Holaaaa! :D
Nu sunt o persoana norocoasa, norocul nu este prietenul meu, as putea spune ca ma cam uraste :)) Pentru prima data in viata mea, luna Decembrie a fost una dintre cele mai norocoase luni. Am castigat de sarbatori un concurs organizat de Sephora si Doamne Dumnezeule cadoul meu este minunat! :D Acestea sunt primele mele produse de la Too Faced, imi tremurau mainile cand deshideam pachetul (stiu ca suna ciudat, dar mi le doream tare mult) si sunt atat de frumoase, pana si ambalajele lor sunt super dragute, nici n-am vrut sa le arunc :D
I'm not a lucky person, luck is not my friend, actually he pretty much hates me :)) For the first time in my life the month of December was a very lucky month. I won a Sephora contest and Oh Boy! my prize is awesome :)) These are my first Too Faced products, my hands were shaking as I was opening the package (I know it sounds weird, but i wanted them sooo much) and omg they are sooo pretty, even the packaging is awesome, I didn't want to throw it away :))
Acesta paleta face parte din colectia de toamna 2012, se mai gaseste inca in unele magazine Sephora asa ca m-am gandit sa ii fac un mic review si sa swatchuiesc culorile acum cat inca se mai gaseste :)
This palette was from the fall collection, but you can still find it in some Sephora stores so I thought I would review it and show you some swatches now while you can still get it in stores.
Denumire/Name: Too Faced The Return Of Sexy Palette;
De unde il pot achizitiona/Where can i buy it from?: Sephora or toofaced.com;
Cat costa?/ How much does it cost?: 198 lei / 48 $;
Cantitate: 15gr paleta - 1.20gr creionul / 0.53oz the palette - 0.04oz the eyeliner
Alte observatii/ Other observations:
- paleta vine impreuna cu un Too Faced Perfect Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner - Perfect Black in varianta full size si Too Faced Shadow Insurance in varianta deluxe size 5gr. / the palette comes with a full size Too Faced Perfect Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner in Perfect Black and a deluxe size of their Shadow Insurance eye primer.
- Inauntru paletei gasiti trei cartonase, fiecare din ele avand cate doua look-uri create cu nuantele din paleta, unul de zi si unul de seara / you will also find inside three how-to cards with some ideas on how you could use the colors to achieve day and night make-up looks.
In primul rand trebuie sa vorbesc despre paleta in sine, este facuta dintr-un plastic dur si are un design extrem de frumos, pot spune ca sunt uimita de cat de frumoasa ea, pare scumpa :D Inauntrul ei o sa gasiti 15 farduri care sunt organizarte in trei colectii: The Ingenue, The Icon si The Bombshell. Singura problema pe care o am cu paleta este ca se deschide foarte greu (sau n-am gasit eu inca cea mai buna metoda de a o deschide), in rest nu ma nemulltumeste nimic altceva. Aprope toate fardurile sunt cu sclipici, unul singur are un finish satinat, daca iubiti fardurile mate atunci paleta aceasta nu cred ca o sa va placa.
First of all I have to say that the packaging is amaaazing (I already said that i know, but it's really awesome), it's made from a really sturdy plastic and it has really cool design, it looks expensive :)) Inside you will find 15 eye shadows, they are organized in three collections: The Ingenue, The Icon and The Bombshell. I do have a problem with opening the palette, it's a little hard to do it. Almost all the eyeshadow are shimmery/glittery, only one of them has a satin finish, if you are a big fan of matte eye shadows then, you will not like this palette.
The Ingenue
Naive, Ingenue, Innocent, New In Town, Casting Couch.
Iubesc maroul si auriul atunci cand vine vorba de farduri (si nu numai) ♥ Culorile sunt superbe, New In Town este singura culoare care este slab pigmentata, dar poate fi aplicata pe centrul pleoapei (cunoasteti obsesia mea) si va arata minunat.
I love my browns and golds ♥ The colors are beautiful, New In Town is less pigmented than the other eye shadows, but you can use it on the center of the eyelid and it would look awesome.
The Icon
Pink Diamond, Icon, Divorcee, Hopeless Romantic, Primadonna.
De curand a inceput sa-mi placa si movul, daca sunteti fani infocati ai acestei culori atunci cu siguranta o sa iubiti fardurile de mai sus. Pink Diamond este singura culoarea care are un finish satinat din paleta, Icon si Primadona sunt mai slab pigmentate.
I recently started liking purple a lot and if you are a purple love then you would love all of these eye shadows. Pink Dimond is the only satin finish eye shadow from this palette, Icon and Primadoona are a little bit less pigmented than the others.
The Bombshell
7 Year Itch, Bombshell, Hollywood, Maneater, Beautymark.
Asa cum vedeti in swatch-uri, 7 Year Itch si Beautymark stau mai prost la capitolul pigmentare, ca sa pot sa swatchuiesc Beautymeark a tot trebui sa insist. Boombshell este cel mai frumos argintiu pe care l-am vazut pana acum, e foarte, foarte pigmentat.
As you will see from my swatches 7 Year Itch and Beautymark are less pigmented then the others, I had a really hard time trying to swatch Beautymark. I love Bombshell, it's the pretties silver I have ever seen, super buttery and really pigmented :D
Nu am folosit un primer atunci cand le-am swatchuit si nici n-am insitat sa adaug cat mai multa culoare, atat de pigmentate sunt ele. Bineinteles ca daca o sa folositi un primer vor fi incredibil de pigmentate haha :))) Nu a trebuit sa curat foarte mult dupa ce le-am aplicat, daca lucrati cat de cat atent nu o sa aveti probleme cu ele. Sunt foarte blenduibile, n-am avut nicio problema la capitolul acesta. Per total imi place tare mult paleta, desi ador fardurile mate si simt ca ma reprezinta cel mai bine, din cand in cand imi place sa incerc si altceva :D Daca sunteti in cautarea unor fardui pigmentate si sclipicioase atunci cu siguranta o sa va placa foarte mult paleta :)
I didn't use a primer, I swatched them directly on my hand and I also didn't insist on adding more color, this is how pigmented they are. Of course if you are going to use a primer then all the shadows will be crazy pigmented haha :D There will be a little fallout when applying them, but nothing too serious. They are very blendable I didn't have a problem with them. Overall i'm really liking this palette, though i'm matte eyshadows lover I must admit that sometimes i love to sparkle my make-up :D So if you are looking for some pretty shimmery/glittery eye shadows then this is the palette for you :)
Am si un tutorial in care le folosesc, cred ca maine sau poimaine o sa fie pe blog :)
I have a make-up look where I used some of the eye shadows coming very soon (I think tomorrow or on Tuesday) :)
As vrea sa le multumesc tare mult celor de la Sephora si pentru cele trei mini produse pe care mi le-au trimis / I would also like to thank Sephora for the little additional gifts I have received :)
Daca vreti sa va vorbesc si despre celalalte produse pe care le-ati vazut in postare, va rog sa-mi spuneti :D / If you want me to review something let me know, i would love to :D
Ce parere aveti despre paleta? O aveti? Ati cumpara-o? :) / So what do you think about this palette? Do you have it? Would you buy it? :)
Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :* / Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*