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Holika Holika Petit BB Cream - Moisture


Buna seara, buna seara! (am venit cu sanioara haha :D)

   Imi era tare dor sa scriu, in ultima perioada am fost ocupata cu diverse lucruri si nu prea am avut timp de nimic :/ Dupa cum puteti observa, blogul meu are hainute noi, m-am plictisit de vechiul aspect si am vrut ceva simplu si aerisit, sunt foarte, foarte multumita de ceea ce am realizat si-mi place tare mult cum arata acum :D Luna acesta cat si putin din luna februarie o sa fie putin absenta din cauza licentei, am foarte mari emotii si nu ma pot concentra pe absolut nimic, de-abia astept sa trec cu bine si peste hopul acesta ca sa pot sa ma linistesc :)

   I had a lot of stuff on my mind, a lot of things to do and I didn't have time to write, I missed it sooo much. As you can see, my blog has a new template, I wanted something simple, I'm really pleased with the result, I love the way it looks now ♥  I won't have too much time for blogging this month and half of February because I have to prepare for my final exam, i'm very, very nervous and all have my mind is this exam.

   Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre un produs foarte indragit de mine, este unul dintre produsele mele preferate si n-as renunta la el pentru nimic in lume :D Dintre toate BB Cream-urile incercate pana acum acesta imi place si cu siguranta il voi reachizitiona in mai multe exemplare dupa ce-l termin :))

   Today I'll be talking about one of my favourite products in the world, the one product that I will repurchase and repurchase. This is my favourite BB Cream at the moment andI think it will be hard for me to find another one that's that good :)

Denumire/NameHolika Holika Petit BB Cream - Moisture;
De unde il pot achizitiona/Where can i buy it from?: Ebay, Pretty & Cute;
Cat costa?/ How much does it cost?: 5.50 - 7.50 $;
Cantitate: 35 ml;
Alte observatii/ Other observations:
  • 5 variante disponibile / there are 5 Petit BB Creams : Essentials, Moisture , Shimmery, Watery & Clearing
  • Moisture (cea despre care va vorbesc) este pentru persoanele care au nevoie de hidratarea, are propietati anti-ageing si se spune ca are un efect benefic asupra ridurilor. / Petit BB Cream Moisture is for people who have dry skin, it is good for anti-ageing and wrinkle improvment;
  • SPF 30;

   Produsul vine ambalat intr-un tubulet de plastic pe care apesi, plasticul e foarte moale si daca nu sunt atenta mi se intampla sa scot mai mult produs decat as avea nevoie. La fel ca la majoritate BB Cream-urilor coreene ambalajul este foarte dragut si girly, imi place foarte mult :D

   The product comes in a squeeze tube, it's really easy to squeeze the product out of the tube, but you must be careful to not squeeze too much. As always with the Korean BB Cream the packaging is really cute and girly, i absolutely 
love it ♥

    Are o consistenta groasa, mai groasa decat a BB Cream-uluui de la Missha (Missha Review Here). Dupa cum puteti observa din swatch culoarea este putin mai inchisa decat culoare pielii mele, dar aplicat nu se observa vreo diferenta, chiar si atunci cand oxideaza tot nu se observa diferenta. Are un miros fructat-dulceag, sunt sensibla la anumite mirosuri, dar acesta nu ma deranjeaza.

  It has a pretty thick consistency, just like the Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream (Missha Review Here). As you will see from my swatch the color is a little bit darker than my skin tone, but when I apply it you can't see the difference, even after it oxidize you can't see the difference. It has a sweet fruity scent, I don't like it that much, but it doesn't bother me either.

Dupa 20 de minute / After 20 minutes

   Se intinde foarte frumos, eu il aplic cu degetele, cateodata il aplic si cu pensula daca vreau o acoperire mai mare. Are o acoperire medie-mare, mi se pare ca are o putere de acoperire mult mai mare decat a celui de la Missha. Finish-ul nu este mat, are un finis usor lucios (eu am tenul mixt) care imi place tare mult. Dureaza cam intre 4-5 ore pana incepe sa-mi luceasca zona T, dar asta e si din cauza pudrei pe care o folosesc (astept pudra de la Ben Nye). Sta frumos pe ten toata ziua, nu se misca sau dispare. Nu rezista foarte bine la transfer, il vad pe telefon, dar am avut altele si mai rele :))

   It blends really nice, I like to use my fingers to apply it, sometimes I use my brush if i want more coverage. It has a medium to high coverage, to me it seems that it has more coverage than the Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream. It has a dewy finish (I have combination skin) that i like, not oily, my T zone starts to shine in about 4-5 hours (I have a powder that i absolutely hate, i'm waiting for my Ben Nye one :D). I can wear it all day, and it still looks nice after i get home, it doesn't move or disappear from my face. It transfers on my phone, but not as much as other foundations or BB Creams, but I can see it there :)

Fara BB Cream / Without BB Cream

Un strat/ One layer

Doua Straturi / Two layers

   Pentru cei 18-25 de lei pe care ii platesc pentru el (transport gratuit) primesc un produs minunat cu o acoperire foarte buna, tenul meu este hidratat (l-am folosit si fara crema) si culoarea se potriveste tenului meu. Recomand cu mare incredere acest BB Cream ♥

   For the 5-7 dollars that I pay for it (free shipping) this is an awesome product, it has great coverage,    I feel that my skin is hydrated throughout the day (I used it without a cream because I totally forgot to apply one) and it matches my skin color :)) I highly recommend this BB Cream! ♥

O seara minunat va doresc, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, kisses :*:*:*