Daca va mai aduceti aminte wishlist-ul meu de Craciun atunci cu siguranta stiti ca imi doream tare mult niste bigudiuri electrice. Mosul mi-a citit lista (asta vreau eu sa cred, fiind batran a trebuit sa ii tot amintesc :D) si mi-a adus aceste frumuseti ca sa pot arata minunat cu buclele mele :D Mai tarziu mi--am dat seamana ca imi doream un alt model, daaar nu ma deranjeaza deloc, sunt minunate ♥ Asta seara am sa va vorbesc despre si ele si o sa va arat cum le folosec :D
If you remember my Christmas wish list then you know that I wanted some hot rollers soooo bad, Santa read my wish list (no he didn't, but let's pretend that he did, he is old and I had to show it to him multiple times) got me this pretty babeh for Christmas so that I can look awesome with my curly hair :D Actually I wanted the KF20i, but somehow I forgot and I told him about these one instead, oh never mind they are awesome :D So today I will be talking about them and show you how I use them :D
Denumire/Name: Remington KF40E;
De unde il pot achizitiona/Where can i buy it from?: remington-style.ro, Media Galaxy si orice alt loc in care se vand produse Remington/ Remington websites or amazon;
Cat costa?/ How much does it cost?: remington-style.ro - 169lei - Media Galaxy- 165lei/ 35-45 euros;
Alte observatii/ Other observations:
- 20 de bigudiuri de dimensiuni diferite; 20 hot rollers - different sizes;
- 6 mari, 10 mijlocii si 4 mici / 6 big rollers, 10 medium rollers and 4 small ones;
- clipsuri cu prindere rapida si usoara/ 22 easy to put on clips;
- daca vreti sa cititi toate detaliile despre bigudiuri, le gasiti aici: KF40E / you can read here about them: KF40E.
Sa va arat ce bucle puteti obtine cu fiecare bigudiu in parte / Now let me show you the rolles and the curls you cam achieve with them.
Cu bigudiurile mari / With the big rollers you get this curl:
Cu bigudiurile mijlocii / With the medium rollers you get this curl:
Cu bigudiurile mici / With the small rollers you get this curl:
Mi le-am dorit pentru ca sunt o mare fana a buclelor si cateodata nu am timp sa mi le fac cu ondulatorul, se intampla sa am mai multe lucruri de facut in momentul acela si nu pot sa le fac daca stau cu mana pe ondulator. Cu bigudiurile electrice trebuie doar sa le bag in priza, sa astept 10-15 minute pana se incalzesc (timp in care fac altceva), sa le pun in par (dureaza maxim 10 minute) si apoi pot sa-mi vad de treaba. Sunt super usor de pus, recunosc ca prima data mi-a fost foarte greu, parca aveam doua maini stangic, acum le pun fara nicio problema :D Buclele nu tin la fel de mult ca atunci cand folosesc ondulatorul sau cel putin ale mele nu tin, dar arata fabulos :D Mi-ar fi placut foarte mult daca butonul rosu s-ar fi sting atunci cand se incalzeau bigudiurile, asa trebuie sa ma uit la ceas :) Si ma cam deranjeaza ca raman urme de la agrafa bigudiului, dar sunt foarte multumita de ele. Daca vreti ca parul vostru sa arate foarte bine intr-un timp foarte scurt, atunci aveti nevoie de ele :))
I wanted them because I'm a big fan of curls and sometimes I don't have time to curl my hair with the curler, I have to do other stuff with my hands and I can't if I'm using a curler. With these I just have to plug them, wait for about 10-15 minutes (I'm doing something while they heat up), put them in my hair (it takes me about 10 minutes) and then I can do my make-up or anything else that I have to do. They are really easy to put on, I had some problems at the beginning it was like I had two left hands, but now I put them on like a pro :)) The curls won't last as much as they last if you are using a curler, well.....mine don't (I have pretty fine hair), but they look fabulous :) I would have loved if the red light button would go out so I know when I can put them, but instead I have to watch the clock :D If you choose to use the pin on the roller it will leave marks on your hair, but you can just roll your hair on it. If you want your hair to look awesome in minutes, then you need them :D
Le-am folosit in tutorialul de Revelion: / I used them in my New Year's Eve Make-up Tutorial:
(promit ca am sa adaug maine o poza in care o sa-mi vedeti si mai bine buclele, am incercat sa fac o poza acum, dar sunt nemachiata si sa sperii chiar si pe mine :D)
Aveti bigudiuri electrice? Va plac? :D
Va doresc o seara minunat, v-am pupat :*:*:*