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Review: L'oreal Sublime Soft Calming Gel-cream Wash


Hey! :)

Sometimes we are lucky enough to find the product we call Holy Grail (the mother of all products from that range or better yet the Chosen One), it's that product that makes your life feel complete (I am exaggerating a little bit of course :D) and sometime we keep looking  and looking for the perfect product for our needs and we remain in this looking stage for a long time. Well I am in this stage at the moment that's because I thought the products I was using have a problem, but lately I've been thinking that my skin has one :)) In today's post I am going to tell you why I think that and I am going to talk about a new product from my skin routine.

Cateodata avem norocul sa gasim acel produs pe care-l numim Holy Grail (mama tuturor produselor din categoria respectiva sau mai bine zis Alesul) si fara de care simtim ca viata noastra nu ar fi completa (exagerez bineinteles :D) si cateodata suntem in cautarea produsului perfect pentru nevoile noastre si ramanem mult si bine la stadiul acesta de  cautare. Eu la stadiul acesta ma aflu, asta pentru ca am crezut ca produsele au o problema, insa dupa atatea produse incercat cred ca tenul meu are una :)) In articolul de astazi am sa va povestesc de ce-am ajuns la concluzia asceasta si o sa va vorbesc despre un nou produs intrat in rutina mea de ingrijire a tenului.

Name / Denumire: L'oreal Sublime Soft Calming Gel-cream Wash;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: Stores that sell cosmetics / Hypermarket-uri si alte magazine care vand produse cosmetice;
Price? / Ce preţ are?: 20-25 lei;
Amount Cantitate: 150ml.

I bought this product at the recommendation of the lovely Ladybug, she told me she liked it a lot and that I should try, maybe I'll like it as much as she did, the thing that sold me to it was the fact that she told me that it doesn't dry out her skin. I waited for the product to be mentioned on her blog, took a photo of it so I don't forget what I have to get and went and bought it :)) Obviously the pink pretty packaging wins a lot of extra points, it looks so nice in my bathroom :D It comes in a squeeze tube, you have to be pretty careful when you squeeze it and I will tell you why immediately.

Am cumparat acest produs la recomandarea Buburuzei, mi-a povestit numai lucruri bune si frumoase despre el, iar ceea ce m-a facut sa-l vreau sa incerc a fost faptul ca mi-a spus ca nu ii usuca pielea. Am asteptat sa mentioneze despre acesta pe blogul ei, am facut o poza ca sa nu uit ce vreau sa cumpar si cu prima ocazie pe care am avut-o l-am infascat :)) Evident ca ambalajul super roz si girlie castiga puncte in plus de la mine, arata atat de dragut in baie, parca-l folosesc mai cu drag haha :D Ambalajul e realizat dintr-un plastic maleabil, pentru a scoate produsul din amabalaj trebuie sa apasam pe acesta, insa cu grija si-am sa va zic imediat de ce.

The Gel-cream Wash from L'oreal has a pearly white color and a very liquidy consistency (that's why I was saying that you have to be careful when you squeeze the product out), the consistency scared me a little bit I mean I am used to using products that have this consistency, but I thought this time I will have to use a lot of product to clean my face and that was a problem because the last product I was using was cheaper and the amount was bigger. The first time I have tried it I did apply too much and applied it directly to my wet skin, but I found that later on that I have to apply just a tiny bit on my fingers, lather it up in my hands and then apply it to my skin this is way is going to last me a lifetime haha :)) It is delicate with my skin, I recently found out that the area around my eyes is pretty sensitive, it didn't cause me any irritations on the face or in that area and I was really rubbing my eyes with it because I was trying to remove a mascara that is removing resistant :D Unfortunately it does dry out my skin a little bit so that's why I came to the conclusion that my skin has a problem, there is not a single product I have tried that doesn't dry out my skin, even the most praised product from iHerb dried my skin like crazy. I don't if I I will be repurchasing it, but I do like it a lot so I might :)

Gelul-crema de curatare de la L'oreal are culoarea alb perlat si are o consistenta foarte lichida (de aceea spuneam ca trebuie sa aveti grija sa nu apasati prea tare pe amabalaj), sincera sa fiu m-am speriat de consistenta, sunt obsinuta cu produsele care au o consistenta lichida, dar la acesta mi s-a parut ca este prea lichida si va trebui sa folosesc mai mult produs, ceea ce era o problema pentru ca gelul pe care-l foloseam inainte costa mai putin si cantitatea era mai mare. Prima data am pus intr-adevar mult produs si mi l-am aplicat direct pe fata umeda, dar cu timpul mi-am dat seama ca gresesc, trebuie sa aplic o cantitate super mica si sa fac mai intai spuma in mana apoi sa-l aplici pe fata, in ritmul asta cred ca o sa-mi ajunga o vesnicie :)) Curata delicat fata, am descoperit recent ca am zona ochilor destul de sensibila, nu mi-a provocat iritatii si nici nu m-a usturat zona desi am insistat ca sa pot curata un rimel rezistent la demachiere haha :D Din pacate n-am avut noroc nici de data aceasta, dar spre deosebire de produsul pe care-l foloseam inainte acesta imi usuca foarte putin tenul si tocmai de accea am ajuns la concluzia ca tenul meu e mofturos pentru ca nu a exista produs sa nu-mi usuce tenul, chiar si cel mai laudat produs de pe iHerb imi usca tenul ingrozitor, desi avea ingrediente mai mult decat ok. Momentan nu stiu daca-l voi reachzitiona, dar cu siguranta mi-a placut placere sa-l incerc asa ca orice este posibil :)

How you tried this product? How do you feel about it? :)

Ati incercat acest produs de curatare al fetei? Ce parere aveti voi despre el? :)

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***