Anul acesta mi-am propus sa experimentez mai mult cand vine vorba despre machiaj si sa incerc sa fiu cat mai creativa, incerc sa-mi parasesc zona de confort :)) In general port doar culori neutre, cred ca mi se potrivesc cel mai bine, dar acum incerc sa folosesc cat mai multe culori, poate o sa reusesc sa ma indragostesc de cateva dintre ele si sa le folosesc in fiecare zi :)
This year I want to experiment more with my make-up and try to be more creative, I'm trying to leave my comfort zone :)) I usually wear only neutral shades, I think they suit me the most, but now I'm trying to love all colors and use them, maybe I'll find some that I would really love and wear them on a daily basis :)
In ultima vreme se pare ca m-am indragostit de mov, nu stiu sa zic de ce, imi plac foarte mult nuantele inchise de mov in pliu, inca incerc sa ma "imprietenesc" si cu cele mai deschise. Asa cum cred ca stiti deja, dupa fiecare review in care am vorbit despre farduri urmeaza un machiaj in care le-am folosit si asta o sa va arat astazi, din pacate nu o sa fie un tutorial pentru ca n-am crezut ca o sa-mi iasa binisior machiajul si nu am pozat momentele in care il faceam, astazi mai mult m-am jucat, dar o sa incerc sa explic ce-am facut (m-am uitat toata ziua la videoclipuri pe Youtube). Sa incepem (imi cer scuze pentru tinuta mea care nu se potriveste, am pus prima data bluza, apoi mi-am pus esarfa si am uitat sa schimb bluza :D)
I've been on a purple craze lately, I don't know really why, I do like the darker shades of purple in my crease, I'm still working on the relationship with the lighter shades. As you know by now after I review eye shadows (Too Faced The Return of Sexy) I like to use them in a make-up tutorial and this is what I will be doing today only it's not going to be a tutorial with pictures because I didn't take any when I was creating it and this is why: this is my first cut crease make-up experiment and I didn't know if it will look good enough to post it so I didn't take pictures, but I will try to explain how to do it (I watched some Youtube tutorials). So let's begin :) (please excuse my outfit, I don't know what i was thinking with that blouse, I had it on first and then I added the scarf and forgot to change :D)
How I achieved this look and what colors I used:
1. Am aplicat pe toata pleoapa corectorul de la L'oreal si primerul de la Too Faced apoi cu ajutorul creionului dermatograf negru am trasat o linie un pic mai sus de pliul ochiului si cu ajutorul unei pensule am blenduit / I applied my L'oreal concealer and Shadow Insurance on my lid and before adding any color I lined just my crease with my Too Faced eye liner in Pefect Black (a little above the crease) and blended it a bit.
2. Am aplicat culoarea 1 peste creion si am urcat catre arcada, de fiecare data cand aplicam culoare aveam grija sa blenduiesc (daca nu faceti asta si tot adaugati culoare s-ar putea sa nu mai puteti blendui bine culoarea ) si am tot adaugat culoare pana am fost multumita / I applied color 1 on the eye liner and went up with it to my brow bone (make sure to blend as you go if you add to much color it will be very hard to blend at the end) I did this until I was happy with the way it looked.
3. Am aplicat pe pleoapa nyx jumbo pencil in nuanta milk cu ajutorul unei pensule si peste am aplicat culoarea 2 / I used nyx jumbo eye pencil in milk on the part of the lid where I had nothing on and I applied color 2.
4. In coltul extern al ochiului am aplicat culoarea 3 / On the outer corner of the lid I applied color 3.
5. Pe arcada am amestecat culorile 2+4+5 / On the brow bine I used a mix between 2+4+5.
5. La sfarsit am folosit acelasi creion pentru a imi linia ochii si am folosit culorile 2 si 1 pentru pleoapa inferioara / At the end i lined my eyes using the same eye liner and in the lower lid I applied color 2 and 1.
Nu stiu cat de bine m-am descurcat, mie-mi place foarte mult, dar stiu ca trebuie sa mai exersez. Pentru prima incercare cred ca arata destul de ok, nu-i asa? Daca aveti sfaturi, le accept cu cea mai mare placere, vreau sa-mi perfectionez tehnica si vreau sa incerc cat mai multe machiaje cut crease, va rog sa-mi spuneti daca am gresit undeva :D Aveam o pereche de gene false, dar am renuntat la ideea de a le aplica pentru ochiul meu e foarte sensibil in coltul intern si n-am vrut sa stric machiajul :)
I don't know if I did a good job, I like it a lot, but I know I have to practice some more. I think it looks ok for my fist attempt, don't you think so? :)) If you have any advice to give me please do, I want to know how to perfect my technique, I really want to try more cut creases in the future, let me know if I did something wrong :D I had some false lashes and I wanted to use them, but my eye gets a little bit sensitive in the inner corner when I use them and I didn't want to ruin the make-up.
Produse folosite / Products used:
- Ochi/Eyes: L'oreal Concealer, Too Faced Shadow Insurance, Too Faced The Return Of Sexy eye shadow palette, Too Faced Perfect Eyes waterproof eyeliner, Maybelline The Falsies Mascara - waterproof.
- Fata/Face: Farmasi Stay Matte shade 2, e.l.f all over cover stick - Apricot Beige, Ben Nye Buff powder, bronzer E.l.f. in nuanta Matte Bronze, No7 Sunkissed Bronzer
- Buze/ Lips: Sephora lip pencil, Pixi Rose Lip Treat No. 4 LipPetal (multumesc frumos Gabriela, il folosesc in fiecare zi de cand l-am primit :*)
- Sprancene/Eyebrows: creion pentru sprancene Rimmel 01 Black Brown, alverde brow gel 02 brown.
E perfect pentru o seara in club sau orice alt eveniment :) O sa-l incerc si cu nuante neutre, sunt super curioasa cum o sa arate :D
I really hope you liked it, I promise next time I will have a tutorial :) I don't think I'm going to wear this make-up look very often, it's a little bit too much for me, but it's great for night out :) Next I want to try it with some neutral shades to see how it looks :D
Ce parere aveti, va place? Unde l-ati purta? / So what do you think, do you like it? Where would you wear it?
Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :* / Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*