imagini, etc. (daca va inregistrati acum primiti cadou un cupon in valoare de 10$). Tot procedeul de realizare al produsului pe care vi-l doriti e super simplu, click, click, click si boom gata produsul haha :D Eu am ales sa-mi fac un tricou cu mesajul: Keep calm and blog on! (evident scris cu auriu :D) pentru ca am avut multe momente in care am vrut sa renunt la tot nemultumita fiind de mine, am simtit ca nu dau tot ceea ce e mai bun din mine si nu fac tot ceea ce-mi sta in putere ca sa fac locsorul asta al meu in care va astept cu drag de fiecare data mai bun. Asa ca ori de cate ori ma incearca aceste sentimente imi zic: Calmeaza-te si blogareste cu spor! :D :D :D

Thank you very, very much Julie for the lovely pictures :*** / Multumesc tare, taaare mult Julie pentru frumoasele poze :***

Shirt / Tricou: hicustom;
Pants / Pantaloni: Stradivarius;
Clutch: Front Row Shop;
Watch / Ceas: Lacoste;
Sandals / Sandale: MiniPrix.

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi miunata, v-am pupat :***